2983 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 2 March: The Scum visit The Academy & I'm not talking David Lenigas

I shall not curse West Ham by going to watch the match tonight at The Conservative Club but for Striebs and others I am aware what is happening. Instead I shall be watching the new series of Grantchester with the Mrs and Oakley and I recommend it to one and all. I look at the latest Horse Shite ramp from David "I am incapable of telling the truth" Lenigas and flag up a placing rumour at UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and also Regency Mines (REG). I look at the Pathfinder (PFP) disaster in detail and at Driver (DRV) where the curse of Steve "shagger" Norris strikes again. Madgascar Oil (MOIL) confirms that minority shareholders will be buggered and I look at the farce at Edenville (EDL).  So that is three companies operating in Bongo Bongo land where PIs have been screwed today. Then there is a detailed look at games developer Frontier (FDEV) where the valuation is a rum and coke even after today's profits warning.


2995 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 19 Feb - Criminal Chris Oil will not know what has hit him.

The lying criminal Chris Oil has threatened me with physical violence and subsequently challenges me to a boxing match. Okay you little twerp, I accept (see here) and I muse on that point on day 5 as an ex-smoker. Elsewhere I look at the barking mad maths of Milestone Group (MSG) then at Madagascar Oil (MOIL), APC Technology (APC), WanDisco (WAND) and some more obvious lower risk zeros as well as Totally (TLY). 


2996 days ago

Madagascar Oil - basket case, shareholders to be screwed

The update is detailed and long but the bad news is saved for the end. Madagascar Oil (MOIL) is down to its last $1.3 million (cash minus trade payables) but owes $14 million. It gets worse.
