
2798 days ago

The Treatment of Scumbag Keith Vaz - the moral bankruptcy of the public sector exposed

If Keith Vaz was holding a senior management position in the private sector, the rent boy shagging, drug buying MP would not be wandering into work today. He would be suspended on full pay as an enquiry would be underway and concluded within two weeks. Actually following numerous previous episodes Vaz would have been fired years ago had he worked in the productive part of the economy. Luckily for him, Vaz "works" in the public sector, the part of the economy we in the private sector fund. So there is no accountability.

Vaz has been caught on tape so appears to be slam dunk guilty of offering to buy illegal drugs and of paying male prostitutes for sex. Given that the committee he chairs is producing reports on prostitution right now and that he has spoken in debates at sleaze central on drugs he is guilty not only of a crime ( offering to buy illegal drugs) but of what we in the private sector term "an undeclared conflict of interest (COI)" 

As a libertarian


4166 days ago

Breaching the “human rights” of an oppressed minority – greedy and sleazy MPs. My Heart bleeds

Whenever the words “breach of human rights” comes up your blood boils. Whether it is the terrorist who you cannot deport because it would upset the life of his family (a cat), the Somali pirate or Rwandan mass murderer whose ‘uman rights would be compromised if he had to go back home to face justice or whether it is the thought of the wicked witch whose Chambers promoted this daft legislation and has grown rich on it, my blood always boils. Aaaagh Cherioe Blair what did we do as a nation to deserve you?

But now there is another oppressed and unloved minority whose human rights are, they claim, set to be breached. I refer to a group of men and women even less loved than that other great ‘human rights beneficiary Abu Qatada. I speak of course of expense grubbing greedy MPs.

The expenses watchdogs wants MPs who used taxpayers cash to buy a second home to rent out to hand back any profits made over the past two years. I cannot see what is the problem with that. It was our (i.e. the taxpayers capital) that funded these entrepreneurial ventures, we should get the profits. About 70 MPs are affected and are now threatening legal action to stop this happening.
