
2195 days ago

UK Investor Show Main Stage Star Video: Nigel Wray, Paul Jourdan and Tom Winnifrith not Paul Scott

Paul Scott had too much to drink the night before and thus failed to appear for this mid morning session on value investing at UK Investor Show. At one minute's notice I stepped into his shoes with Paul promising the organisers that he would arrive within ten minutes. He did not turn up at all. Though I over-ran by about five minutes as I adjusted & winged it using as a basis a pretty piss poor agenda Paul had set the session still worked very well I thought, a testimony to the expertise of Nigel Wray and Paul Jourdan of Amati.


2558 days ago

Londoners are Morons part 486 - £1 for that pot of feta? You is avin a giraffe

So I find myself in London for two days. The reason I am here is surreal and I shall tell you all about it when I am allowed to. I lived in this City for about twenty years. I suppose I was younger then and its attractions were of interest to me at that point in my life: places to drink, lots of single women, a chance of to make money. I can't say that I am interested in any of the above right now and in fact London fills me with dread and horror and I do all that I can to avoid it. 


2837 days ago

My father books a cruise - profits warning alert for Fred Olsen lines after drinks offer

Dad and I are now into a good routine here in Shipston. He does not say much about my late step mum but he is getting a task done each day, sorting out his papers, her papers, probate, making a few plans, writing stern memos in his semi legible drunken spider handwriting. On Saturday I head back to the Mrs - who is now at 34 weeks - for a Bristol break and he will have his first time trying to cope alone without his cook and companion. We have a few folks popping in to see him during the six days before I return and we shall see how it all goes.

Plans have been made


2854 days ago

The dreaded call has arrived - everything clicks into autopilot as I rush to Shipston

"How are you?". it was my little step sister Flea. Rather fearing the reason for the call I cannot remember what I said other than to ask why the call at noon on a Monday. It was her mother, my step mother, and the call I was rather dreading. Things had got worse overnight, dramatically so, and my step siblings were all rushing to the hospice. My father had his own hospital appointments today with my stern and sober sister the Doctor very much in charge. For all sorts of reasons he will need a drink or two tonight.
