Anjem Choudary

804 days ago

And here's yet another bogus Gary Newman on twitter: I am Gary, you are Gary, we are all Gary (again)

Elon Musk need not worry about snowflakes quitting twitter and so numbers dropping. He seems to be getting new folks joining all the time. The hate preacher Anjem Choudary says that if Elon believes in free speech he wants to rejoin in order to preach his support for ISIS, for killing jews and homosexuals and for turning Buckingham Palace into a mosque, Over to you Elon. And there are new bogus Gary Newman’s appearing, to swell the ranks of Elon’s customers. This one has now disappeared but, as you can see below, a new bogus Gary has appeared.


3066 days ago

Katie Hopkins, France and most folks so wrong on Burqa ban and gagging Islamofascists

Life under the rule of ISIS, the Taleban or even the loathsome House of Saud is not much fun for a variety of reasons. Women are told they must cover up - the state dictates what they can or cannot wear. It gets worse: the state dictates what one can or cannot say. In the old days I was allowed to say that such a way of living is regressive and unpleasant and that a liberal society as we, sort of, enjoy in the West was superior. I rather worry that a hardline Moslem might now claim that what I have just written offends him and thus report it as a hate crime. God only knows how our uber PC rozzers would react to that.


3074 days ago

Why send Anjem Choudary to prison - he wants and should be given a one way ticket to Syria

Hate preacher Anjem Choudary will next week get a prison sentence of up to ten years for inciting others to support a proscribed organisation, that is to say Islamic State or ISIS. Surely jail is the last place we should be sending him?


3099 days ago

Liberal media darling Inigo Gilmore uses Channel 4 News to smear all Eurosceptics as being on "far right"

In days gone by it was perfectly respectable to be a Eurosceptic and a lefty. Great socialists such as Tony Benn, Peter Shore and Barbara Castle lead the battle to get out of the EU in 1975. But gradually most on the left have abandoned that position. That they have done so while working people and the old, young and sick across Europe have been screwed by the EU might be rather surprising.

And thus while Greek Pensioners have to live on £9 a day


3116 days ago

The Guardian on racists, Brexit supporters and stupid people

As I am with my father in Shipston the paper delivered each day is the Guardian and my father is delighting in reading out various excerpts just to annoy me. Since he is a closet reactionary they also make him despair but he has been well trained by my step mother, who actually agrees with much of this nonsense, to hide that despair. That is until he gets to the White Bear where he can read the Daily Telegraph and smile in open agreement.

On page 33 of the Guardian there is a section where a history teacher who blogs as "disappointed idealist" offers hints on what to tell your kids in school if they ask awkward questions. Today the teacher answers the question that all the kids are apparently asking about Brexit, "are all leave voters racist?" The answer:


3128 days ago

EU Referendum caption Contest: War Criminal votes for Remain edition

The deadline to enter this caption contest is in 45 minutes. Only kidding Tony, let's call it midnight tonight. It seems that our favourite war criminal, Mr Tony Blair reckons that folks will follow his lead and has thus circulated this charming picture below. Apparently Islamic hate preacher Anjem Choudary also voted remain because the EU stops folks being deported for trial elsewhere. Do your best in the comments section below...


4239 days ago

Friday caption Contest on a Saturday - Money Tree edition

No winners from last week’s contest. Let’s hope for more inspired entries this week.  And on that matter as I see I am being bashed on twitter for suggesting that we do not give EVEN more money to the world’s third largest employer because the UK Government has so much to spend I come to Mr Ed Balls, MP.

Apparently Ed reckons that the last Labour Government was not profligate and is now starting to outline his vision for how he will bankrupt Britain within five years starting 2015. Sorry, I meant to say: how he will like Gordon Brown be prudent and manage the Nation’s finances responsibly.

And so here is the picture. Post your entries in the comments section below by 9 AM next Friday.

For what it’s worth I am torn between

“Crook and bigot, Sir Patrick Mercer dreams about his remaining two years as an honourable member of parliament”


“Islamofascist Hate preacherAnjem Chowdary offers praise to the source of his £25,000 a year tax free lifestyle package”


“Ed Balls takes advice from Tom Winnifrith's deluded lefty partner and assures us that Labour’s spending plans are fully costed”
