
624 days ago

Versarien: shares slumping, is it the bailout placing or a grim year end trading statement? Or Both!

You will remember that when the old auditor to Versarien (VRS), run by loathsome charlatan Neill Ricketts, walked, the new bean counter said that it would not have sufficient time to sign off on results to March 31 so Ricketts extended the year end to September 30. But the shares are today sliding (again), off 10% to 18p, as chickens prepare to come home to roost.


677 days ago

Tortilla Mexican Grill dumps auditor, nine months after IPO: red flag?

Tortilla Mexican Grill (MEX), the mid-market restaurant chain, has announced that just nine months after its IPO, it has dumped existing auditors, Blick Rothenburg. And after a competitive tender, it has appointed Haysmacintyre LLP as its new statutory auditor.  Odd timing: is this a red flag?


793 days ago

Versarien – auditors resign forcing change of year end, a big red flag

On 23 September 2021 the AGM of Versarien (VRS) voted to reappoint PWC as its auditors. Today we discover PWC has resigned and been replaced with the rather less top drawer BDO LLP. And there is more. This stinks.


1192 days ago

Supply@Me Capital Part 2 - an auditor warns

Of course you do not have to listen to me or, in this case to an industry veteran. Why not just listen to Zak Mir, Alex McKinley and the other “experts” and fill your boots with this con when its shares resume trading. On that note, Looker published its delayed accounts today and its shares were unsuspended at 9.35 AM. I wonder why the FCA is not unsuspending Supply@ME Capital’s (SYME) shares yet? Anhow back to the expert auditor who notes:


1407 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - on the nature of fraud once again & screw the 1000 mug cockwombles who want their Wirecard losses back

I start with the economy and the idea of Michael Gove and Boris Johnson that somehow FDR shows us the way out of this mess they have created. Sure,conscript all the snowflakes, after they have finished their degrees in media and gender studies and send them to invade Albania. It sort of worked in 1939. Seriously, this is more madness. Then I look at the nature of fraud and our failure to tackle it ref Wirecast, Blur and auditor EY now being sued by 1,000 cockwomble investors who “thought they knew better.”


2486 days ago

MySQUAR Limited – was brought to AIM and is audited by PKF Littlejohn – what could possibly go wrong?

In a brochure boasting of its (dis) services to the capital markets, auditor PKF Littlejohn proudly lists some of the clients it has helped bring to London’s capital markets (some of which it also audits). The roll call of shame includes:


2678 days ago

African Potash Accounts finally out - damning statements by RSM Tenon auditor

I am yet to get an explanation from Peterhouse Corporate Finance, the advisor to ISDX and (pro tem) AIM listed fraud African Potash (AFPO) as to why accounts for the year to June 30 were signed off on 28 December but not released until 3 hours and 48 minutes after the stockmarket closed for a three day New Year break on 30 December. This is surely a breach of ISDX rules and it shows, again, that the fraudsters are prize rotters. Why is Peterhouse not resigning NOW? But it gets worse, the actual, annual report was promised by 31 December but has only this morning appeared on the company's ramptastic website. Why the delay? How about not wishing to admit to damning comments from auditors RSM Tenon which show that this company is toast? The auditor does not mince its words.


2791 days ago

A letter to RSM the hapless Auditors to fraud African Potash

My good friend, the king of the fraudsters Sam Antar, was on cracking form this week reminding us all of how he used to hoodwink auditors KPMG over many years when masterminding the Crazy Eddie's fraud. You can see the genius Sam explaining all HERE. I am keen that the fine firm of RSM UK Audit LLP, does not find itself made to look like KPMG style fools, and have thus penned it an open letter today on the subject of both impending bankruptcy and also fraud at its client African Potash. I am such a nice guy trying to help out these simple City folk don't you think? The open letter follows:


3083 days ago

Pointless posturing by Outsourcery as it changes auditor – real issue is when Piers Linney firm goes bust

In a pompous sort of way as if he we running a FTSE 100 company not a piss poor, going bust, AIM Casino disaster story like Outsourcery (OUT), Dragon’s Den flop and serial business failure Piers Linney today announced a change of auditor.  That Piers, my boy, is not the issue is it?
