Biased BBC

3147 days ago

Is this the worst Trump & crooked Hillary reporting yet? BBC World News heads out West

I was lying in my hotel room in Greece a couple of weeks ago and tiring of dubbed films and piss poor Greek soccer matches made the mistake of flicking the handset to check out the biased BBC World News Channel as it promised a special report on the US Campaign. Oh goodie, goodie, a report on how Trump had that week surged ahead in the polls right? Er...

First up said the airhead presenter we go to Donald Trump's campaign and our reporter goes to somewhere where he has very few supporters at all. Hmmm Might that be Hollywood? Or the most hipsterish district in Brooklyn? Or perhaps Mitt Romney's Country Club? No. The BBC Reporter was in Mexico. This will surprise you greatly but in a town near to the border which the Donald wants to tighten the BBC managed to find a raft of folks who were happy to say that they were anti Trump. 

Shucks I guess The Donald is gutted. Just how many electoral college votes 


3165 days ago

Michael Heseltine is still alive? Remind us what he said about the Euro as Tarzan bashes Boris

I had rather forgotten about Michael Heseltine, the man who stabbed Lady Thatcher in the back, but apparently the old egomaniac is still alive and today weighed into the Brexit debate saying that Boris Johnson was a reckless man and that we should all vote to stay in. 

Before anyone takes the old fool too seriously on the EU you might ask


3173 days ago

The Biased BBC follows the ludicrous Labour spin after election setbacks

The council seats being contested on May 5 2016 were last fought in 2012. Thus the only fair comparison was with the vote 4 years ago. Somehow someone got hold of Labour's internal spin plan which was to compare the vote to that in 2015 ( when Labour did dreadfully) and so last night could then be painted as a less than disaster.

Of course 


3252 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 20 Feb - Who do you think you are kidding Mr Cameron, if you think old England's Done

Mr Cameron went to Brussels asking for little and came back with less. He is lying if he says otherwise and should be viewed with contempt. The reporting of this episode by the biased BBC and especially the loathsome Kayta Adler was a disgrace and reason enough not to pay your license fee. 80% of FTSE 100 bosses and the CBI said they would back Cameron even before he got his "deal". In this podcast I explain why these suits do not speak for British business and why all folks on the left or right or those who believe in liberty, freedom & truth should tell Cameron where to stick it and vote for Brexit.


3407 days ago

Weekly Postcard 123: Orwellian BBC News lies and misleads on migrants and public sector wages

I found myself watching the BBC News this week and it was horrible in an Orwellian way. The biased BBC has a clear political agenda and it lies to its viewers by act and omission and by deliberately misleading them. On the public sector vs private sector wage issue the sleight of hand was obscene. On the migrants it just lied. The BBC should be privatized and lets see how many of us will actually pay to watch The Guardian on screen.


4109 days ago

The Biased BBC, Gay Rights, Israel and the Islamofascists

God knows why I was watching the BBC but I was and found myself watching a trailer for a show on one of its channels that no-one ever watches but which the grateful taxpayer funds anyway. Gosh I hate the BBC and the bias that flows through its every vein.

The trailer opened with footage of the gay pride parade in Tel Aviv and then showed footage of soldiers holding hands and other demonstrations of how it is perfectly accepted to be openly gay and Israeli. The commentator asked “how can this happen?” How in the Middle East can we find such tolerance?

What planet is this toe-rag living on? The answer is


4340 days ago

How the Biased BBC will report the Eastleigh Result

The Tories seem to be admitting that they may come third in the Eastleigh contest. It looks as if the sex pest party will win but UKIP is coming up on the rails fast. Whatever happens Labour will come a dismal 4th with the presence of the Wicked Witch Cherie Blair on the campaign trail yesterday only adding to the woes of its Argie loving candidate. So how will be the BBC report the results?

1. If UKIP wins then it will be “ extremist far right party wins on a disastrous night for the Tories/Lib Dems.” It will then ignore UKIP totally and dismiss its poll numbers as a freak result but quote Ed Milliband as saying Labour was always going to get obliterated but the voter’s rejection of wicked Con Dem austerity shows that he is on track to be the next PM – a great night for Labour. The BBC will report that both Call Me Dave and Nick Clegg face leadership challenges.

2. If the Lib Dems win and UKIP are second it will be “extremist far right party surges on a disastrous night for the Tories.” It will then ignore UKIP totally and dismiss its poll numbers as a freak result but quote Ed Milliband as saying Labour was always going to get obliterated, and the Lib Dems were always going to win what is their safest seat but the voter’s rejection of wicked Con Dem austerity shows that he is on track to be the next PM – a great night for Labour. The BBC will report that both Call Me Dave and Nick Clegg face leadership challenges.

3. If the Tories win and UKIP are second it will be “extremist far right party surges on a disastrous night for the Lib Dems who pay the price of supporting hugely unpopular Tory cuts. It will then ignore UKIP totally and dismiss its poll numbers as a freak result but quote Ed Milliband as saying Labour was always going to get obliterated, and given how the Lib Dems are racked by sex scandals are on 8% in the National Polls that the Tories did not win by more is very bad news for them too. This is a rejection of wicked Con Dem austerity shows that Milliband is on track to be the next PM – a great night for Labour. The BBC will report that both Call Me Dave and Nick Clegg face leadership challenges.


4383 days ago

What anti business planet is naive Jo Swinson MP (Lib Dem) on? Why does Call Me Dave agree with her?

Jo Swinson is a Lib Dem Business Minister who is also an equalities minister. Unlike most politicians she has actually worked in the private sector – as a PR person for a local radio station before becoming an MP at the age of 25. Based on that vast experience of the needs of business she has come up with a cunning wheeze to make life ever more miserable for employers with yet more red tape. Just what the company doctor ordered. And it seems that this is coalition policy. Were the leader of the Conservative Party someone whose Dad ran a corner store and whose husband ran a series of companies rather than a pampered suit who did a brief stint in PR before becoming a professional politician, Swinson would be told where to stick her daft plans but that was before Call Me Dave made his party a “nice” party.

If Swinson gets her way, from next year all employees (not just those with kids) will be able to request the right to work flexible hours and cannot be denied unless the employer can show a clear business need. The silly woman


4392 days ago

The Met Office, like the BBC is past its sell by date

The Met Office was one of those bodies that, like the BBC, one used to trust. Back in the old days when weathermen were hired for having some sort of brain power ( Giles, Fish, etc) rather than for having big tits, you accepted that they might miss the odd hurricane but accepted that they were doing their best to keep you informed. How that changed. Like the Biased BBC the Met Office has been in the grip of global warming nutters for some years and this has produced ever more bizarre behaviour. Let us discuss rain.

I start with a quote from 23 March 2012 from the Met: “The forecast for average UK rainfall slightly favours drier-than-average conditions for April-May-June as a whole, and also slightly favours April being the driest of the 3 months. With this forecast, the water resources situation in southern, eastern and central England is likely to deteriorate further during the April-May-June period… This forecast is based on information from observations, several numerical models and expert judgement.

By 16th April we were warned that 32 million Britons faced drought until after Christmas:


4417 days ago

Newsnight on EU – heaven help us: a win for UKIP ( shame no-one watches the show)

I am back with my family in Warwickshire. Being deluded lefties they appear to only get two channels, Pravda One and Pravda 2 and so on the latter I have just found myself watching Newsnight debate the great European question. It was a slam dunk win for the team of Nigel Farage, Terry Smith and a sensible woman from the No campaign in Norway. The only good thing that can be said for the yes side is that their blonde bird talked utter rubbish but was quite fit. That really is it.

The arguments for staying in were utterly spurious. Is Spain really going to kick out the 400,000 Brits living on the Costa del Crime if we quit? Really? Crash the housing market even more. It is not as if those folks take any local jobs they just spend money there. That is rather different to the 27 million Bulgarians and Rumanians who come 2014 can come to the UK to work, claim benefits and use the NHS. Do we really think then Britain is a huge net importer from the EU that the Evil Empire would defy WTO agreements and try to put tariffs on British goods? It is just plain rubbish.

Boris Johnson’s idea that we can stay in the Evil Empire but opt out of CAP, fisheries and anything else we please is spurious.


4437 days ago

Gaza: Peace in Our Time. Bullshit (I fear) with normal vile BBC spin

Radio Four’s Today programme reported on Thursday morning that the “ceasefire in Gaza had largely held overnight.” Well what does it actually mean by that? On the Israeli side not a single shot was fired. Back in the Islamofascist state of Gaza the first rocket heading towards Israel went off exactly 34 minutes AFTER the breakout of peace in our time. By the time Radio 4 broadcast this canard, 15 rockets had landed on Israel. So by “largely held” what the biased BBC actually means is that the Israelis kept to their word but the Gazans fired only 15 rockets whereas they normally average about double that overnight.”

Just imagine how the BBC would have reported it had Hamas not fired any rockets but the Israelis had dropped a couple of bombs. Would it have been “largely held” or a rant about how the fucking Jews were war mongering bastards whose word could not be trusted and had no desire for peace? Next stop for Bibi Netanyahu a war crimes tribunal in the Hague. What do you think?


4442 days ago

Hamas and Israel Not Morally Equivalent – the wretched bias of the BBC and others

On this website some posters who I respect greatly have suggested that Hamas and Israel are morally equivalent. That is, I think naive. Others like the BBC pretend that Israel is the “guilty party” which is just wicked. Let us be clear about is there are a number of clear differences between the actions and motives of the two sides.

1. Israel is committed to a two state solution. Hamas is committed to a final solution. A one state solution not involving Israel. Its charter states as much. Its leaders talk openly of sweeping the pesky Jews into the sea.

2. Israel fires rockets from clearly identified and isolated military positions (usually the sky) targeting military figures in order to protect its civilians. Hamas fires rockets targeting, in an utterly indiscriminant sense, Israeli civilians and using its own civilians as military shields.


4453 days ago

Obama wins – UK Election Coverage Awful, BBC dismal

Okay I admit it, I tried to watch a bit of the Biased BBC coverage. Three minutes of Newsnight was enough for me. This organisation gets taxpayer’s money to offer balance. And so I sat through a discussion with a stuffed British shirt ( who turned out to be novelist Martin Amiss), a horrible hag from Newsweek in the US who made Amiss look like a neocon and some third rate Republican ex Governor who was occasionally allowed a word or two for “balance”.

The bon mot from Amiss was that Ronald Reagan would be rejected by today’s Republican Party for being far too left wing. Paxman looked bored and did not bother to challenge this obvious lie which was part of the night long deluded leftie luvvy agenda of portraying everyone in the GOP as racist, sexist, homophobes who want to shoot all poor people. And so for some balance he turned to the old hag from Newsweek


4454 days ago

Obama v Romney, Man United v Chelski – I want BOTH to lose but on balance I go for ...

After 6 billion dollars and what seems like an eternity of evasion and unfulfillable promises America must decide today whether to re-elect President Obama or to replace him with Mitt Romney. What a god awful choice. It is just like Manchester United versus Chelski, you want both teams to lose. But after another evening with deluded lefties I think I have now decided who I want to lose less.

Rating the two men on a number of issues is a pretty thankless task but here goes on what matters to me.


4465 days ago

David Cameron, an EU spokesman, the Biased BBC's Today programme and your cash

My half hour taste of the BBC yesterday, via the Today programme, still hurts. The episode in question concerns the EU’s plan to increase its budget by 6.8% this year, David Cameron’s faux outrage, the lies told by an EU spokesman on the show and the dismal lack of balance provided by a biased BBC. I have discussed the matter with Christopher Booker and the whole business is a disgrace.


4466 days ago

Thought for the Day – Rev John Bell is ghastly

Hell’s teeth. By accident I find myself listening to the BBC for 30 minutes and I already deeply regret it. It was a mistake that I shall not repeat. My encounter is with the Today programme and first up was the Reverend John Bell from the Iona community who is just absolutely ghastly. He makes me dream once again of Scottish independence in the hope that this dreadful man would not then pollute the airwaves of a free Britain. Scottish independence or shutting down the BBC. Bell needs to come off air.


4483 days ago

The Tomograph Issue 9

The Weekly Tomograph Newsletter has just been emailed to those who are registered. It contains the usual stuff, notably the Caption contest and a link to the most popular articles on this site during the past week. It also contains an exclusive article explaining why the BBC should be more or less scrapped, what would replace it and with news that another big name paedophile scandal from 1970s Kids TV is about to emerge. You really should register to receive the Tomograph every week here.


4493 days ago

Jeremy Clarkson, the BBC and the £5 million – who and what is wrong?

A few twitter followers of mine say that I should not feel sick that Jeremy Clarkson is trousering a £5 million windfall from the BBC. After all he is a 10 out of 10 politically incorrect fellow so why should he not screw the Beeb? Well up to a point.
Yes Clarkson sounds off in an entertaining manner. I do not always agree with what he says but since he infuriates the sort of folks with whom I always disagree I guess he has to go down as one of life’s good guys. On matters such as global warming he is bang on the money.

Top Gear is pretty watchable and so I cannot object to his £500,000 salary. It is market forces. He can command that so fair game to him. I believe in market forces.

But this deal is different.


4515 days ago

Non Job of the Week in General and Specifically

If one listens to the BBC or reads the Guardian the wicked Tories are slashing public spending. These means real cuts to front-line services which means the poorest and weakest folks in society really suffering. Ahem…it is just not true.

The facts are that Government spending is increasing in real terms (and per head of population in real terms) year on year and will continue to do so throughout this Parliament. And since tax receipts are patently not going up as fast (indeed I suspect at all) that means that the UK Government deficit and UK national debt will continue to increase. At one stroke the wicked Tories both enrage the lefties but actually do nothing to sort out the economic mess we are in.


4529 days ago

The BBC cannot Stand any more Cuts? Want a bet?

Outgoing BBC Director General Mark Thompson has warned that the BBC cannot stand any more cuts to its budget because it was already “very close to the edge.” He does not define “the edge in exact terms. Indeed he uses it in the way that the Medieval Catholic church warned sailors that if they headed too far West or East they would also fall over the “edge.” There was no flat world then. Although those who denied it were treated in the same way that the BBC today treats those who deny global warming.

For what it is worth I bet Mr Thompson 5,000 Albanian Lekke that the BBC could easily make far greater cuts if it really wanted to. In case his successor is lost for ideas


4580 days ago

Israel and Gaza – a fair exchange? what the Biased BBC does NOT say!

On June 30th 2012 the Israeli Defence Forces (aka, according to the biased BBC and liberal Western media, child eating monsters) delivered 6,950 tonnes of aid to Gaza – that is food medicine, building materials, auto parts – everything. This was not a one off gesture to celebrate my daughter’s birthday the day before. 6 days a week the IDF delivers aid to Gaza – on average circa 170,000 tonnes a month. That is a lot for a small place like Gaza. So what does Gaza send back in return?


4594 days ago

RBS Job cuts – BBC Bias

The 11 O’Clock news on Radio 4 announced in disapproving tones that largely state owned RBS was axing 600 jobs. The facts are as follows ( as reported by the biased BBC). 1. Due to RDR changes 600 jobs in the RBS IFA operation will be culled. 2. The bank is largely state owned. 3. 350 jobs are being created elsewhere. 4. Unite (the union) says the cuts are draconian and appalling.
