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Hooray! The Mrs votes Tory for the first time ever...a small step

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 9 May 2016

The first time I encountered the woman who is now known as the Mrs but was formerly "The Deluded lefty" she made her views known by passing me her copy of The Guardian saying there was an article in it that I might find interesting. Since I fancied her big time, and still do, I did not respond "you must be kidding you daft lefty" but dutifully read the complete and utter piffle and feigned interest. On our second date I did not hold back as we had a big row over affirmative action.

But our relationship has survived. Her pals who are even more deluded than the Mrs quickly branded me as "the fascist boyfriend" for thought crimes like going to Lady Thatcher's funeral rather than having a party, for voting Tory and for believing in capitalism, Israel, freedom etc, etc.

The Mrs is this morning cheered by hearing news that the University Lecturers - greedy and lazy bastards - are going on strike to get even more money for doing sod all work. They better hurry up as pretty soon their 10 week summer vacation starts and they might actually have to cut into their Tuscany break to head back to Britain to man ( sorry, person) a picket line.

As a sociology lecturer, the Mrs has mad left views hard-coded into her DNA. She has never voted anything other than Labour. Until today.

Okay in the Mayoral and waste of space Police & Crime Commissioner elections she stayed with the party of the Jew haters. But in the local contest, in what is a very marginal ward here in Bristol, she has for the first time in her life voted Tory. As you may remember I took her to meet the two Tory candidates in our local coffee shop and they impressed her greatly by saying how much they hated the Tories. This seems to have warmed her lefty heart.

As it happens our Tory candidates are hard working local chaps while the incumbent Labour councilors are just Middle Class lefties who live miles away in a more affluent part of town and take victory among the plebs where we live for granted.

I am not saying that the Mrs has been converted to the cause of capitalism, free markets and freedom but it is a small step. One step at a time. For now I can celebrate that she has started on the road to redemption. I have offered to take her to the Conservative Club tonight so that she can meet with her new comrades but that seems to be a step too far.

As the greatest ever Prime Minister said on the occasion of the recapture of South Georgia from the Argies, "just rejoice at that news." Boy is this a video to make you proud

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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