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Eight reasons to delight in a win for President Donald Trump

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 9 November 2016

I am a bad winner. I wanted Donald Trump to win and I wanted crooked Hillary Clinton to lose even more and my eight reasons why that would happen, published two months ago, proved 100% correct. I was punching the air all night as I stayed up watching the results. Georgia Yeeeees! North Carolina Yeeeeees! "Racist" Trump's share of the black & hispanic vote is up on 2012 - Yeeessss!!! Take that Matt Frei you ignorant bastard. Dippy Millennials in tears at Clinton HQ YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Oh what fun I had and so in the cold light of day, I list the eight moments that brought me most joy from the past 24 hours.

1. Seeing those smug and pathetic millennials who had, just hours earlier been blathering on about glass ceilings and how America rejected racism and Loves Trumps Hate, bursting into tears. Oh how I laughed as they blubbered. Oh please BBC show me that clip again. Waaaaaaa.

2. Seeing idiot Libs tweeting away #NotMypresident #StillwithHer. No folks get used to it he will be your President and he will be hers too. Don't these folks have proper jobs to go to? need to answer that.

3. Watching the TV liberal media hosts have to admit how useless they were. They just called it wrong because they were too lazy to crunch real data and so rarely got out of the bubble of the East Coast big cities. Next time Emily Maitlis and Matt Frei need to do a course on number crunching and data analysis then go meet real Americans in the flyover states.

4. Seeing James Delingpole tweet about how all those parasites employed in useless jobs tackling climate change would have to learn how to pour a milk shake at MacDonalds as they face getting real world jobs. Go on Donald, drain the solar swamp and fire all the climate change nutters now.

5. Looking back at those Guardian and Independent front pages promising us that the Dems had it in the bag. The Indy said Hillary was 99% certain to win. For those journalists perhaps following the suggestions for Emily Maitlis might be a good idea.

6. Seeing our politicians squirming. Paddy Pantsdown says that with Trump and Putin in power what we in Europe need to do is to integrate an ever more powerful EU . Jeepers talk about holding the little people in contempt. Do those fascist lefty MPs who wanted to ban candidate Donald Trump from the UK still want to ban the next POTUS?

7. Calling up various deluded lefties who had in the most patronising of ways insisted that Hillary would win. The same folk also told me we would vote against Brexit. Ha! There was also a call to Uncle Chris Booker, who believed the liberal media and their bent polls and not his nephew and was calling it late on Tuesday for crooked Hillary. Uncle Chris: ye of little faith, don't you know that the BBC tells only lies? When will you learn.

8. And finally we can now look forward to the FBI completing its investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Remember rich Dems got charity tax breaks to give cash to the charity which went on Chelsea's $3 million wedding. We must now pray that Hillary, the rapist Bill and their spoilt brat Chelsea all go to jail.

You know I try to be a good winner but I called this right and I backed a winner. In both cases got a fair bit of stick so I shall make no pretence of not gloating. I've been laughing and shouting at the TV all night as the useless liberal media and the dumb pundits flapped. I have celebrated as the establishment and an out of touch elite  has again got an almighty kicking.

It is a good day to be alive and a deplorable.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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