
3042 days ago

Tired of smearing and attempting to bribe Tom Winnifrith, Afriag's Yusuf Kajee demands questions - ok, part 1

AIM Listed Afriag PLC (AFRI) shares should be suspended on Monday because of the mass of questions I have flagged up on this website HERE. One of the two principal players in the business, Yusuf Kajee, has spent the holidays sending me more than 130 tweets smearing me in the most repugnant manner possible (HERE) and also trying to bribe me (HERE). Now he asks for questions.


3055 days ago

A Reminder of my 12 Questions for ex AIM boss David Lenigas - he never answered

Jabba The Hutt has yet to announce his resignation from the board of Inspirit (INSP) but it must be imminent as he has quit four of his five remaining AIM directorships this morning. I guess in the boiler room they are not at full speed yet. Why the sudden departure from AIM? More on that later but here is a reminder of 12 questions I posed on 28 November for David Lenigas and of why you should have sold shares in EVERY company associated with him. Update: Big Dave quits Inspirit too.


4298 days ago

A Few Questions from the Beach

This sunbathing lark really is puzzling me. I just cannot lie there thinking about nothing. I guess I never will get to be an airhead. Drat. But you cannot always think about work, life, family, West Ham (not in that order). Questions occasionally crop up. This is not a competition as any fool can check out the answers on google to win (Lucian Miers being the sort of fool who would). But can anyone answer any of the following?

1. What is the difference between a sea and a large lake? Please answer including a reference to the Sea of Galilee and Dead Sea which are much smaller than Lake Michigan.
