3061 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 21 December: Lenigas not the only scumbug on AIM, ooops I forgot

On today's regular bearcast naturally I do comment on a few Jabba The Hutt stocks - notably Afriag (TOAST) as they are tanking but the main David Lenigas leaves the AIM Casino bearcast is HERE. Elsewhere I look at 88 Energy (88E), New World Resources (NWR), Rightster (RSTR), CH Bailey (BLEY), Iofina (IOF), ECR Minerals (ECR), Gable (GAH), Concha (CHA), Conroy Gold (CGNR),  Petropavlovsk (POG) and Alba Minerals (ALBA)


3126 days ago

Rightster is indeed shown to be a Wrongster – another victory for the Sheriff

Time and time again I have warned you that AIM listed Rightster (RSTR) was a wrongster, an accident waiting to run out of cash. An announcement on Friday must go up as another win for the Sheriff, it is five minutes to goodnight Charlie for shareholders.
