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Project Fear - Dumbest Brexit claim of the day is from Anna Soubry, the thickest Tory MP in town?

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 15 March 2016

Earlier today I suggested a few more possible scare stories that the increasingly desperate "inners" campaign might spin in order to terrify us into not voting for Brexit. But even I did not think they would come up with a claim this daft.

Tory Minister Anna Soubry has just claimed on the BBC that if we left the EU, Britain would no longer be able to export anything to the EU. Anna knows we run a trade deficit with the EU so if we are blocked from that market and reciprocated the big loser would be the EU. She knows that before we joined the Common Market we were able to export to it. She knows that countries around the world export to the EU.

In short she knows that in stating that exports to the EU would " go down to almost absolutely zero if we come out" she is talking total bollocks.

Anna you cannot be serious. I cannot imagine Brexit heroine Pixie Lott who got straight As at GCSE being dumb enough to spout such piffle, truly Anna you are thick as two short planks if you think that the British people will now believe a word you say. Actually I rephrase. Anna you are quite simply as thick as two short planks.

How now will Project Fear trump this with an even more ludicrous claim? According to the inners just today we have now been told that if we vote for Brexit we will not only have no exports to the EU but the Russians will invade as well. What fiction will be unleashed tomorrow?

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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