2307 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Natch the deadwood press showers me with praise over today's Quindell News: pigs will fly first

I start with today's personal triumph on Quindell (QPP). And it is a real personal triumph for me, not that the deadwood press or my critics will recognise that. I then cover Milestone (MSG) - Ho Ho Ho - Pets At Home (PETS), Joshua's fave store, N Brown (BWNG), Worldwide Blockchain (BLOC) and Velocity (VEL) another dog from the FinnCap kennel.


2308 days ago

Sherlock Holmes fiend Rodger Sergant tries it on with a blockchain spoof at Stapeleton

And so the blockchain spoofing continues. Step forward Stapleton Capital (STC), a standard list shell listed on 21 September to invest in telecoms. Its main man, the Holmes groupie Rodger Sergant has seen the light and the company is now to be known as BlockChain Worldwide (BLOC) The statement issued begs questions for the sleuth at 221B Baker Street.
