
2634 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Ouzo time for me but a bad bathtime for an AIM CEO tonight

The ouzo refers to the latest crushing blow for snakeoil salesman Darren Winters. This man has claimed to have fleeced, sorry trained, 500,000 Britons yet still the deadwood press fail to report on our takedown of the charlatan. Pathetic. The bathtime refers to the CEO of Tracsis (TRCS) who claims to listen to bearcast in his bath. I comment on today's trading update. Then it is onto China fraud Jiasen (JSI) and its latest bollocks news signed off by low life Nomad Cairn Financial. And then after an en passant look at Polemos (PLMO) I take a very detailed look at Blenheim Natural Resources (BNR) which is overvalued hype with a bushel of red flags thrown in for good measure. I advise my pal Big Dave Lenigas to take profits and sell and others to do likewise.
