637 days ago
I have covered the career of left wing journalist Carole Cadwalladr on this website for many years, starting with her bogus claims of achieving success despite educational disadvantage, moving on through all the hoax stories which earned her an Orwell prize and then onto her libel case with Brexit bad boy, Arron Banks. Today Cadwalladr faces bankruptcy as she has been ordered to pay 60% of Bankski’s costs plus 100% of her own costs plus some damages as well. If she cannot find more than £2million she should be made bankrupt. Hooray. For Cadwalladr is a dangerous and unpleasant fantasist.
977 days ago
According to MSM, the crazy cat lady has won today’s court case. If defaming your victims is victory, then maybe. This is a dark day for responsible journalism – I explain why.
1014 days ago
Yesterday I flagged up that Arron Banks, the self styled Brexit bad boy – was tweeting about Iofina (IOF) where he had a disclosable stake. Bankski teased “ I’ve Got plans for Iofina.” The shares ticked higher. Today a TR1.
1014 days ago
Having previously attempted regime change at Iofina (IOF), the self style Brexit bad boy Arron Banks cannot be considered a passive shareholder. And hence this tweet from him yesterday has seen Iofina shares nudge higher. Arron you are such a tease. But doesn’t flagging up that you are up to something make you a bit of an AIM bad boy?
1059 days ago
The on off long term love affair between self-styled “Brexit bad boy” Arron Banks and perennial AIM dog Iofina (IOF) is back on, for reasons he explained to me in a tweet today as his stakebuilding emerged.
1071 days ago
This is a title which is always hotly contested but today’s winner is actor Hugh Laurie as you can see below.
1333 days ago
I kid you not. Carole is the Orwell Prize winning journalist who made up a stack of stories about Cambridge Analytica, the Vote Leave campaign, Dirty Russian Money, Arron Banks and those pesky Russians getting Donald Trump elected in 2016. It has all been shown to be utter fantasy. Carole has now admitted that she has no evidence at all that Banks, who is minted in his own right, got Russian money to fund the Brexit campaign. She will shortly be taken to the cleaners by Arron in the High Court. She is the ultimate source of media disinformation. So today I learned that lefty pressure group Avaaz is holding a conference on media disinformation…
1351 days ago
I comment not on the Iofina (IOF) share price which has, pro tem, arrested a year-long decline, bouncing 21% today to 14.5p but on note 16 of its accounts out two days ago showing the shocking corporate governance at this company, something shareholder Brexit “bad boy” Arron Banks used to care about.
1479 days ago
The BBC and the mainstream media are not reporting it but today the Information Commissioner gave testimony to the House of Commons DCMS Select Committee which demonstrates the true degradation of British Journalism. This reminds me of a talk last Autumn at, my alma mater, Hertford College Oxford.
1540 days ago
On Wednesday night, shortly before facing heroic Arron Banks in the High Court, fantasist journalist Carole Cadwalladr admitted she had no facts to justify her Orwell award winning fantasies that Bankski’s Russian pals did sordid business deals with him and then funded the Brexit campaign. But if you are a Guardian reading fantasist Carole still wants your money and so continues the charade
1541 days ago
Last night the Guardian star journalist Carole Cadwalladr admitted to the High Court that she had no evidence at all that Russian money was channelled via Arron Banks to fund the Brexit campaign. She will be paying my pal Bankski £62,000 of costs today but that number will rise. Carole was awarded the Orwell prize by the Foundation of that name in 2018 for her Brexit work. Massive questions must now be asked. But this is 1984, I mean 2020, so will they be asked?
1546 days ago
This week, the journalist Suzanne Moore was forced out of her highly paid job at the Guardian. Her crime was to question certain of the more radical demands of the trans agenda in relation to women‘s rights. Moore was not fired. No, this is 1984 so instead vast numbers of her colleagues wrote to management saying her views upset them. Knowing she was in peril of being written out of the script, Moore walked.
1739 days ago
Yes they have been in touch. Ok, Mike Turner, you attempts to get the boys in blue ( or birds in this case) onto me have failed but if you really think that you want to mess with me you gender fluid, Bidstack (BIDS) owning moron it is game on. I also discuss results from the POS that is Bidstack, woes for Arron Banks at Iofina (IOF) – he should have listened to me – Open Orphan (ORPH), and Motif Bio (INSANITY). PS Book your tickets for you know what HERE
1801 days ago
This is all to do with my own panic shopping but what it told me about how others are behaving. If folks think that most consumers continue to act as if nothing is wrong, think again. Then I look at Future (FUTR) which i don’t believe as it issues a trading statement, round two of beer and popcorn at Iofina (IOF) as the great Brexit bad boy Arron Banks makes his move, French Connection (FCCN) and ValiRx (VAL) botb of which look pretty fecked.
1802 days ago
In today’s podcast I start with an apology to Mitch Tarr for perhaps marginally misquoting him. But that turns into a demand that for all sorts of reasons BigDish (DISH) fires its chairman Jonathan Morley-Kirk, who should be in prison. Then I look at Coronavirus and Dignity (DTY) following a discussion with my GP sister. Then it is onto Sirius Minerals (SXX) and finally to why Brexit “bad boy” Arron Banks is a hero both for dealing with the ghastly Carole Cadwalladr and for his actions at Iofina (IOF) which I support for reasons I explain in great detail.
1805 days ago
Get your beer and popcorn ready this is going to be fun. Iofina (IOF) has today issued an RNS via its morally bankrupt PR mothers at Yellow Jersey commenting on social media and press reports that the self-confessed bad boy of Brexit, Arron Banks, is calling a GM to oust useless chairman Lance Baller. Iofina says it has received no request and as such “ the Board believes that posting this type of information on social media, instead of by proper and legally permitted channels, to be wholly inappropriate and in potential violation of applicable law and regulation. Furthermore, the Board believes this action to be detrimental to shareholders of the Company as a whole.” Pompous knobheads.
2061 days ago
You may have missed it but Nick Clegg, once a hero of remainiacs like crazy cat woman Carol Cadwalladr yesterday spelled it out loud and clear – Brexit was not caused by Russian meddling and the Cambridge Analytica story is total tosh. Natch the crazy cat lady and her deluded followers dismissed poor Mr Clegg as a merchant of fake news. For them facts are an inconvenient truth, a bit like Carole’s self written life story.
2644 days ago
I see that Guardian journalist Carole Cadwalladr is complaining that she has received death threats after writing what she, without any justification, claimed to be an expose of Russian meddling in the Brexit vote. Let us be clear: Carole is talking shite on the Russians, as she does on almost everything, as I noted here, but death threats against journalists are always utterly wrong. I speak as a journalist who has received death threats.
2822 days ago
Arron Banks is a big UKIP backer as is his pal Jim Mellon, although the old asset stripper of Uramin infamy is not actually allowed to vote in the UK as he lives offshore in the Isle of Man. Private Eye this week looks at how the two men have not exactly prospered by backing the underperforming, sub scale, IOM-based, AIM-listed, bank Manx Financial (MFX). It also questions whether Banks is as rich as he claims. Enjoy...