Ben Turney

171 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a snake correction & the WGEOMM is in touch

I start with the snake yesterday and a clarification, then it is onto Dispensa (DISP), Vast Resources (VAST), BjueJay Mining (JAY) – surely another bailout placing ahoy but at what price? – Microsaic (MSYS), Power Metal Resources (POW), Teather’s Financial and Flip Flop Ben Turney, and in real detail musicMagpie (MMAG) and why today’s statement does not address the real issue, making the shares a slam dunk sell.


414 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - another hour with the Police

No BBMs do not get too excited. It is not me for I have done nothing wrong. My discussions were about the obscene email one such moron sent me last Friday. After that I discuss IOG (IOG), pointing you to two tweets from morons below and the share price chart. I await apologies for I am never short but am usually right. IOG is very possibly a zero, today’s update is grim. Then it is onto Mirriad Advertising (MIRI), Cloudbreak Discovery (CDL) and its disgraced CEO, Unbound (UBG) , MGC Pharmaceutics (MXC) and Flip Flop’s Kavango Resources (KAV) and why Ben Turney should be sacked in disgrace.


414 days ago

Kavango Resources – City sources say flip flop is for the chop! Meanwhile, what about that (not) insider dealing?

At 2.47 PM yesterday Kavango Resources (KAV) issued a dismal drilling update. CEO “Flip Flop” Ben Turney tried to polish the turd but essentially the KSZDD003 drilling – just 60 metres from existing drilling failed to find anything. Turdey’s turn polishing is magnificent. I quote:


478 days ago

BREAKING: Karma hits Flip Flop Ben Turney, Kavango Action Group want him out & slate his troughing

You live by the sword….


553 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: surely this is straight to jail, do not pass Go, do not collect £400

On the jail tack I refer to the clear market abuse scandal at Powerhouse Energy (PHE). I also discuss Ocado (OCDO), clearly a stonking short, Versarien (VRS) and the latest utter cobblers and tripe from Ben Turney’s flip flop Kavango Resources (KAV). Ben, at least, provides a platform for some inappropriate Cheryl Cole analogies.


572 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a buy idea with 20% total return target + what would Ben Turney v1 make of Ben Turney v2 after Friday's nonsense?

In today’s podcast I look at Afentra (AET) and Gary Newman’s patience with obvious cretins, ScotGold (SGZ), Chill Brands (CHLL), Guild ESports (GILD), Genedrive (GDR) – a £62 million short – Kavango Resources (KAV) and BAT Industries (BATS).


682 days ago

The latest pump and dump from Ben Turney at Kavango – what would old flip flop have thought of this nonsense?

Flip flop Ben Turney used to be a (pretty good) journalist on this website exposing pump and dump CEOs who talked bullshit. What would the Ben Turney of old think of his latest antics at Kavango Resources (KAV), CEO Ben Turney of the parish of Flip Flop.  According to flip flop, as he today announced a £3 million placing at 1.8p, Kavango is “targeting the discovery of world-class mineral deposits in Botswana”. In a similar vein, thanks for subscribing to ShareProphets, your cash will allow me to continue targeting a night in the sack with Cheryl Cole. This latest placing is a shocker.


765 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Flip Flop, Ben Turney, & Dan Levi go to war again

I have no skin in this game, though I wouldn’t wish to own shares in Flip Flop’s Kavango Resources (KAV). However, as the two men go to war, it is time to grab some beer and popcorn and enjoy from the sidelines. Then, I look at Asimilar’s (ASLR) cash crisis, and Red Rock Resources (RRR) where, despite Andrew Bell pulling his usual trick, I hang on. Finally, I take a detailed look at Ince Group (INCE), where I am now 90% vindicated, with the shares crashing to c. 5p. I await an apology from its PR man, who suggested that, at 52p just before Christmas, I was wrong to be such a bear. To watch my next hat eating, go HERE.


838 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Special Agent Dick Barton fecks it up

In today’s podcast, I suggest 3 questions you should ask of a certain speaker at UK Investor, and I shall be very proud of anyone who has the nerve to do so! I look at Eurasia Mining (EUA); Kavango Resources (KAV), run by flip-flop, Ben Turney; Strip Tinning (STG); Deepverge (DVRG); Audioboom (BOOM); and Nanosynth (NNN), where I slash my target price to 0.1p. 95% of you have yet to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. Come on, I am sure you can spare a tenner – please do give HERE.


844 days ago

Kavango Resources: Would Ben Turney of old slate this slick promoter for sophistry or worse?

In the old days of editing this website, flip flop Ben Turney would skewer penny share promoters for deceiving investors. These days, flip flop runs Sub Standard Listed Kavango Resources (KAV), which today raised £750,000 at 3p, Friday’s closing offer price.  The RNS is bure bunkum, but there is worse.


953 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Scottish Power really are shysters and the 2 name changes that threw me at Advance Energy

I start with the dire customer service from Scottish Power which is scamming me here at the Welsh Hovel. What to do? Then I am disppointed that none of you could Sherlock ADM Energy (ADME) and its latest fake sheikh. Then, sorry Gary, back to Advance Energy (ADV) and its history with this fine website as Andalas and as CEB Resources, the pumpers (Zak Mir, flip flop Ben Turney, and Justin the Clown), the villains (Dave Whitby) and the lessons. Finally I explain why those predicting financial armageddon are, all of a sudden so plausible, but are wrong, or at least are over-egging the pudding.


1643 days ago

Congratulations Flip Flop: Ben Turney triumphs at Nostra Terra

Don’t get me wrong, I think that Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG) is a basket case but at least flip flip Ben Turney has engineered a boardroom revolution which gives it a slim chance of not going bust. Well done to Ben who, you may remember, discussed Nostra Terra in a recent ShareProphets Radio free podcast HERE.


1664 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition 25 with Tom Winnifrith & Flip Flop Ben Turney

My guest in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH) is a former editor of this website Flip Flop Ben Turney. We discuss the problems with AIM, New World Oil & Gas, Nostra Terra (NTOG), touching on the mud being slung at Ben by some folks but on the real issues that company faces, on Touchstone Exploration, Big Sofa (BST) and many other matters, notably AIM PLC director expenses. I also discuss companies who switch Nomads too often. Yes that includes Versarien (VRS) and its forced change of today. If you like this podcast and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1664 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: If you cannot be Sirius at least be up front with those who have lost millions

In this podcast from the Welsh Hovel as it is battered by Storm Dennis I discuss Nostra Terra (NTOG) ahead of a podcast with former site editor Flip Flop Ben Turney on Monday, Gervais Williams and his rile in this sorry tale and his problems and the fate of Sirius Minerals (SXX) and why certain tedious establishment suits need to start being honest with folks who have lost millions.


1664 days ago

BREAKING: The Letter Matt Lofgran and Nostra Terra do NOT want shareholders to see

Yesterday another dog cursed by the hex that is a Gervais Williams investment, that is to say Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG), published details of a sack the board EGM and the management’s case for staying on. What, in a cowardly fashion, it refused to do, as I believe it should have done is publish the letter that the requisitioner, Eridge Capital run by flip flop Ben Turney, wanted to send to shareholders. Fear not… the letter, outside of all paywalls, is below. Nostra Terra shareholders should read it and vote to sack chairman Ewan Ainsworth – in light of the scandalous pay revelations below – and hapless Lofgran after this bombshell.  Sack the board! 


1684 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the battle of the devout Christian giants: Matt Lofgran vs Flip Flop Ben Turney. Praise be the Lord

All we need now is for Julie “Lingerie on expenses” Meyer to enter the bust up at Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG) and the holy row would be complete. This will be entertaining if, I suspect, utterly pointless. I also comment on Versarien (VRS) correcting a BB loon – and flag up that I have a major AIM expose of a high profile, shortable, stock going live tomorrow morning. I explain why it is so interesting. Now I am off to do a Woodlarks training walk. So far we have £6600 raised or pledged - don’t be mean donate today HERE


1842 days ago

Flip Flop Ben Turney, everything okay with you at Teathers Financial?

Oh dear, Oh dear. On the principle that Good News travels fast and vice versa I rather worry for flip flop Ben Turney, the former editor of this website and the rescuer of formerly AIM listed Teathers Financial. How is the rescue going? Er… As you can see below…


2266 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - explaining to our in house Bulletin Board moron why taking part in a placing is not insider dealing

I look at why taking part in the Premaitha (NIPT) placing did not constitute insider dealing but make a suggestion as to how to change the way AIM placings take part. I look at what the Countrywide (CWD) statement means for Purplebricks (PURP) and at UK housing activity, at MySquar (FRAUD) where SP Angel continues to turn a blind eye to crime, at Avanti Communications (AVN), R4E (R4E) and at a new NEX float Tectonic Gold (TTAU) formerly Stratmin and why AIM turned it down and what message that sends to flip flop Ben Turney and Teathers (TEA). Read about my extreme weekend suffering and be generous HERE


2271 days ago

Flip Flop Ben Turney sends Private & Confidential begging email to Teathers shareholders – we publish in full.

Flip Flop Ben Turney, formerly of this Parish, insists that this email to shareholders in Teathers Financial is private and confidential. I can see why, as it is bollocks he would not want subjected to outside scrutiny. Naturally it has found its way to Winnileaks so I publish it in full. 


2355 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Gloo Networks excusing my fecking French but this is a fecking disgrace at all levels

In this bearcast I cover Sosandar (SOS) as Cynical Bear pretends to be Ben Turney on steroids and then turn my fire to all the bad news that UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) is sitting on and may release well after hours tomorrow. Then I look at Gloo Networks (GLOO) which is linked to BCA Marketplace (BCA). Gloo is at every level a total fecking scandal of greed and well everything. I should warn you that there is a bad language alert as Gloo is everything that is wrong about the AIM Casino. If you like bearcasts then remember that at UK Investor on April 21 one of many highlights will be a live bearcast with myself and Paul Scott. Make sure you book a free ticket HERE using the promotional code WINNIFRITH


2753 days ago

Flip Flop Ben Turney at Teathers - do your civic duty: tax dodging is wrong

I wrote earlier today that Flip Flop Ben Turney who now finds himself running failed ex AIM investment vehicle Teathers really MUST go to the Old Bill demanding a full investigation into the ATM withdrawals by ex FD Nilesh Jagatia. A reader points out that Flip Flop has another civic duty to perform on this matter, he must go to the taxman. Ever keen to help...


2754 days ago

An Open letter to Ben Turney - why have you not called in the police at Teathers Financial

Yesterday I revealed a series of 74 "interesting" transactions on the Teathers Financial (TEA) company credit card and some curious payments on the Teathers pre-payment card belonging to Nilesh Jagatia the company's former FD. There is now a very real suspicion that Teather's poor shareholders were paying for Jagatia's domestic shopping at his local Sainsbury's in South Woodford and that he was making withdrawals from the company's account for personal use. I have thus written to the new CEO flip flop Ben Turney who, of course arrived in the coup that saw Jagatia fired. The letter is below.


2797 days ago

EXCLUSIVE: Flip Flop Ben Turney forms Bowleven action Group - sack the board

He is at it again, flip flop Ben Turney has another company in his sights and this time it is rather larger than before. It is Bowleven (BLVN). And in his attenpts to push for management change, we can reveal that Turney has the support of bear raider Waseem Shakoor who is not part of Turney's group but has a material stake.


2817 days ago

Photo article: Sefton AGM today? Er..when? Where is the notice?

The word on the street is that the AGM of Sefton Resources (SER) is to be held today at the Essex offices of ADVFN PLC (AFN) - the head honchos at both company's being the same. Flip flop Ben Turney, who now owns almost 13% of the stock says that ADVFN boss Clem Chambers has slammed the phone down on him as he tried to confirm this.


2867 days ago

Sefton: Ben Turney turns up heat on ADVFN's Chambers & Hodges: buys a share in ADVFN

As we revealed yesterday, ADVFN (AFN) bosses Clem Chambers & Mike Hodges who also run now delisted Sefton Resources (SER) have stated that flip flop Ben Turney has not submitted an EGM request to oust them. Flip Flop has denied this and accused the Sefton board of lying to their investors. Now Turney has parked his tank on the ADVFN lawn.


2868 days ago

LAST DAY to order free copies of Tom Winnifrith e-books

A slight tweak in the ShareProphets business model means that, as of November 1st nearly all, of the e-books that I have penned will no longer be available for free on this website - you will have to buy them on Amazon. So TODAY IS THE LAST DAY to get free copies of titles such as "The 49 Golden Rules of making Money from Shares" as well as the 49 Red Flags book and the book Ben Flip Flop Turney and I produced on how to value oil, gas and mining shares. The same applies to Zak Mir's crap e-book on charting.


2868 days ago

Sefton: Ben Turney accuses ADVFN's Chambers and Hodges of lying to investors

Flip Flop Ben Turney who is endeavouring to oust Clem Chambers and Mike Hodges of ADVFN (AFN) from the board of now de-listed Sefton Resources (SER) has accused the two men of "telling blatant and demonstrable lies to investors in Sefton."


2886 days ago

Sefton - call to arms: Flip Flop Ben Turney now at 21% support to oust the board

The board of Sefton (SER) was informed eight days ago that Flip Flop Ben Turney owned 13% of the issued share capital and was demanding an EGM to oust the current directors, ADVFN (AFN) bosses Clem Chambers and Mike Hodges with Ben taking control. The resolution arrived in the BVI yesterday by snail mail but after eight days Flip Flop has not had a response. But he seems to have growing support and there are other developments.


2889 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Special - The Sefton pantomime has started all over again

Cry aceeed! Over the weekend Nigel published the proposals made by flip flop Ben Turney for Sefton Resources (SER) and Teathers (TEA). Yup the longest running pantomime on the AIM Casino is back in town. Some of the ideas suggested are just plain crackers. Truly when you thought this farce could not get any more surreal it just did. Others are actually very sensible. I try to cut through the farce to suggest what should happen.


2978 days ago

Well done Flip Flop Ben Turney - New World's shite directors ousted

I am happy to congratulate flip flop Ben Turney. Of course he remains a clown capable of bollocksing up much in life but yesterday he claimed notable scalps as three disgraced, discredited and utterly shite directors of New World Oil & Gas (NEW) walked the plank with immediate effect and that is down to Flip Flop.


2998 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - I am utterly fecked off with everyone

I am not writing much today as I am 100% fecked off with everyone especially Ben Turney, Jason Drummond and lyin' George Osborne. Instead I finished my olive pruning. I think I am going to quit writing and become a full time olive pruner. I discuss Teathers Financial (TEA), the Brexit vote, Photo-Me (PHTM), Chemring (CHG), Churchill Mining (CHL), xCite Energy (XEL) and dog spreadbetting waste of space London Capital (LCG)


2998 days ago

Flip Flop Ben Turney submits EGM request for New World - wants cull of useless old guard directors

There are five directors at New World Oil & Gas (NEW), two new regime (Adam Reynolds and Nick Lee) and three of the utterly loathed and discredited old guard who spunked £33 million of other folks cash on deals that were either fraudulent (the fake Sheikh) or just crap. How Messrs Einchcomb, Polakoff and Sztyk have the brass neck to hang around like a lingering mega fart defies belief. But not for much longer.


3058 days ago

African Potash this is not about bad PR this is about FRAUD - the shares must be suspended, CEO should go to jail

If anyone sees Chris Cleverley about town make sure he reads this. The "spin" from supporters of African Potash (AFPO) is that the events of yesterday are just a matter of bad PR, nothing unusual on the AIM casino and we should just move on. Ben "flip flop" Turney tweets such nonsense. Boy has flip flop lost the plot. African has been seen to have made statements via RNS, as it worked a placing away that were just, by its own admission, untrue. It raised cash on a false prospectus. That is fraud. Its shares must be suspended and its CEO Chris Cleverley deserves to go to prison. And he might just do that. Flip Flop sent out two tweets on this matter yesterday:


3112 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast St David's Day: Sheep Porn, Barclays & More Horse Shite

In today's St David's Day podcast I wish my Welsh listeners a happy national day and - especially for you - discuss why sheep porn matters. I then move onto Horse Hill and today's news and why Ben Turney and the other silly rampers are talking shit.  To make it simple, I use the analogy of Ms Cheryl Cole and Mr Wayne Rooney. I discuss African Potash (AFPO), letters of credit and thus Environmental Recycling (ENRT) and its fellow FRAUD Eden Research (EDEN). Its PR man Queenie McManus is - I assume - still smearing me as he chats to his pals the Bulletin Board Morons - but the company refuses to meet for an interview. What - other than fraud - is it hiding? I discuss Greka Drilling (GDL) as it heads down the pan and - after today's results from Barclays (BARC) - banks in general and why Old Getafix is wrong to be such a bull.


3217 days ago

Gulf Keystone – Ben Turney needs to be locked away for his insanity – the shares are a sell

Ben has produced yet another truly awful piece on Gulf Keystone GKP) today, Flip Flop is a stale long and wrong bull, I have called it spot on as a sell from 180p down to today’s 25.75p. But his offering today “facts about Gulf Keystone’s debt” is not based on fact and makes assertions that are ludicrous.


3217 days ago

Gary Newman should be locked up in the same asylum as Turney – Don’t Buy Alba Minerals

I am beginning to think that I am surrounded by lunatics. I fear a dawn raid on the ShareProphets editorial team by the men in white coats at any stage. Old Malcolm Stacey believes in the money tree, Zak Mir believes in charting, Ben Turney believes in Gulf Keystone (GKP) but worst of the lot, Gary Newman, has today tipped shares in Alba Minerals (ALBA) at 0.23p to buy. Saints preserve me.


3222 days ago

The naivete and arrogance of youth - flip flop talks bollocks on Gulf Keystone, its a slam dunk sell

A few minutes ago flip flop Ben Turney - who has called this stock disastrously wrong - once again put the bull case for shares in Gulf Keystone (GKP) at 27p. I've been a bear from 180p all the way down. I remain a bear. My initial target is sub 10p but this could be a zero. I explain all in another mini podcast.


3227 days ago

November edition of UK Investor Magazine now live, packed with share tips

The November edition of UK Investor magazine is now live featuring 4 buy share tips, 4 sells (from TW), company profiles on Inspirit Energy and Prime People, Ben Turney on Irish oil plays, Malcolm Stacey on investing with ethics, and Tom Winnifrith's 'See You In Court, Bitchez' policy. You can download your free copy below


3243 days ago

CEB Resources – flip flop and the rampers talking nonsense

Flip flop Ben Turney, Doc Holiday, Zak, they are all at it… talking utter nonsense about CEB Resources (CEB). This stock is a conviction sell at 0.93p and anyone who says otherwise just does not understand the basics of fundamental analysis.


3247 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 17 October - Flip Flop Wrong again and the CIC Gold Disaster

In this podcast I explain why flip flop Ben Turney is wrong about cleaning up AIM. You dont need new rules or protections just the draconian implementation of existing rules against individuals (natch including Chris Oil). Then it is onto the court case next week and finally a demolition of CIC Gold (CICG)


3283 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 12th September - to Comrade Corbyn, Comrade Levi and Comrade Knightley

In this podcast I answer yesterday's quiz question and then celebrate the election of Comrade Jeremy Corbyn to the leadership of the Labour party. The Tories are in thrall to big business and crony capitalists and Comrade Corbyn at least ensures real questions are asked as we sleep walk over the abyss on so many fronts. I then put Comrade Dan Levi straight on insider dealing laws with relation to his latest spurious allegations about flip flop Ben Turney. Then there is a wider look at the markets.


3284 days ago

Carry on up the Sefton: Market abuser Chris Oil wastes more police time – reports (fruitlessly) flip flop Ben Turney to the Old Bill

Earlier this week I reported how market abuser Chris Oil had wasted Police time by reporting me to the Old Bill with West Mercia Police dismissing his compliant after just one email. But it seems, in this latest episode of Carry on Up The Sefton, that Kenneth Williams is nothing if not persistent and has now reported flip flop Ben Turney as well complaining “Oooh Officer, he is awful.”

The following correspondence shows once again what a prat Mr Oil is.


3288 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 7 September - Flip Flop the "drug dealer", the bank robber and Audioboom

What a total waste of a day, dealing with Dan Levi (the bank robber, reformed) vs Ben Turney (the legal drug dealer, reformed). Dan's expose is HERE. Ben's response is HERE. What a total waste of my day, I am so tempted to just give up altogether. But isntead I outline why the prohibition never works and how I am responding to the allegations: by wasting money on bringing in a barrister to investigate them in full for a report we will publish here. Then I turm to Audioboom (BOOM) and NorthWest Investment Group (NWIG). If the world was different I'd be booking a one way ticket to Greece and throwing my laptop in the sea. Surely both Dan and Ben can go after real villains and just leave me in peace.


3346 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 July Offending everyone edition

Once again IT issues in Greece delay this podcast. I start by explianing why the reaction of Paul Scott and the craven deadwood press to the new national living wage proposed by George Osborne displays 100% economic illiteracy. It is simply a transfer of wealth from business to the State, the poor will gain nothing. Then onto defending David Lenigas and Andrew Bell from some of the sillier comments made by some folk and to explain why flip flop Ben Turney is again wrong on New World Oil & Gas. hats off to Paul Curtis for the silliest remark of the day as I stck the boot into Gulf Keystone and then also to the prep, pump and dump at Beowulf Mining. And finally I have another go at biotech dog ValiRx.

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3368 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 19 June - Ben Turney & the Naked Swedish Virgins

My podcast starts with Ben Turney, naked Swedish virgins, Britt Ekland, Christopher Lee and pagan festivals. Then I move into Auhua Clean, Sefton, Monitise, Tungsten, Urals Energy, Sareum and the world's worst investor.


3370 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 17 June, going down memory lane

Coming to you today from Shipston in Warwickshire I start with a wander down memory lane. That is Mr nice guy. Then it is back to my true self as I plunge the knife into Sefton Resources and Goldplat and sit on the fence on Ten Alps now that Luke Johnson is on board. That flip flop Ben Turney is just too charitable.


3387 days ago

Tom Winnifrith: I'm on sabbatical - "flip Flop" Ben Turney is in charge

As of midnight "flip flop" Ben "pitchfork" Turney will be editing ShareProphets as I am on leave for the next six to nine months. Let me explain.


3399 days ago

New World Oil & Gas EGM farce details emerge

Detail is slowly emerging from the farcical New World Oil & Gas (NEW) EGM in Jersey today. Criminal market abuser Chris Oil was not present - maybe his passport has already been confiscated. But Ben Turney was attending as were no less than four heavies from broker Cornhill Capital.  The bottom line is, knowing that a show of hands would go against the company, it started the meeting by calling a poll - that is to say a vote of those actually casting votes on the two resolutions. However...


3406 days ago

New World Oil & Gas: Chris Oil & the Shorts off the Hook: shares collapse

Oh dear. Those following flip flop pitchfork Ben Turney and the loons on the LSE asylum and filling their boots with New World at up to 0.85p ahead of “The biggest bear squeeze in history” have today done their conkers. The shares have crashed by more than 60% to just 0.16p bid thanks to two announcements. Ouch, how does it feel being skewered on your own pitchfork? Ask Ben.

First up came the news that New will go ahead with an open offer – for which shareholder permission is not needed – and which is fully underwritten by Cornhill Capital if the EGM votes


3406 days ago

Winner of the flip flop pitchfork Ben Turney Bulletin Board Moron of the week #19 Contest

Flip flop himself posted a couple of entries and almost won but I would have been accused of fixing the contest so we can’t have that. As such the winner is Bondholder with a posting, needless to say, from the LSE Asylum 


3408 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - New World Oil & Gas Special

What a total omnishambles New World Oil & Gas (NEW) has become. Why were the shares not suspended last week as I advocated to howls of abuse from followers of flip flop Pitchfork Ben Turney who now - belatedly - seems to agree. In this podcast I pose some serious questions for the company and its advisers and have a few suggestions on what needs to happen. And a warning for some of flip flop Pitchfork's followers who have piled in.


3412 days ago

Video Interview at UK Investor Show Blogger's cafe: Ben "pitchfork" Turney

In the days before he was organising marches for torchbearing lunatics from the LSE Asylum, Ben "pitchfork" Turney attended the UK Investor Show where he popped into the bloggers cafe to record a few thoughts on video.


3414 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast, Greece, free speech & disagreeing with the twit Turney & Bank Holidays

The market is closed and in today's bearcast I look at Greece and what will happen and happen soon and the message for other European countries including the UK. Then I cover free speech for twits like Ben Turney and how the writers here are united but can disagree and then move onto Bank Holidays - we need less not more to get the UK economy growing again. In fact, scrap the lot.


3414 days ago

I did not go into journalism to see small PIs burned but to nail bad guys & I won’t change just to win New World popularity

That New World Oil & Gas (NEW) is an omnishambles is clear. Ben Turney has one route for going forward (see HERE) which has made him the hero of the LSE Asylum and the twitter lynch mob. I regard his actions as morally reprehensible but publish his articles anyway as I support free speech. But his case is both misleading and shocking in that it targets the very folk that I thought he, Brokerman Dan, Nigel Somerville, Malcolm Stacey and others who have written on this website wanted to protect – ordinary punters.

Ben, the asylum and the lynch mob seem to think that those who are now short of New World are wicked shorters. I see comments that it is “my shorting friends”. Au contraire, the professional shorters like Lucian, Matt Earl and Evil have nothing to do with this. Neither are any City brokers running a naked short.

If Ben and his new pals understood how the City works


3415 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - to the New World Lynch Mob: show some compassion, get real & go after the real targets

There is an ugly lynch mob out there - led by Ben Turney - screaming "burn shorter burn". They think those who have opened a vast naked short in New World are evil City banksters & flippers who deserve to burn and who have deliberately wronged. The lynch mob is wrong.  The "shorters" are just ordinary Joe Schmoes many of whom could be ruined by this. I ask the lunatic fringe to show compassion, to do what is best for the company but to go after the real villains of the peace. Show some humanity guys. Get real. And go for the real bad guys.

I have asked Ben to consider the potential human consequences of what he is calling for and I know that I could not live with myself for doing what he is doing. I am not in journalism to ruin little guys who have been daft but to go after the real bad guys, the real crony capitalists who deserve all that they get. I hope that he will take this on board. I shall not censor his copy but I beg him to think through the consequences of what he wishes for.


3424 days ago

Video of the Mining Session at UK Investor starring Amanda Van Dyke, Poulden, McGloin & Bell

Once again this main stage panel at UK Investor Show 2015 was chaired by scruffbum Ben Turney. On the panel were Amanda Van Dyke, John McGloin of Amara Mining, Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources and Richard Poulden of Wishbone Gold.


3424 days ago

Video of the Oil experts Session at UK Investor Show - Horse Hill and much more

The oil experts main stage session at the UK Investor Show was hosted by scruffbum Ben Turney and featured Cathal Friel, Matt Lofgran, Kevin Foo and myself with a cameo appearance by Derek Musgrove when it came to Horse Hill. But the discussion was wide ranging. Oil prices to Africa to shares as you can see in the video below


3428 days ago

Explosive Uk Investor Seminar - Horse Hill or Horse Shit

This was a last minute special for UK Investor but it contained some pretty explosive stuff. On the panel were Andrew Bell, Derek Musgrove, Andrew Monk of VSA and Ben Turney. All four men have a special unique angle and insight on this project and it is explosive stuff at times. Watchthe video and enjoy.


3471 days ago

Rules 37, 38 and 39 of Making Money from Oil, Gas & Mining Shares

As a Sunday entrée we bring you rules 37-39 of the 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from Oil, Gas & Mining Shares, a book published just under a year ago by myself and Ben Turney. To get a free copy of the entire book mailed to you today just fill in the form HERE

Thirty seven: Don’t rely on CPR estimates among juniors


3471 days ago

April 18, Westminster, The Investor show of the year 80% sold out – book your seats today!

The final gold tickets went last week. There are now fewer than 500 of the 2000 £12 investor class seats left for the show of the year and at current rates they will be gone within weeks so book your seats TODAY for UK Investor Show 2015 and here are 5 reasons why – you can book HERE.

1. The main stage line up is awesome. Starting at 9 AM with Sajid Javid MP it moves on to take in 45 speakers including: Mark Slater, Luke Johnson, Paul Scott, Ed Croft, Evil Knievil, Chris Bailey, Paul Kavanagh, Lucian Miers, Kevin Ashton, Matt Earl, Tom Winnifrith (me), Dave Lenigas, Nigel Wray, Nigel Somerville, Ben Turney, Amanda Van Dyke, Thierry Laduguie, Paul Jourdan, Richard Poulden, Clem Chambers, Charlotte Argylle, Dominic Frisby, Lorne Daniel, etc ending up with Ben Edelman to close the show.

2. More than


3485 days ago

Rules 40 and 41 of the 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from oil, gas and mining shares

Ben Turney and I published this book last year and it is not a bad read for anyone considering investing in resource stocks. If you would like a free copy just fill in the form HERE. As a taster:

Rule 40: Charts can lie, especially among juniors


3497 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 10 February

I start - as I would always do when I err - with an apology and correction on Scholium as per yesterday's Bearcast. I then go onto high handed CEOs who say they do not care about Private Investors and get a big come uppance. Step forward the little shit who runs Northern Petroleum, Keith Bush. I comment on Inspirit and Ambrian and going back to oil I disagree strongly with Ben Turney (HERE), Gulf Keystone remains a stonking sell. I also touch on Igas, Afren and Hurricane. En passant I touch on the china frauds like China Chaitek and Camkids.

To support our continuing campaign against fraud on the AIM casino click HERE


3519 days ago

Bearcast Special: Sirius, Webis and the utter disgrace that is Director's Talk

Robert Tyerman vs Lucian Miers: the Sirius debate. I explain on whose side I am on. In this podcast I also cover Webis which I forgot to mention earlier. Notwithstanding the fact that my old friend Jim Mellon is a major shareholder I have a few words to say. The meat of this podcast is the disgrace that is Directors talk. This website should be exposed and boycotted and I explain why. The Ben Turney piece i refer to in this section is HERE


3520 days ago

Rules 27 & 28 of the 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from Oil, Gas & Mining Shares

We start today with another excerpt from The 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from Oil, Gas & Mining sharesby myself, Tom Winnifrith, and the young apprentice Ben Turney. Rules 27 and 28 cover Bulletin Board and paid for research. Actually these rules apply to making money from all shares. To download a free copy of the whole book fill in the form here


3569 days ago

Weekly Video postcard #91 - The Peasants let The establishment have it & they dont like it up 'em

This week's video postcard looks at how the peasantry (you and me) are revolting using new media against the political and media bubble dwellers, the establishment. Matthew Parris does not like it but I loves it as you can see on the video.

Over on ShareProphets on the matter of oil stocks our writers are divided. Ben Turney sees the recent OPEC meeting as disastrous for AIM listed oil shares (HERE). On the other hand Chris Oil (HERE) and Paul Curtis (HERE) argue that the bad news is more than discounted and are buyers of the sector. I started my career as an oil analyst and so what do think? You can find out HERE


3621 days ago

New World Oil & Gas – Roland "Fatty" Cornish pins his colours to the mast of the sinking ship SS POS

After months of painstaking investigation by our very own Ben Turney, yesterday, New World Oil & Gas (NEW) finally fessed up that it had sent 1 million Euro to a fake Sheikh and will struggle to get it back, admitted that it was in dire financial straits and its broker Shore Cap quit. But it still has one good friend, Roland “Fatty” Cornish. of the fine firm Beaumont Cornish.


3654 days ago

Rules 2 & 7 of the 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from Oil, Gas & Mining Shares

Myself & Ben Turney recently published a new e-book, The 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from Oil, Gas and Mining Shares. You can get a free copy sent to you by filling in the form HERE. But as a taster here are rules two and seven.


3656 days ago

Patagonia’s Marc Sale – Ben Turney is wrong: he should never sit on an AIM board again

Ben Turney has just argued HERE that Marc Sale, the former Technical Director of Patagonia Gold (PGD) - who quit yesterday 24 hours after admitting to 17 undeclared share transactions- should be reappointed to the board. Ben, you are a tolerant and forgiving, nice guy but you could not be more wrong.

Ok Mr Sale has lost money on his trades. Ok the scale is relatively small. But that is not the point. AIM Rule 17 states that all director share trades must be announced and Sale broke that rule. You do not need to be The Sheriff of AIM to know that this is a hanging offence.


3682 days ago

Summit Corporation – Follow Jim Mellon and buy at 115p

Co-written with Ben Turney: In August’s edition of an obscure online publication, Jim Mellon tipped Summit PLC (SUMM) to do great things. Mr Mellon’s track record and judgement in picking winners on AIM is second to none. Summit is a company Ben used to follow quite closely. The science it is developing is truly marvellous, even if its path has been a horribly bumpy ride lower for long term shareholders. No one is going to pretend that this has been a good stock hold over a long period of time, but that is in the past. Now priced at 115p (last seen) this could be a good opportunity to buy into a business, which has previously offered so much incredible potential.


3688 days ago

NEW Mining and Oil shares book by Tom Winnifrith – get your FREE Copy

The 49’ers series continues with my newest book – the 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from oil, gas and mining stocks. You can buy it on Amazon for £6.25. Or we have 500 free copies to give away and you can download yours HERE

This time I have a co-writer in Ben Turney. Before anyone says it I have made mistakes investing in resource – notably mining – stocks. I hope that I have learned from them. And some of those lessons should come through in this short book.

This book is not aimed at experts but at private investors who want to dabble in the fascinating world of resource shares - gold, base metals, oil and gas. I hope there is something for everyone. Accendo has sponsored this project and thanks to it there are 500 free copies ready to download - just fill in the form HERE.

Happy reading.


3688 days ago

Rules 37 and 35 of the 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from Oil, Gas & Mining Shares ( CPRs & Cash)

Ben Turney and I recently published our latest book “The 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from Oil, Gas & Mining Shares”. The book is on sale on Amazon or you can get a free copy HERE. As a flavour of what the book contains I bring you rule 37 (CPRs) and 35 (cash). Read on...

Rule 37: Too much faith is put into the Competent Persons Reports (CPRs) of junior oil & gas and mining companies.


3692 days ago

Feeling Guilt at the Greek Hovel – Not Making the Mental Leap

There are different forms of guilt that I feel as I sit in the Greek Hovel. The worst is as I peer outside and see the sun shining on a glorious day. Yet I will be heading back inside soon to finish another article on shares, on Quindell or whatever.

In side of me something associate sun and the smell of a Greek hillside with holidays. What on earth am I doing spending holiday time hammering away at my PC?  The Mrs makes that point every time we go on holiday and it is a fair one.

I have not fully made the mental leap that this is not a holiday. The Mrs has bought a house which is one of our two homes. The nature of my work means that sometimes I will live in Bristol and sometimes I live here in the Mani, Greece.  This is my home and just as in Bristol I am working from home.  And so gradually the feelings of guilt about now being down at the beach or just lazing around doing nothing are going.

As it happens


3694 days ago

It is sometimes prudent to place shares – do not always bash the boss: ref Leni Gas & Oil

I do not follow Leni Gas & Oil (LGO) but I note that it got the Bulletin Boards buzzing last week. It announced a big acquisition and the next day a placing. This outraged some commentators. I think wrongly.

If a company places shares in a way that patently dilutes shareholders that is wrong, especially if the stock just goes to flippers or to “mates.” If a company says it is not issuing shares and then does that is also wrong and arguably Leni Gas sailed a little close to the wind on that secondary count as Ben Turney flagged up HERE



3757 days ago

It was 24 months ago last week but looking forward is far more fun!

This morning went down. Uh oh…apologies all round, we forgot to renew the domain name! Apologies for that, we are two years old today. It is a week of anniversaries and look backs. On 18th May I “parted company” with Rivington, the company I founded as an employee. Rivington said that it had issued me a 24 month rolling contract as an advisor to t1ps. That was of course not true and I was on my way.


3770 days ago

Gagged by Range Resources – the 2 questions it will not answer

Ben Turney & I would like to put three questions at the Range Resources conference call tomorrow. We have written to and phoned Buchanan Communications to ask if we can but I guess Range only wants easy questions. The conference call is an IR smokescreen as we predicted earlier HERE – for what it is worth our two questions were:


3770 days ago

Official Request to put 3 Questions at the Range Investor call

Ben Turney and I have this morning lodged an official request to put three questions at the Range Resources investor call tomorrow. This is an acid test for range as to whether this event is anything more than an IR smokescreen.

Historically the only questions at such calls have been from believes: analysts at firms who act as retained advisors to Range, analysts at commissioned research firms etc.  As such the questions are soft and easy “tell me Mr Landau how soon will you get Trinidad output up to tour 4,000 bopd target that will make Range shares really cheap?”  or “Mr Landau are you a genius of a chairman with a 15 inch penis or an uber-genius with an 18 inch shlong?”

"Geeze, paid for analysts that is a toughie" says Pete Landau before launching into a promotional spiel.

And so Ben


3784 days ago

MORE Speakers - 23 now in lineup for UK Investor Show 2015 - 27 more to come

It is now a day less than a  year until the 2015 UK Investor Show but following the smash success of the sell-out 2014 show, the UK's leading investor show is already able to announce the first 31 speakers who have agreed to appear in 2015! And there are 27 more names to reveal as the show moves up into superdrive

Our new speakers are Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra and Matt Suttcliffe of Alaxander Mining and they join on stage Nigel Wray, Evil Knievil, myself (Tom Winnifrith), Clem Chambers, Vin Murria, Ben Edelman, Paul Scott, Lucian Miers, Steve Moore, Robert Sutherland Smith, Cathal Friel, Andrew Bell, Marcus Hanke, Amanda Van Dyke, Matt Earl, Thierry Laduguie and..

NEW For 2015: Charlotte Argyle, Ben Turney, Jason Drummond, Cassandra Harris and BrokerMan Daniel

Some failing shows manage only a handful of speakers but UK Investor Show delivers both changes each year AND the big names. Over the coming weeks we will announce more big name speakers as we plan an increased number of sessions as we take on more floor space. Brace yourself for a 50 speaker show!



3799 days ago

UK Investor Show 2015 – First 21 Speakers announced for April 18: Get your early bird ticket NOW

It is still just over a year until the 2015 UK Investor Show but following the smash success of the sell-out 2014 show, the UK's leading investor show is already able to announce the first 21 speakers who have agreed to appear in 2015!

They are: Nigel Wray, Evil Knievil, myself (Tom Winnifrith), Clem Chambers, Vin Murria, Ben Edelman, Paul Scott, Lucian Miers, Steve Moore, Robert Sutherland Smith, Cathal Friel, Andrew Bell, Marcus Hanke, Amanda Van Dyke, Matt Earl, Thierry Laduguie and..

NEW For 2015: Charlotte Argyle, Ben Turney, Jason Drummond, Dominic Picarda and BrokerMan Daniel

Some failing shows manage only a handful of speakers but UK Investor Show delivers both changes each year AND the big names. Over the coming weeks we will announce more big name speakers as we plan an increased number of sessions as we take on more floor space. Brace yourself for a 50 speaker show!

And there will also be 110 stands for PLCs to exhibit and present from. Already we are almost 20% booked out and we will start announcing those exhibiting very soon.

There are two classes of tickets:

A Golden Ticket guarantees you a front three row seat in any of the days 110 sessions plus a pass to the after show party with CEOs, speakers and journalists. It costs £60 (inc VAT)

An Investor class ticket gains access to any session at the show and costs £12 including VAT.

BUT you can buy either type of ticket with a 50% early bird discount if you book NOW. You can buy your early bird tickets HERE


3846 days ago

Ben Turney – the £50 120-1 bet on Manchester United failure – looking good so far

Could it be drinks on Shareprophets Editor Ben Turney? Ben is looking good so far on a £50, 120-1 two part bet placed yesterday based on failure for Manchester United. 

The bet is a two parter. First up is for Man United to get knocked out of the Champions League by Greek side Olympiacos. After the first leg in Athens the Greeks are two nil ahead. How Ben must be praying for an early Greek away goal at Old Trafford which would leave United needing to score four to win.

The second part of the bet is on David Moyes
