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UK’s libel laws and new media – imminent collision: Paedogeddon Westminster Issue

Tom Winnifrith
Saturday 3 November 2012

Last night Newsnight said it was going to expose a top Tory who was a serial and active paedophile. But it did not name him. Well as it happens we all know of one dead senior Tory (Peter Morrison) and most of us know a far more famous dead leading Tory in this camp. As for the one still alive: I do also know at least one name but in paedo-obsessed Britain no doubt others will emerge. I say will emerge … they are already out there.

I have just been sent a link to a blog outing 4 senior Tories as part of a paedo-ring. I have no intention of landing in Court over this since I am 99% sure that at least two of those named are 100-% innocent but you can find it without too much bother if you wish. Meanwhile #Newsnight on twitter throws up a few other candidates for this week’s Jimmy Savile prize, Westminster edition.

By tomorrow night there will have been a couple of dozen names in the frame. I would suggest that you can narrow your search down to those named most frequently to arrive at answers that the whole of Fleet Street knows anyway.
Politicians can gag a newspaper. It is something you can sue, take down for big damages etc. The press can be gagged. The internet cannot be suppressed. Servers are based abroad. Twitter accounts can be set up and reset up if closed down. The information gets out there and there is no point suing a bloke with a blog who has nothing. You achieve nothing.

I had supper with a lawyer on Thursday and he believes that the internet will see fierce controls on free speech imposed pretty soon. But how do you control a chap based in Ireland running a website owned by a Gibraltar company with a server in Albania? You cannot. Not can you stop anyone from setting up any number of twitter accounts and tweeting.

Some totally innocent Tories will be outed as paedos by tomorrow night. That is disgraceful. Their names will never be 100% cleared but they will be 99.9% when the guilty men are exposed, as will happen soon as the establishment is forced to act. Rather like the Royal family I expect that senior Tories both innocent and guilty will be issuing writs or talking of issuing writs as I speak. But the cat is out of the bag. New media will win again.

The inevitable victory of new media is of note. But the other point is that once again the Establishment has acted to cover up matters that most of us find beyond the pale. The BBC, the Political class (yes, Fleet Street also knows of Labour grandees with a penchant for far younger same sex liaisons) has turned a blind eye for years to what is clearly a monstrous scandal. It is the cover-up as much as the scandal that stinks.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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