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Tim Yeo MP – A Scumbag, sleazy MP tries to hide the truth of his failings

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 9 February 2014

Tim Yeo has been de-selected by his local Conservative association in the safe Tory seat of South Suffolk but of course it is not his fault is it?  Yeo is a member of the political class and so he knows better than we plebs.

This odious slug says that the shrinking membership of the Tories now has views which might make the party unelectable. Because of their “extreme” views on Europe and climate change they have got rid of him, a decent, hardworking, moderate compassionate conservative. It is hard to know where to start.

Yeo is famed at Westminster for trousering vast sums from green firms where he is a chairman, an investor or non-exec whilst at the same time pushing for ever more draconian policies (and taxpayer subsidies) to fight climate change. What he fails to appreciate is that:

1. Firstly this stinks as an arrangement

2. Secondly the case that man-made carbon emissions cause global warming, ooops I meant climate change, is – at best – far from proven and – at worst – totally debunked.

There is nothing extreme in saying you do not want an MP who wishes to screw the economy in the name of a fake religion and who trousers vast sums as a by-product of that.

On Europe, polls now show that the vast majority of ALL voters and a truly vast majority of Tories are Eurosceptic. Ardent Europhiles like Yeo are a small minority and it is they who are out of touch. There is nothing extreme in saying we need to renegotiate our relationship or leave the EU. That is the mainstream view.

Meanwhile Yeo lives nowhere near his constituency. In 2007-8 he managed to claim £153,000 for expenses including £900 for a pink laptop, £135 for repairing a pen, £3,000 for new shelves at his second home (where there is no office), £3,000 for dry cleaning, etc, etc.

Yeo is a poster boy for the troughing political class. His views are totally out of touch with those of “little people”. He is the sort of politician who makes little people, plebs, ordinary folks like you and I despise the political classes with such passion. Yet he cannot see that. He is so oblivious to reality that he blames his de-selection on “extremists.”

For all I know, South Suffolk Tories are a bunch of extremists. But in dumping this sleazy old man they have done the right thing. 

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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