
2208 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The challenging tale of Star Rectum, humourless lawyer b*stards and much more

I start with a discussion of my drinking problem. My problem being that I just cant take it anymore even though this is the week when I am plied with booze. I then move onto humourless bastard lawyers, specifically at Pinsent Masons. Then I discuss AIQ (AIQ) - its share price is madness and I'm out. Its been a hoot fellas and will pay for my holiday in Sweden next week.  Then Gattaca (GTCA), IDOX (IDOX), Magnolia Petroleum (DOG), Amur Minerals (AMC) and finally Challenger (CHAL) and its problem with a company I have renamed Star Rectum. If you like bearcasts then remember that at UK Investor on April 21 - THIS SATURDAY - one of many highlights will be a live bearcast with myself and Paul Scott. Make sure you book a free ticket HERE using the promotional code WINNIFRITHORDER NOW and we cannt post but will email you a ticket tonight.


2605 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - back at Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater's Emporium, Wedge Issue

I find myself back in London ahead of a big event tonight as I explain HERE. So I am working at the pizza place now known as Wedge Issue and run by hipster Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater. It is most excellent and I commend it to you all if you are in Clerkenwell, although I am not sure I get this hipster business at all. I'm getting old. In the main podcast I look at why the LSE Asylum just does not work. In terms of stocks I cover Independent Resources (IRG), Nyota (NYO), FastForward (FFWD),Challenger (CHAL), the joke regulation one sees on the Standard List, Regency Mines (RGM) and some coal assets some folks think will go into the joke that is "New Worthington". 


2610 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: On dangerous ground telling a joke about crap Scottish Football

As the Rangers (RFC) comedy show is back into town again. I could not resist it. Elewhere I discuss Challenger (CHAL), Concha (CHA), a golden stockmarket rule or two, Strategic Minerals (SML) and how its honesty on matters LOC compares to that of the liars running the fraud African Potash (AFPO), Quadrise Fuels (QFI) and then in some detail, Telit Communications (TCM)


2626 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: More ouzo, vindicated on RapidCloud's descent to zero as well

In the main bearcast today I touch on the Cloudtag (CTAG) fraud but that is really covered in its own bearcast HERE. I do look at RapidCloud which was suspended today and will lose its AIM listing in a month. Who warned you that this would face a "terminal conclusion" 149 days ago? Was it PR wankers Walbrook or Nomad WH Ireland or savants on the LSE Asylum? Er no, it was me HERE.  I then look at Challenger (CHAL) a zero in waiting, Iofina (IOF) and IGAS (IGAS) both of which should also be zeros. I commend today's excellent piece from Nigel, the Deputy Sheriff of AIM,  on the Servision (SEV) scandal HERE. I take Nomad Allenby to task for failing to comment on this and for allowing Servision to mislead mug punters. AGAIN. Finally I take apart overvalued ramp Wey Education (WEY). Its shares are up 33% today. That is a ramp not a reflection of value.


2744 days ago

Evening Standard: Lifting ShareProphets stories without attribution - dick sucking

Lazy journalists on a local paper that thinks it is a national clearly read this website and are happy to lift our stories without attribution. Hence on 23rd October, Cynical Bear ran the "Challenger Suck Dick" scoop HERE. Four days later this is presented as news in the woeful City gossip column of the piss poor Evening Standard. Natch there is no attribution... the Standard would not want its readers to know where it gets its old news dressed up as news from would it?
