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Lucy Williamson of the BBC on Nice - yes of course the victims are the Moslems

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 19 July 2016

84 people in Nice were murdered by a maniac. A few of the victims, as on 9/11, were Moslems. The vast majority were not. But 100% of the assailants on both occassions were followers of the "religion of peace" as it terms itself. But in the world of the BBC those base truths become reversed. And thus the French correspondendent of Pravda, Lucy Williamson filed her report yesterday which opens up with the words.

"there are tears in homes, hospitals and mosques." Quickly Lucy cuts to a Mosque where two victims are being mourned by a distraught family. There may also be tears in churches do you not think Ms Williamson? n fact proportionately there will be far more. But to add that in would change the emphasis, the slant, that poor Moslems are the victims of this crime.

In the Mosque a man can hardly hold back his tears as he blubbers that the attack has nothing to do with Islam, the religion of peace. Lucy must have been delighted to get that on tape. The only problem is that it is a statement that is simply not true. The murderer was a Moslem. Fact. His computer shows he had spent a lot of time watching videos and reading articles on what a radicalised Moslem should do to the infidel. Fact.

I would happily agree with the statement "ISIS butchers and the lunatic in Nice have distorted the true meaning of Islam and mainstream Islam rejects their evil actions." But to say that what happened on Bastille Day has "nothing to do with Islam" is just plain wrong. Lucy and the BBC may like to tell us that despite the killer being a Moslem who watched Moslem jihadist videos, the killer had nothing to do with Islam and we should focus on the Moslem victims, but the people are not buying it.

It is this sort of patronising deception by the liberal media and political elite that only adds to the anger and sense of betrayal of the great unwashed, the sans culottes, we plebs who pay the fat salary of Lucy and her rich liberal colleagues in their big houses. They tried lying over Brexit but we, the people, finally said enough is enough. Across Europe the mood is the same. It is an angry mood.

No doubt the French equivalent of Ms Williamson was spinning similar garbage too. The only winners will be those like Madame Le Pen of the National Front who will tap into that anger. The liberal media's denial of fact will in the end benefit no-one but the extremists. I'd rather that did not happen as I regard Madame Le Pen as a really unpleasant woman whose views horrify me. So I'd rather folks such as the BBC just reported the truth to those ordianry peasants like me from whom cash is extracted by the license fee poll tax to pay the bloated salaries of those on the Pravda payroll.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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