
2354 days ago

Matching Granny Lesbia! Travel glory and a war story

My father's mother Lesbia Winnifrith (nee Cochrane) was noted for many things, not least foir me being - as are all Cochranes - a great Hellenophile.  Playing rugby with the boys at the Dragon School, being pretty useful at cricket and also the undisputedly best player of mass family games of Racing Demon were some of those things I remember. There is a story from the war, involving travel from when my father, aged three, returned from evacuation in Westmoreland.


3141 days ago

Life on Marbs 10 –Quindell fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles shags slapper Jordan and she bursts out laughing

Finally in episode 10 of the world’s worst ever reality TV show, Life on Marbs, Quindell (QPP) fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles gets his end way with slapper Jordan. But as he “performs” she starts laughing. However he consoles her with a “I’ve been JSK’d” T-shirt. What a Gent. Meanwhile the world’s dimmest couple, Alex and Charles, finally split up. In Darwinian terms they were so well matched.
