
1888 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Exclusive: twit James Hurley of The Times demands an apology for calling out his false claim - he can stick it where the sun don't shine

First of all. I deal with James Hurley who is obviously a pompous little prat and a total knobhead.  Then it is onto Neil Woodfotd where, belatedly, the deadwood press is waking up. I do the math on his remaining FTSE 100 holdings. I am a bit tired. having done a 16 mile training walk for Woodlarks in rain, wind and mud today so as you think of an exhausted 51 year old man slowly recovering please support the rogue bloggers for Woodlarks HERE


2059 days ago

Brexit hero Tim Martin debunks a stack of myths as JD Wetherspoon reports strong results

Note to prat Jamie Oliver. Insult 52% of us over Brexit and you lose custom and shutter your disgustingly overpriced outlets, tell the truth as Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon (JDW) has and you might report cracking numbers as Tim has done (again) today. The great man has also debunked a stack of Brexit myths, noting:
