
3506 days ago

Camkids Interims - an inexplicable dividend cut from a Chinese POS on the AIM Casino

Another day and another Chinese POS on the AIM casino has cut its cash dividend for reasons that one can only explain in one way. Today’s little shocker is Camkids (CAMK) a shoe producer from Fujian like Naibu (NBU) and those German listed Chinese frauds.

The statement has a new twist – a bit of blather about the shares have been hit by adverse comment in the Western press about Chinese stocks on AIM. Yes there have been dozens and dozens of fraudulent Chinese companies listed on AIM, Frankfurt, in NY and Canada and we dumb gwaelos of the Western investing public have had enough. What don’t you dumb mothers understand about that? I am sorry if you feel tarred with the same brush unfairly but heck that is the territory.

Anyhow Camkids says that it has a different business model to the others (I take it that it means to the frauds) which is jolly good news. So we can all believe its numbers right? Er…
