
3398 days ago

UKIP sinks to new lows with its charter it wants ALL Muslims to sign

In 1930s Germany the Jews were in the early stages marked out by having to wear a yellow star. Today UKIP MEP Gerard Batten has just demanded that all Muslims sign a charter saying they denounce violence.  Go on fellows just form an orderly line. My stomach turns.

Who does UKIP describe as a Muslim? Is the utterly non-believing but Muslim born (public school and Cambridge educated) husband of my dear cousin Heather going to have to sign the charter? What about their kids, brought up by their devoutly Christian mother and non-believing (but Muslim born) father? What about their kids? The Nazis used to get terribly worked up about these sort of issues. Will UKIP give an exemption to Muslims who have fought for this country just as the Nazis initially did for WW1 Jewish veterans?

Will this stop one act of terror? 
