
544 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Rogue Bloggers are now 8 (+2 fantasy women) & the wooden floor that protects female failures like Sharon White & La Willingham

I start on journalist ethics, that is to say not selling shares before advising readers to and a chap called Magna Carta who reminds me of the weeds in my strawberry patch. Then onto Rogue Bloggers where Andrew Bell says he is joining us and bringing a fantasy woman. I shall bring Cheryl. Please donate HERE. Finally, referring to Sarah Willingham and Dame Sharon White of John Lewis infamy (see the Daily Mail article I refer to HERE) I suggest that a glass ceiling for women in business has been replaced by a wooden floor.


575 days ago

A man whose firm is paid to act for a company run by insider dealing market abusing crooks lectures a pious and ethical business on ethics

I have commented HERE on the scandal of the £216 Lush blow up involving Andrew Monk’s VSA Capital (VSA). That is the VSA which is happy to act for the crooked insider dealing market abusers at Caracal Gold (GCAT).as it finds itself under a full blown FCA Enquiry. So who better to lecture, in the tweet below, the ethical chaps at Lush on corporate ethics than Mr Monk? What next? Nadhim Zahawi lecturing us all on why we should pay more tax? Matt Hancock on the sanctity of marriage? David Moyes on how to manage a football club? 


1102 days ago

TomWinnifrith Bearcast: when the facts change what do you do: Umuthi and MyHealthchecked

As folks close to the fraud Umuthi (UHS) start to play the man not the ball I set the record straight. I have agonised about the ethics of this as a journalist but feel I have no choice and then to MyHealthChecked (MHC) where we shareholders have to accept that facts changed today.


1811 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I can almost tell you about the very exciting event

Almost but not yet. Pro tem I look at the ethics and tax affairs of soon to float AirNb and then at this week’s utterly dishonest journalism in the Sunday Times, Burford (BUR) and the issue of revenue recognition.


2859 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Recorded from my new home - at a motorway service station

Yes, I am indeed resident at a motorway service station as I explain HERE. In today's podcast I look at ethics, Milestone (MSG), Strat Aero (AERO), SalvaRx (SALV), Gulf Keystone (GKP), Blur (BLUR) - as a long I kid you not - and Audioboom (BOOM), er..less so.


3294 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Explaining Ethical Financial Journalism to Morons (and Chris Oil)

There are a couple of comments up on the ShareProphets comments section today (from Woody44 and Vines) which show that at least two of our readers are morons. I have a spare few minutes so explain the ethics of financial journalism with reference to transparency and share ownership and insider dealing and source protection. Will they understand? Somehow I think they, like Chris Oil, do not wish to understand.


3613 days ago

Why ShareProphets turned cash away – we have ethics and Pacific Tycoon is a con

Last week a blameless salesman at ADVFN booked a marketing solus for us for Pacific Tycoon. The Asian scammers were prepared to pay great money so we would have a big payday on it. But when I learned about this I told our partners at ADVFN that if that mailing was sent to our readers I would resign. And so it was pulled. However much money we are offered we will not expose you to folks who are just out and out criminals.

I note that a poster on this site has commented on a previous article about Pacific thus:


4176 days ago

Honour Among Thieves – Journalist Ethics or lack of them - ref Darshini Shah

Yes I know that all journalists are scumbags. I love my profession and feel that I fit in perfectly. But there are certain ethics. If a rival breaks a story you at least mention it before writing it yourself. You do nor write utter shit to obscure that fact. There are some ethics even in the gutter. But not it appears round at iii where some bird called Darshini Shah seems a little unfamiliar with this basic principle of our profession.

It is not often I break a bid story involving a £100 million capitalised company and, even better, get its shares suspended as a result. Allow me to savour my little triumph. But last night I broke the Range Resources bid story on – see HERE

And so this morning some person called Darshini Shah wrote on the iii “newspaper”

Shares in Range Resources (RRL) have been placed into a precautionary suspension, spurring investors' hopes that the company would be announcing a merger deal. In a statement released on Monday morning, Range Resources said shares would be suspended on AIM until the company could issue "a clarification announcement in respect of a potential significant transaction".

Range's shares have also been placed in a trading halt on the Australian Securities Exchange. Some users of the Interactive Investor discussion boards suggested African Petroleum could be the potential merger partner.

Ok enough of Darshini's fantasy. The facts are that I ran the story, named the merger partner and made sure that the right folks knew and thus the shares were suspended. But Darshini reckons they were suspended, apropos of nothing and then folks on the iii Bulletin Board broke the story sometime this morning.

Darshin, love: that might suit the ii narrative but it is not actually true is it? With your ethics and love of the truth maybe a switch to PR is in order?

PS If Darshini is a bloke not a bird I apologise.
