
68 days ago

Video: War is Accelerating Gold, Oil, and Dollar Buying

Analyst Vince Lanci serves up music for the ears of folks such as Nigel Somerville as gold breaks through $2,000 an oz.


697 days ago

Video: the dollar will collapse & gold will soar

Asset manager David Brady believes another massive rally is coming for gold and that the Fed will reverse course. Countries never chose to default they always inflate their debts away. Markets today are centrally managed. What we have is not free-market capitalism.


775 days ago

Video: the end game for the dollar, prepare for hyperinflation and buy metals!

Okay, Kevin Wadsworth and Patrick Karim are chartists but let’s not hold that against them.  Their calls are dramatic and bearish.


1030 days ago

Video: the great Ron Paul warns dollar panic will lead to economic collapse

Ron Paul for President! Sadly he never made it past the Republican Primaries. America is not ready for a honest, sound money libertarian yet. But the good doctor is still my hero. In this new video, Dr Paul discusses the need to reduce the size and scope of government. He argues that people today rely on the government too much, and politicians can’t resist taking advantage of this dependence. It’s like an addiction, and stopping it is a problem. The plunge protection team has done a miraculous job of propping up the market. But, unfortunately, Paul argues, the dollar will continue to decline, and inflation will result in the prices of everything going up.


1108 days ago

Video: Leverage will Create the Largest Global Financial Crisis in History

Asset manager David Hunter does not mince his words. Equities are in a late stage melt up but will then, he predicts, fall by 80% as we go from a global deflationary bust followed by an inflationary recovery cycle. We will see dollar weakness now followed by a big dollar rally during the bust.


1299 days ago

Video: Socialism coming to America and what that means for the dollar

This is my sort of bird! Danielle DiMartino Booth is the CEO and Chief Strategists for Quill Intelligence, a research and analytics firm. She makes a stark warning about the USA and the dollar.


1311 days ago

Video: China Stockpiling gold will devastate the dollar

Fund manager Nick Barisheff looks back to what happened in the past and considers the risk of confiscation of gold and why the correct term should be “expropriation.”


1345 days ago

Video: The Currency Reset is Here: sell dollars buy gold ahead of fireworks!

Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading says that the Fed has been unable to hit its 2% inflation target, but she says, “The Fed is getting prepared because they expect to lose control of inflation soon.” The Fed plans to quietly introduce a cashless system with an 18 step plan early in 2021. This new system will enable the Fed to deposit money directly and will give them absolute control of their policies. This coming UBI stimulus scheme will be the fuel that starts hyperinflation fire since we are a consumer-driven economy; they have to get us to consume.


1358 days ago

Video: The USA is an insolvent bankrupt nation so buy Gold

Michael Pento President and Founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies does not mince his words. He says that  “We see now a rebound in the virus, the closing of the economies, and a fiscal cliff that is going to be absolutely devastating… The cliff is coming because you can’t print trillions of dollars and borrow trillions every few months. No economy in the history of planet earth has ever been able to do that without destroying its currency and bond market. I don’t think the US will be any different.”


1369 days ago

Video: US Dollar Crisis is Not the Only Factor Pushing Gold Higher

Trader David Kranzler, of Investment Research Dynamics, argues that the dollar index doesn’t explain the recent move up in gold and particularly silver. While the dollar has room to move quite a bit lower, the world still has a solid need for dollars. The excessive money printing could put a lot of pressure on the dollar, and the recent move in gold could be due to investors anticipating such a drop.


2249 days ago

A Monetary Shift is Underway that will Kill the Dollar.. so buy Gold?

Fund manager Jamie Carrasco likes looking at the finances of the world from a geopolitical perspective. He says, “The Chinese use two symbols for danger, one signifies danger and the other can indicate wealth. We are on the cusp of some massive changes and the birth of a new system.” 


2481 days ago

Major Autumn Rally Coming in Gold & Gold Stocks

We are seeing pretty classic gold action. Gold stocks are normally more volatile when compared to the regular markets. The U.S. system is currently very dysfunctional, nothing seems to get done, just like it was under Obama. Overall this will affect the psychology with the dollar. The Canadian dollar and gold charts look very similar since these are tied to natural resources. The Canadian dollar improvements in recent weeks have caused Canadian mining stocks to move up in US Dollar terms. We still need some sort of catalyst, an external event, some small drop in the markets to get things started. People are going to be surprised how quickly gold heads for the all-time high.
