
1166 days ago

Richard Poulden - your new hire is bonkers

Yesterday I discussed the shocking share ramp by David Lenigas, Zak Mir, Peterhouse Corporate Finance of Richard Poulden’s Upper Thames Holdings (UPPT), a  business with £300,000 of cash, zero operations, which is capitalised at £6.4 million and still the ramp goes on. Part of that ramp is the hire as a non board advisor of Vinay Gupta, a blockchain guru. Sadly, Mr Poulden your new hire is bonkers. Here is how he explains how we can all become millionaires overnight.


2740 days ago

One law for millionaires, one for little people - do Share Centre's pleb customers know its boss thinks this way?

And debate rages on about yesterday's decision by three old men to deny what 17.4 million of us what we were told on a ballot paper on June 23rd, that which we would be given: Brexit. Wading into the debate is Gavin Oldham the founder and boss of The Share Centre a man now exposed as being on the side of the 1% (people like him) and not the 99% (you, me and his customers - the "little people"). Oldham tweets:
