1855 days ago

Why Roger Lawson’s gagging proposals would be a disaster for AIM – Tim Baldwin & TXO case study

As you know, Roger Lawson of ShareSoc wants to clean up AIM by, inter alia, forcing websites such as this to remove any article which a company deems defamatory merely on demand, in the way that Bulletin Boards already do. Lawson does not say who would judge when an artiocle could be republished but the implication is that it would be the new regulator he proposes. The case study which shows what utter folly this idea represents is Tim Baldwin and TXO.


3244 days ago

A Drink with Julian Hamilton Barns - I win: now Tim Baldwin of TXO infamy start sweating.

At least I am not drinking with David Lenigas! Mr Hamilton Barns popped over to see me in Bristol. Heck if there is free drink I have a reputation as a drunken blogger to live up to. Bottom line is that I won Round 1 and there will be no Round 2. Mr Hamilton Barns has dropped his threat of a libel case. I win AGAIN! But…


3247 days ago

Is Tim Baldwin of TXO telling porkies?

Oh dear. Disgraced Tim Baldwin of TXO (TXO) – the company booted off AIM earlier this year and now at financial death’s door - is apparently lying to either companies house or to his shareholders or to both.


3268 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 10 Oct: taking issue with Lenigas, Zak, Golden Saint, Surgical Innovations and CEB

I start with a discussion of World Mental Health day and then move onto David Lenigas and Afriag (AFRI). Then to the matter of trading whilst insolvent and discuss the cases of Quindell (QPP) ten months ago, TXO today and in great detail Golden Saint Resources (GSR). On that matter I raises questions for its Nomad Roland "fatty" Cornish and ask who is the compliance officer at the crowd funder assisting Golden as the chap is clearly the most certifiable imbecile in the Western World. Anyone know?  Then it is onto CEB Resources (CEB) and Surgical Innovations (SUN) where there are two reasons to sell first thing on Monday: fundamentals and Zak Mir tipping it today HERE


3437 days ago

Cientifica booted off AIM today but where did the bloody cash go?

Cientifica (CTFA) was today formally booted off the AIM Casino after six months of suspension but shareholders will be asking where did all the money go and why is the board not pursuing this matter?

The company was meant to invest in graphene investments and was run until last September by Tim Harper and Tim Baldwin (of RAM and TXO infamy). The new boss Tim Godwin who accepted the “hospital pass” and took over late last year stated explicitly on 18 December:


3468 days ago

Bearcast 24 March - a shocking revelation ( or two)

In today's podcast I reflect on all the moron comments on Bulletin Boards every time Ive been threatened with legal action by crony capitalists or outright crooks. I forgot to mention Angus Forrest of Tern in that list but it did not work out to well for him just like threats from Globo, Range Resources, blinkx, Quindell, Cupid, Sefton, TXO and now Worthington as well as the clowns in charge of the LSE Asylum all ended up badly for them. Get used to it folks, I pick my targets carefully and I win! I then have a shock revelation about TXO before going on to discuss eServGlobal, Rosslyn Data, Mosman Oil & Gas and more.


3470 days ago

TXO to be booted off AIM – boss Tim Baldwin insists shareholders will be relaxed. He is wrong

TXO (TXO) has – after two months of searching – failed to find a Nomad to act for it after the resignation of Northland. Consequently it will be boosted off the AIM casino next week.

I have spoken to boss Tim Baldwin who insists that most shareholders will actually welcome this as AIM is an expensive place for microcaps to raise money and maintain a listing. He may be right in that regard, I am no defender of the crony capitalists of the City who fund their coke & hookers lifestyles with bloated fees for small caps.

But I very much doubt that the small shareholders on the TXO register introduced as a result of bucket shop funding after bucket shop funding will be quite as relaxed


3501 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 16 February - Market abuse and other matters

In today's podcast I discuss what exactly is market abuse and who commits it. I talk about how I reported myself for market abuse to the FCA when dealing with bully boy lawyers from Range Resources. And who really commits it. At a company level I look at 3 Legs Resources, Afren , TXO, Northern Petroleum and Mosman Oil and Gas.


3508 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 12 February

I urge you all to listen to the earlier Quindell special podcast HERE as that slam dunk shows why the firm is bust and worth 0p. In this audio I also cover Afren, TXO, Gulf Keystone, Bacanora, David Lenigas, Circle Oil and Northcote Energy

To support our continuing campaign against fraud on the AIM casino (but also main market listed frauds) click HERE


3517 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 3rd February

Both Maribel and I are feeling a little fragile after a night of boozing at The Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House. And so life is a bit of a struggle today for both of us. Anyhow this podcast covers insider dealing, Afren, TXO, Camkids, Northbridge Industrial, profits warnings, Asian Citrus and Creston


3520 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Announcements from No-One is Watching O'Clock and silly legals issue

There was a spate of announcements at No-one is watching O'Clock yesterday. But I was watching and so this podcast covers Worthington, Speymill, Sefton & Brokerman Dan and Afren. Moving on I look at legal and other silliness by companies including TXO and the Big Dave Lenigas vs Doc Holiday Stellar Resources affair.

To get your free copy of my new book 49 Red Flags sent to you today  fill in the form HERE


3523 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 28 January

I am in full flow today! I start with Kevin Ashton and why you should all buy a ticket for UK INvestor Show on April 18 NOW (HERE) and give thus guy a standing ovation. He is a total 100% hero. I then move onto Gowin New, and then to Mosman en passant (more detail HERE) and then to Bagir ( what i a "good" company, hint - not bagir, and why), Sopheon, TXO and Golden Saint Resources. There is a bit of a discussion about the lack of AIM Regulation and ZAI Corporate Finance.

To get your free copy of my new book 49 Red Flags sent to you today  fill in the form HERE


3529 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 22 January

In today's podcast I cover David Lenigas firing Hume capital, TXO (toast I suspect), Jiasen & Gowin New ( China toast to come), Monitise (vindication almost complete after latest profits warning), Quindell (loons, toast to come) and Oxford Instruments (shoot the PR, visibility nil, bargepole).

To enable yourself to get a priority booking tomorrow morning to hear Big Dave Lenigas and myself on 2nd Feb register HERE


3530 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 21 January - Revenue Recognition and Visibility

In the regular podcast for today I look at revenue recognition and visibility. This is prompted by the comedy/tragedy of a statement from Gowin New Energy - an AIM casino China joke POS - and the profits warning from Intercede. I also look at Weatherley International, Afren, TXO and San Leon


3695 days ago

TXO - Tim Baldwin explains and puts the case on video

Do you understand what oil junior TXO (TXO) does? It seems a tad complicated and its CEO Tim Baldwin seems to attract "mixed" Bulletin Board Comment. In this video from UK Investor show Mr Baldwin puts the case for buying shares in TXO.


3943 days ago

TXO – who are the bent “institutional investors” – quizzing foxy Ms Alice Lane

TXO (TXO) has this morning raised £500,000 at 0.1p. The shares are off by 0.02p at 0.11p. The deal is probably good news for TXO, although the dilution is painful, but that is not the real story here.

The real story is the placing. When TXO started its roadshow the share price was 0.18p. In other words it fell by 0.05p as City investors were made “insiders” and asked to participate in the placing and by just 0.02p when the placing was announced.

So who dealt? Who blabbed? Who broke the law? Surely the share price fall is no fluke? Frankly the idea that it is a coincidence is about as credible as Tony Blair’s excuses for invading Iraq. 

This is a clear open and shut case of criminal activity in the City. Of insider dealing. Of crony capitalism. But will anything happen? There is more chance of me getting to shag Cheryl Cole this weekend than of anyone doing anything about this.

The broker to the placing is Northland Capital, specifically a Ms Alice Lane who is as you can see is really rather foxy. I called Alice this morning
