2308 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the difference between private company and PLC account preparing - profit is a matter of opinion!

I start by noting I have received a begging email from Primary Bid re the Merio offer. Cynical Bear is right - avoid like the plague! Then as I finalise annual accounts for companies house for FIML and ShareProphets (loss in both cases) I explain the different motives of those preparing private company and listed company accounts and some tricks I could have used to show profits. But why would I have done that? Finally...98% of bearcast listeners  have NOT yet sponsored myself and Brokerman Dan for our 30 mile Woodlarks walk. If you enjoy bearcast I am sure you can spare a tenner so donate HERE  - to those who have donated I say thank you.


2464 days ago

The Stock Exchange steals my cash because I am relatively efficient

Via our broker,the London Stock Exchange (LSE) warned me that unless FIML and also my pension fund had what is called an LEI number by January 3rd it would be unable to trade. I filled in complex forms on behalf of FIML and applied. I handed over £138 including VAT and today FIML got its number.


2643 days ago

Tom Winnifrith - the shares that are my 18 holdings: the non dirty dozen and a half

Okay I do not own these shares personally. I case anyone is thinking of going for me in a libel case I own nothing but FIML, owned by my family trusts, has built from scratch a fairly sizeable portfolio of 18 stocks. For what it is worth here they are in descending order of current value.
