
2427 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - I insult fat pig Sam Smith of FinnCap because she banks a monthly fee to act for an insider dealer

Apparently I am not allowed to call Sam Smith of FinnCap a fat pig b ecuase she is female and women have "body image issues". Well, as an overweight male, I can say that we men can also have such issues. I won't therefore be sexist and discriminate. I insult Sam because her firm banks a big cheque every month for acting for a firm run by an insider dealer. Sam you take money to act for crooks, I insult you and being a woman won't you off the hook. Do you understand now, you morally bankrupt cow?  Elsewhere I look at: Providence Resources (PVR), Stratex (STI), Anglesey Mining (AYM), Interquest (ITQ) and Conroy Gold & Natural Resources (CGNR).   
