
586 days ago

BREAKING: Open Orphan Insider Trading Probe - Dublin arrest

It is being reported in the Irish online publication, The Currency, that a businessman arrested on suspicion of alleged insider trading this week was trading in the shares of Open Orphan (ORPH). However the businessman was not working for the Irish company.


2901 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast for Paul Scott - this is why moral journalists break news of placings - ref Cyan Scoop

Paul Scott is slating me for breaking news of the Cyan (CYAN) placing which the company has now confirmed in a grudging sort of manner. I examine why Paul is upset but explain why his argument is flawed and why he needs to direct his ire at the company not at me. Ever since there have been financial journalists our job has been to break stories of placings, bids and profits warnings. I explain why that is the moral thing to do and exactly why it was the moral thing to do to break the Cyan placing today. I've been breaking such stories as a financial journalist for 25 years. I am bloody good at it and so have no plans to stop. It is one of the few things I do which I can say, without doubt, is morally right. My snake encounter article, I mention in the podcast, is HERE
