2593 days ago

Management Resource Solutions holds gun to head of poor shareholders

When running Broken Hill Resources (BHR) into the ground Murray D'Almeida threatened shareholders to vote for a crap deal at a GM or face wipe-out. Despite the infamous hairdresser sham placing, shareholders voted against Murray and his colleagues on the "screw you - we hate you so much" principle. Now with D'Almeida pulling strings at Management Resource Solutions (MRS) as a consultant - to avoid GM eviction shame see HERE - the same threat is being used.


2601 days ago

Doubley Disgraced Murray D'Almeida departs the AIM Casino but keeps leaching funds, his lawyers still under SRA investigation: ouzo time

Having helped steer Beacon Hill Resources (BHR) onto the rocks and signing off on the infamous hairdresser share trade I am delighted to see that loathsome Murray D'Almeida was now come a cropper a second time on AIM, leaving the board of Management Resources Solutions (MRS) with immediate effect today. He jumped before he was pushed. But hang on, all is not what it seems.


2644 days ago

Murray D'Almeida - why is he so ashamed of Management Resources? I can't think...

In a recent review of the 100 most influential businessmen on Australia's Gold Coast, the chairman of AIM dog Management Resource Solutions (MRS) came in at 95. His lists his CV below. He is happy to boast about Beacon Hill Resources (BHR) which he steered onto the rocks while overseeing the, smelly as a three week old pile of rotting kippers in 50 degree heat, hairdresser shares issue. But for some reason leaves MRs off his CV. What is he so ashamed about? Perhaps he senses that Winnileaks one (HERE) and two (HERE) with more to come, was on the way. Murray's shamefully selective CV is displayed below.
