2910 days ago

EXCLUSIVE Teathers Financial – shareholder action group to requisition EGM on Wednesday to sack board

This Wednesday shareholders in Teathers Financial (TEA) plan to requisition an EGM to seek replacement of the board, we can reveal. With the company facing imminent delisting for failing to fulfil its investment policy, shareholders are left with two options. They can either back the old board to deliver its mystery £1million investment into the private company or they can back the action group to salvage what value it can from the wreckage of the PLC.


3566 days ago

Life in a private company and a PLC – the Year end merry go round

The Real Man year-end is just five weeks away. We are a private company and so it makes not a blind bit of difference to us. Sure we have to fill in a few forms which we will do. But does it impact on our behaviour? Not in the slightest. How different life is at a PLC where what is termed "window dressing" takes place. What odd things it makes folks do.


3693 days ago

No Girlies on the Board – why I don’t give a flying wotsit and much more

It is time for shocking revelations of shameful personal habits. Earlier today my colleague Malcolm Stacey came out as a reader of the turgid rag for crackpot deluded lefty social workers, teachers and other Money Tree believers – that is to say The Independent on Sunday. Malcolm then argued that he won’t invest in a company with an all-male board. Utter cobblers.

The Money Tree worshipping liberal left like to argue that the fact that 20% of FTSE 100 directors are birds is down to affirmative action campaigning and that if we had legally binding quotas then the birds would get a fair quota on PLC boards (50% I assume) and companies would be better run as a result. This is all so much shite.

The increase in female boardroom representation over the past two decades matches the increase in the number of female partners in City law firms, partners in big City accountants, etc.  If anything we wicked capitalists have outperformed liberal bastions with all their affirmative action programmes in this respect. That is because we wicked capitalists care about the bottom line and thus promote on merit. If a woman is the best person for the job, will make more money for the firm than the man she gets the post.

Why are there not more women on PLC boards? Simple. Demographics, PLC boards
