
1081 days ago

Crypto cheerleader, the Tesla Charlatan, Elon Musk says now boycotting bitcoin citing new found green concerns

Some of us have pointed out for a good while that mining cryptocurrencies consumes enormous amounts of electricity and if you are into all of that global warming green shite, which I am not, then you should not be going near bitcoin. It seems that having ramped bitcoin and crypto, Elon Musk has finally noticed this too.


1160 days ago

Bitcoin isn’t getting greener: four environmental myths about cryptocurrency debunked

This article from a team at Newcastle University does raise the question of the sheer pointlessness of the pursuit of bitcoin, especially by a generation that is keen on berating we oldies for ruining the planet. When will Greta Thunberg et al turn their fire on cryptocurrencies? It reads:


1984 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: are bitcoin & the other cryptocurrencies dead?

You may wish to watch my UK Investor City forum gig with bitcoin nutter Dominic Frisby HERE to frame what is in this podcast, the title of which is self-explanatory.


2214 days ago

Video: I Took My Advice & Sold My Cryptos to Buy Gold

Jeff Berwick describes himself as an Anarcho-Capitalist, libertarian, and freedom fighter against mankind’s two most significant enemies, the State and the Central Banks. Good man.  He argues that the cryptocurrency ecosystem has had a lot of innovation and late last year the dumb money began investing. The January pullback was expected and needed. Many are glad there was a pullback as things were growing too fast. The potential of cryptocurrencies has not changed, there is still massive amounts of development. There is a lot of buzz in the cryptocurrencies, and it’s not going away.


2226 days ago

Video: Crypto & Blockchain 101

Michael Pole has been a metals bug for a long time, and he is still bullish for that sector. He was working at Barclay’s in 2008 and witnessed the Lehmann collapse. Interest and development in the cryptocurrency space has been increasing and is beginning to upset the finance industry. He argues that it’s difficult for companies and governments to want to adjust to a changing market. This is allowing small companies to disrupt the existing status quo.


2329 days ago

Embrace Bitcoin – When Commodities Move Just Imagine the Potential!

I am not so sure. But here is the raging bull case put by Peter Spina. In this podcast he discusses the cryptocurrency space and how it is similar to the dot-com boom of the late 90’s. No one knows how all of this will play out, but it is all but certain that crypto will play an essential role in world finance. Spina feels that both gold and cryptocurrencies are complimentary. You should be careful and protect your wealth in precious metals and only speculate in the crypto market. It is a new technology with much potential that creates a much more free and open marketplace. But...


2342 days ago

Crowdfunding poltroons launch ICO to "cash in" on cryptocurrencies" what could possibly go wrong?

Want to lose all your money? Normally crowdfunding poltroons CrowdforAngels try to get you to invest in shite companies as we noted HERE. But why stick with the old ways of losing all your dosh. Get with it. This is 2017. CrowdforAngels has written to me..


2435 days ago

Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, ICOs the Beginning of a New Tech Sector Bubble

I really do not get this bitcoin shite at all, however much my pal Dominic Frisby tries to explain it to me. I just fear it will end in tears but I am cognisant that some folks have made a complete killing on it so far. In a podcast with Palisade Capital, sector guru Michael Pole makes some bold calls. Is this just the start of the gold rush or are we close to dotcom bust in 2001? 
