
1289 days ago

Man-hating Green Baroness Jenny Jones is stark raving mad – why are we paying £300 a day for this lunatic?

No, I had never heard of her either but apparently she is a Green party peer sitting in the House of Lords. That means that you and I, dirty taxpaying oiks, have to pony up for her three hundred quid a day fees.  Before becoming a career politician, Jones was an archaeologist studying carbonised plant remains which should suit her well as she now sits surrounded by ancient vegetables.


2810 days ago

Last week's Bulletin Board Moron winner... a Cloudtag shareholder natch

A lot has happened since the late sixties when Neil Armstrong took his one small step on the moon. The word lunatic is derived from the Latin word "luna" meaning moon since it was believed, in the middle ages, that a full moon could induce insanity. And that brings us nicely to last week's Bulletin Board Moron of the week who, natch, owns shares in Cloudtag (CTAG). There were many fine entries as you can see HERE.


3178 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 8 January: hard analysis, taking Magnolia to the cleaners

I start by explaining to Zak Mir what a dead cat bounce actually means. That brings me to Golden Saint Resources (GSR). Then there is a detailed analysis of the worthless POS that is Magnolia Petroleum (MAGP), comment on why Wildes is so wrong on LGO Energy (TOAST), on Sports Direct (SDI), Premaitha (NIPT) and finally on Games Workshop (GAW) and Mysale (MYSL). I also continue pointing out why lunatics like George Ferguson the barking mad Mayor of Bristol, only serve to make retail stocks even more of an avoid.

Warning: bad language alert.
