
21 days ago

BREAKING: Zeus Capital finally ‘fesses to appalling results

Zeus Capital is unlisted but is one of the more sensible and well run City Nomads and brokers. But its results for the year to March 31 2023 finally appeared at Companies House on January 6 2024 and are truly appalling. It bought out rival Arden in January so you might have thought that revenues were up…think again.


531 days ago

Ince gives away broker Arden for nothing, the final chapter of a comedy of errors

Well I guess it is not quite so funny if you are a shareholder but this acquisition – now – rreversed – has destroyed Ince Group (INCE) as a credible investment. I was urged by the company’s PR to tip the stock but, according to some folks, that really would have been a kiss of death and anyhow it was self-destroying – as I predicted – without my endorsement. 


595 days ago

Westminster Group ramp: Arden Partners and MWM you are an effing disgrace

The morons are getting terribly excited by an article by my old mucker Mark Watson Mitchell (HERE) suggesting that shares in Westminster Group (WSG) chaired by disgraced ex Tory MP Tony Baldry of the fraud 3DM infamy, are cheap as chips. The article is titled “Giving Money away” But it is all demonstrable bollocks targeting the stupidest investors to try and pump the shares ahead of a bailout placing. That will be the 35th such bailout in Westminster’s tawdry history.


712 days ago

SHOCKER FROM THE AIM SEWER: Ince, the timing of today’s profits warning appears almost fraudulent

If I was a shareholder in corporate advisor Arden (ARDN) and had, in late April, swapped my stock for shares in legal and accounting firm Ince Group (INCE) I would be calling my lawyer right now as Ince has only just served up a profits warning for the year ended 31 March 2022.


753 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: So, what did I think of the Kefi presentation?

I start with news of flooding in the farmyard at the Welsh Hovel and end with a reminder of podcasting schedules as I head to the Greek hovel.  Then I apologise to Peter Brailey as I cover Simec Atlantic (SAE), Kefi (KEFI), Ince (INCE), Arden (ARDN), Cellular Goods (CBX), Chill Brands (FRAUD), Gatemore fund managers and Sensyne (SENS), Mark Slater and the folly of attempting corporate regime change and Audioboom (BOOM)


753 days ago

Arden to lose Nomad status in order to pursue unwise marriage with Ince Group

This marriage of two companies from the AIM sewer gets dumber and dumber by the day.


918 days ago

Ince & Arden – Even I did not expect the COIs to screw things up quite this soon

Two days ago Ince (INCE) the provider of legal and other corporate services announced an all share offer for sub scale Nomad Arden (ARDN). I flagged up then that this was a sign of a top of the market and also that there were bound to be conflicts of interest which would make this deal a nightmare not a blessing. Those COIs have cropped up sooner than expected and shares in Ince were suspended yesterday.


922 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Am I wowed by the Skinbiotherapeutics presentation and what about the elephant in the room

I deal with Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) first.  Then it is onto Yourgene (YGEN) and its trading statement, Eurasia (EUA) and a two year farce and finally the bid for Arden (ARDN) by Ince Group (INCE) and what to make of it all. I feel uncomfortable for reasons I explain.


1508 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: chatting with Nigel Wray and tweeting back to the Banning Buffoon

The Dark Destroyer, aka Matt Earl, has branded Andrew Monk, the Banning Buffoon for his call to ban shorting in a fiery twitter exchange. I discuss why Matt is right on all counts. I chatted to Nigel Wray, Britain’s Buffett, at length today about the markets, individual shares, the coronavirus, the shape of the recession, consumer attitudes and most interestingly about commercial property, which he knows a bit about. I also discuss Sosandar (SOS), Finncrap (FCAP), Arden (ARDN), WH Ireland (WHI) and other Nomad/brokers and when the FCA will have to step in to check their solvency. Finally a few words on the Government’s daft £330 billion loan scheme.


1689 days ago

Following the money at Parkmead – I just cannot see how this is not another festering pus of an AIM scandal

We have written extensively on the various related party deals at Tom Cross fiefdom Parkmead (PMG) but belated companies house filings now allow us to follow the complete money trail and this stinks. I really cannot see how Nomad Arden can tolerate this unless, of course, it is morally bankrupt and only cares about getting another retainer.


1814 days ago

Management Resource Solutions – another shocking admission from the recent investor lie-fest

On 2 May Management Resource Solutions (MRS) held an investor lie-fest at the offices of its uber expensive PR posh-tards FTI Consulting. It was recorded so hapless Nomad Arden has full access to what was said. I have already detailed, here, a stunning admission by boss John Zorbas which would have seen any normal Nomad resign on the spot. But there was more….


1819 days ago

Open Letter to Paul Shackleton: Given the latest massive John Zorbas Alerion lie will you resign as MRS Nomad now?

China fraud specialist Paul Shackleton is trying to restore his soiled reputation and personal finances as head of the Nomad team at Arden. But this is proving hard given the activities of Arden client Management Resource Solutions (MRS). Over the weekend, thanks to Winnileaks, we exposed the biggest lie yet told by Management boss John Zorbas over the dodgy as hell related party nest of snakes £1.32 million acquisition of Alerion. In friendship, I have written to Mr Shackleton asking if Arden will quit as Nomad now and explaining exactly why they must. I have cc’d in AIM Regulation.


1843 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - farewell civilised south as I am 100% vindicated on the MRS nest of snakes

I record ahead of the arrival of the removals men. Grim North here we come! On the agenda today is Mayan Energy (MYN) where comrade Jennings of Align is getting a little ahead of himself and then the scandal of the day, Management Resource Solutions (MRS) where my work has been 100% vindicated as it admits – thanks to me – to the related party nest of snakes. But still, as shareholders try to out two leading snakes, the company and its pathetic Nomad Arden are behaving disgracefully. This insolvent piece of crap stinks and I explain why. Now as I crack on with assisting the removal men how about you join the roll call of heros HERE


1861 days ago

Management Resource Solutions – an open letter to Nomad Arden: suspend the shares NOW!

During the weekend in three separate articles I have detailed what an insolvent can of worms is AIM Cesspit listed Management Resource Solutions (MRS) and asked questions that need answering about its latest £1.32 million all share acquisition. The company has failed to answer the matters raised and its shares have plunged another 25.4% to 2.35p today. I have thus written to Nomad Arden demanding that it suspend trading in the shares at once and why. The letter is below. 


1862 days ago

Ooh Err Mrs … carry on droning, Part 2 - Leon Hogan and Chris Grove, a question

Yesterday I explained why Management Resource Solutions (MRS) was technically insolventand why its propsed £1.32 million all share purchase of drone start up Alerion was a joke that no respectable Nomad would have signed off on. But it gets worse and there is another massive question for hapless Nomad Arden to consider....


2985 days ago

Now you can co invest with institutions in ShoreCap, FinnCap, Arden placings - why not?

Now this is starting to get interesting. PrimaryBid which we have backed since its launch has now got three decent AIM brokers as investors and as of now when they do placings for clients, PerimaryBid customers will be able to participate. This means getting into GOOD placings from half decent brokers acting for decent companies and this is revolutionary. I am already signed up as a client, if you are not sign up - its free - now HERE.
