
2509 days ago

Milestone - another bailout placing ahoy from the AIM Rule Breakers

The underlying problem with Milestone Group (MSG) is that it is a crap business that never generates any cash. Thus in order to keep CEO Deborah White in the lifestyle to which she has become accustomed and to keep paying crony capitalist advisers such as shamed PR firm Walbrook (Eden, Fusionex, Advanced Oncotherapy etc) it relies on bailout placing after bailout placing with shareholders seeing value destroyed every time.


2510 days ago

Fusionex - last day to sell, Nomad quits, homophobic ADVFN moron J777J19 have fun!

As I had suggested might happen several times, Nomad Stifel has resigned the Fusionex (FXI) account. It could not wait for the AIM delisting on the 26th. Instead it gave notice after hours yesterday that it was quitting as Nomad and Broker with effect from 5PM today. Hooray.Game over.


2511 days ago

Fusionex shares up 55% at 61p - WTF? Fear not

In seven days time shares in Fusionex (FXI) the drowning in red flags tech company from the Norfolk province of Malaysia will be delisted from the AIM Casino. Yet the shares are up by 55% today at 61.5p. WTF?


2513 days ago

Fisking The Times & Standard Life as AIM is lambasted

The Times yesterday ran an article "Investors take aim at LSE’s mistrusted upstart - Stock exchange defends Alternative Investment Market but its critics are losing patience", which it painted as a major attack on AIM. In fact it appears to have found one new critic - Standard Life - which, having done its conkers on Fusionex (FXI) because its fund managers knew better than our writers here who issued repeated warnings, now seems to think AIM has a problem. On which fucking planet has Standard Life been for the past ten years?

So to "fiske" a dire piece by Robin Pagnamenta, Deputy Business Editor, which fails to address any of the real issues showing why journalists on the corrupt deadwood press are part of the problem not the solution. My comments are in bold.


2515 days ago

Fusionex - votes to delist: shares now 33p to sell - worthless: CEO Teh talks horseshit, has Nomad quit?

Surprise surprise shareholders in Fusionex (FXI) voted to delist the shares from AIM. Management and stooges had the vote sown up anyway so won 85% to 15%. The shares will cease trading on 26 June. CEO Ivan Teh must have really pissed off the owners of 5.4 million shares who voted against.


2515 days ago

Fusionex - why are the shares 45.5p? It is toast time at 10 AM tomorrow!

Shares in Fusionex (FXI) the tech play from the Norfolk province of Malaysia still trade at 45.5p valuing the company at c£20 million. This has to be the biggest slam dunk short in London because at 10 AM tomorrow...


2527 days ago

Fusionex now 42.5p but that is 42.5p too high: fitness guru Paul Scott weighs in

If ever there was a demonstration of how price is not the same as value when it comes to shares it was Fusionex (FXI). Time and time again we pointed out the red flags yet the company maintained a market cap of up to £100 million. that was £100 million too high. Now, after five years in which £55 million has been transferred from UK Investors to Malaysia the company announced after hours on the Friday before the bank holiday weekend that it would delist. Its shares have crashed to 42.52p (the last fund raise was at 325p) but that is still way too high. And Britain's top share blogger, the fitness guru Paul Scott has weighed in and agrees with me.


2528 days ago

Fusionex - the rats start abandoning the sinking ship, the shares crash 64%

After hours on Friday Fusionex (FXI) a company from the Norfolk province of Malaysia announced that it was planning to delist from the AIM casino. This has always been a "wrongun" and myself, Lucian Miers and the great Kevin Ashton warned you many times to sell - over the weekend I listed 11 red flags the City crony capitalists were happy to ignore. Today the shares have crashed 62% to just xxp and the rats have started to abandon ship.


2530 days ago

Malay Junk Fusionex - to end the AIM farce - RNS at no-one is watching a clock - as £55 million of UK cash goes up in smoke

At 5.30 PM on the Friday before the bank holiday, no-one is watching O'Clock, Fusionex (FXI) said that it was to delist from AIM. The shares closed the day off 2p at 129p but will absolutely crater Tuesday as this stinks as we have warned you so many times - as you can see HERE. Once again we are vindicated and the City pump & promote machine must hang its head in shame.


2604 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Great Magnolia Ramp and why is Deb White spouting bollocks & not in cuffs?

This is a long podcast as there is much to cover. On the agenda: Magnolia Petroleum (MAGP), Milestone Group (MSG), Metals Exploration (MTL), Servision (SEV), Pantheon Resources (PANR), Fusionex (FXI), SalvaRx (SALV), Telit Communications (TCM) Jim Slater & PEG investing and finally the Aussie Poltroons Slater & Gordon (SGH)


2891 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Boxhill, Avanti, Eden, the race to ZERO

Ho Ho Ho, documents regarding Boxhill (BOX) have now arrived at Sheriff Towers. Can you hear me Lord Tim Razzall, are you sweating yet? I think Boxhill will beat Avanti Communications (AVN) and Eden Research (EDEN) to zero but all three are fighting hard to win and are discussed in detail. I look at Ascent (AST), Fusionex (FXI), Falcon Acquisitions (FAL) and Challenger Acquisitions (CHAL). Woof Woof Mark Gustafson.


2891 days ago

Fusionex: A Right Wrong 'un reports dismal interims, well done Kevin Ashton

We have been on the case of bargepole stock Fusionex (FXI) since the world's greatest tech analyst Kevin Ashton flagged it up as a sell at UK Investor 2015. The bear case grew with Zak Mir giving it the kiss of death with not one but two buy tips but it was the trading statement last Autumn that really woke folks up to the genius of Ashton as an analyst and of Mir as a counter-indicator. Today we have interims. Natch, the shares are down - at 158p - but the stance remains a stand out sell.


2998 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 17 Feb - If we vote for Brexit will Emma Thompson please fuck off & live in Germany?

It is now 48 hours without nicotine and lefty luvvie Emma Thompson attracts my ire. there is also comment on the Horse Hill ramping and Leni-maths, the tobacco smugglers at Afriag (AFRI), Fusionex (FXI), Adolf Hitler's business cards, Iofina (IOF), Petroceltic (PCI), Environmental Recycling (ENRT), Edenville (EDL), Tertiary (TYM), Totally (TLY) and Igas (IGAS).


3006 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 10 Feb - The Madness of 88 Energy as Hornby is de-railed

I refer at the start to my other podcast today on why the striking Junior Doctors are lying, greedy, bastards. You can listen to that HERE. Onto shares and I start with the madness of the 88 Energy (88E) share price today on a risk reward basis. Then it is onto Hornby (HRN), Renold (RNO), Global Invacom (GINV), Wandisco (WAND), Leed Resources (LDP), Golden Saint Resources (GSR), Fusionex (FXI) - target price 0p - Phorm (PHRM) and finally I ask all of you a question about Imaginatik (IMTK).


3010 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 6 Feb, Passing on CMC, the FANGs and Howard Jones

The Mrs went to see Howard Jones last night and I explain his significance in life then what the sell off in the FANGs ( Facebook, Amazon, Netflix & Google) as well as junior tech darlings like LinkedIn means. The it is onto all the reasons why I dodges the CMC Markets (CMCX) float and finally I look at the director dealings in Fusionex (FXI) and why they scream out SELL!


3010 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 5 February - Do NOT overpay for Adam Reynolds "magic"

The story of the day is Frontier Resources (FRI) and Adam Reynolds. Yes we were in on the placing and have bought more pre bearcast but some folks are overpaying big time. Far be it from me to talk down the value of a stock we own but I do just that and urge folks not to be mad and overpay. Then it is onto Bahamas Petroleum (BPC), Phorm (PHRM), Fusionex (FXI) - target price 0p - Greka Drilling (GDL) - ditto - and Glenwick (GWIK)


3020 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 26 Jan: lessons for the Rampers, Bulletin Board & other Morons

Unlike yesterday's podcast this was recorded before lunchtime and, anyway, I am staying sober until after my presentation tonight when I might be less sober. Still there is a good deal of bad language in the Bearcast as I do a concluding section on Bulletin Board Morons in denial with reference on this occasion to Servision (SEV). I also cover more market abuse at Frontier Resources (FRI) as well as Independent Resources (IRG), Plexus (POS), LGO Energy (LGO) and Fusionex (FXI) - reference director's dealings.


3022 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 25 Jan - 2 hours after Ouzo O'Clock

Okay I am celebrating the impending departure of Afriag (AFRI) from AIM so might get a bit carried away in this podcast, there is a bit of bad langauge. Other than dancing on the PLC grave of Jabba The Hutt as he tries to spin this disaster I look at: Green Dragon Gas (GDG) - PLACING AHOY - Servision (SEV), Jiasen (JSI), TrakM8 (TRAK), Fusionex (FXI), Independent Resources (IRG) and Plexus (POS).


3025 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 22 January: more Red Flags for Paul to ignore, Petroceltic loons & Frontier bastards

Warning: This Podcast contains bad langauge throughout as well as a couple of mother in law jokes. In it I cover TrakM8 (TRAK), Petroceltic (PCI), Frontier Resources (FRI), criminals who should be in jail, Plethora (PLE), Pinnacle Technology (PINN), Plutus Powergen (PPG), Fusionex (FXI) and the fate of those follishly buying into shitty little oil stocks today.


3026 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 21 January - Surreal chat with TrakM8 PR and Frontier day of shame

Warning: This podcast contains bad language throughout. I start with a quite surreal chat with the PR for TrakM8 (TRAK). Either he is on acid or I am. Anyway a follow up to yesterday's expose HERE is on the way.  Then there is a detailed analysis of Fusionex (FXI) which is a red flag delight. Then it is onto the disgusting events and flagrant market abuse at Frontier Resources (FRI) and some scathing comments on the dog that is Bingo, Bongo, Bango (BGO). PeerTV (PTV) gets a lashing - I have a cunning plan for this one. Then a comment on how bad news is good news at Pearson (PSON) and finally considered words on MX Oil (MXO)


3302 days ago

The fourth & final short tip from the World's No 1 tech analyst Kevin Ashton - sell FusionEx

At the last minute free speech denying broker Charles Stanley, (Nomad to POS companies such as Tungsten and Coms) forced the world’s top tech analyst Kevin Ashton not to speak at UK Investor. Luckily I have his notes sent to me earlier in the week and so here is why I think FusionEx (FXI) is such a stonking sell at 332.5p. Kevin was said to describe it as “one of the most overvalued stocks in the UK.”
