
3457 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast Special - Himex the biggest fraud within Quindell

The most fraudulent acquisition made by Quenron (QPP) was that of Himex. It really is a worthless POS but has been used to boost profits and cashflows at Quindell simply via fraud. However it will start to unravel by New Year's day and this podcast explains why. DCD Holdings, Rob Terry, Hassan Sadiq and Elizabeth Dawson are you listening to this Cosy (pun, geddit?) little message from the Sheriff of AIM?


3527 days ago

Quindell & Himex: how many shares in itself has Quindell sold this time? And More.

The last time that the vendor of Himex sold a business to a Rob Terry run company it was sold for £50 million. At the same time certain other related businesses were lobbed into the pot and all in all it cost The Innovation Group c£60 million all in goodwill which was all written off within a year. Cosy was a cosy deal for some but not for Rob Terry believers – as explained HERE. Will it be different this time? I now refer you to the 2014 interims from Quindell and the year to March 2013 results for Himex which you can see HERE. Red Flags for lunch anyone?
