
726 days ago

In the coming recession no hope if no moat

I suspect that very few investors and surprisingly few PLC directors have any idea what a recession looks like. For starters most folks in both camps are rich but in a recession, it is the poor or lower middle classes who get whacked hardest. That is especially so when it is an inflationary recession as those lower down the order tend to have the least ability to “play catch up” by forcing through pay rises. And secondly you have to be of a certain age to remember a savage inflationary recession as an adult – the last one was ended with some fairly painful medicine by the blessed Lady Thatcher forty years ago.


1267 days ago

Equality Week at Hertford College Oxford – celebrating how the daughter and granddaughter of Lords has made it big

My old college is celebrating “Equalities Week” with a panel of BAME high achievers and a panel of four female graduates who have made it big.  The event is a demonstration of how the woke elites view equality and why they are so out of touch with the grim reality of life for those who really could do with a dose of equality, that is to say the poor.


2611 days ago

Rules are for little People - Whether shamed Charlotte Hogg quits or not she is a slam dunk for the House of Lords

I noted in a bearcast a while ago that Charlotte Hogg, the - for now - deputy Governor of the Bank of England - was an Oxford contemporary. Two years my junior her first year room was two doors away from my third year room. We did not mix. She was clever but, by a long chalk, not the smartest person of her year but with a grandfather like Lord Hailsham, a daddy in the cabinet and mummy in the House of Lords... well some folks are more equal than others are they not?.
