Brexit Derangement Syndrome

1084 days ago

Fake News from the Guardian and BBC Radio 4 - Covid vaccines and Brexit

The Mrs switched on BBC Radio 4 this morning as she baked a cake for Joshua’s 5th Birthday party and as I made porridge with apple sauce for the family breakfast. No-one told me that having to listen to BBC Radio was part of the marital deal. I should have insisted that not listening to Pravda was part of the marital vows some eight years ago.  The programme was “Broadcasting House” and part of it included two obviously left wing harpies and a former Tory MP who spent his career before entering showbusiness for ugly people working for the BBC so was obviously a drip. Natch most of the big news stories they picked were from the Guardian Observer.


1364 days ago

I noted earlier, in another context, that it was increasingly hard to tell genuine hate-filled woke liberal Twitter warriors apart from parody accounts of hate-filled woke lefties. Is this vicar/lecturer at a Marxist madrassa/Guardian reader a member of one of the Teacher’s Unions for real or just another send up by Andrew Doyle?  That brings us to Steve McKellen whose deranged outpourings on the matter of Brexit featured here yesterday.  Is Steve for real and thus a man we should pity and pray for as he battles severe BDS or is he a parody?
Surely even those on the left could not be so filled with hatred & contempt for freedom that they are advocating snitching, Stasi style, on colleagues for voting for Brexit and advocating P45s for the “deplorables”?  These days I am afraid that such a stance is seen in some circles as perfectly acceptable.  Anyhow, Steven is tweeting again. What are the odds for our own in house Euro loon Jonathan Price being one of the 31 who liked this tweet?
" target="_new">Does Steve McKellen have such severe Brexit Derangement Syndrome that he wants 17.4 million folks sacked tomorrow or is he a parody?

I noted earlier, in another context, that it was increasingly hard to tell genuine hate-filled woke liberal Twitter warriors apart from parody accounts of hate-filled woke lefties. Is this vicar/lecturer at a Marxist madrassa/Guardian reader a member of one of the Teacher’s Unions for real or just another send up by Andrew Doyle?  That brings us to Steve McKellen whose deranged outpourings on the matter of Brexit featured here yesterday.  Is Steve for real and thus a man we should pity and pray for as he battles severe BDS or is he a parody?


1366 days ago

Pity Steven McKellen, his case of Brexit Derangement Syndrome is severe: he knows just how stupid, racist and unworthy of voting you are

In these last days before the UK confirms how we leave the EU, many of those on the losing side of the referendum in 2016 are suffering recurring bouts of Brexit Derangement Syndrome. Pity folks like Steven McKellen for he is not well. But at least he knows why his side lost.


1710 days ago

Brexit Derangement Syndrome victim of the day - he thinks he is a poet, meet BillyLiar10

@BillyLiar10 is ill and is trying to seek therapy in poetry but it is not working, so severe is this case of Brexit Derangement Syndrome. Pray for BillyLiar10 as he needs your help this New Year’s Eve.


1762 days ago

Today's Brexit Derangement Syndrome victim is Morgan, let us pray for Morgan

Pity Morgan for he is ill. He suffers from a nasty strain of Brexit Derangement Syndrome which means that aged 20 you are able to state, without doubt, that everyone with whom you disagree is a fascist and then to compare them to Hitler. Most of us have discovered that the first person to make a Hitler comparison in an argument has almost certainly lost. So severe is Morgan’s BDS that he thinks the Hitler comparison is his trump card. Let us pray for Morgan.


1832 days ago

Brexit Derangement Syndrome victim of the day Carol Hedges

Boris Johnson is a Nazi. A bill to scrap the German Parliament in 1933 is the same as Boris reducing the current session of Parliament by 4 working days via a well established legal process. Do not laugh at Carol Hedges. Pity her. She is ill with a very severe case of Brexit Derangement Syndrome. Get well soon Carol.



1833 days ago

Brexit Derangement Syndrome victim of the day Susan Scarrott

With the hashtag #FBPE on her twitter account poor Susan Scarrott was always likely to be struck down with a severe case of BDS. Pity Susan for she is ill. She does not compare Boris Johnson to Adolf Hitler but to Josef Goebbels. 


1833 days ago

Brexit Derangement Syndrome victims of the day Ian Layden and Annabel Finley-Kense

If you tweet with hashtag #FBPE the odds are that you have at some stage compared Brexit supporters to the Nazis. In a momement of relative balance, you might concede that Boris has not gassed 6 million Jews. well not yet anyway. In that vein meet today’s two sufferers from Brexit Derangement Syndrome, Ian and Annabel. Pity them folks for they are seriously ill.


1843 days ago

Brexit Derangement Syndrome Victim of the day Chrissie Grech

Do not condemn Chrissie for what might seem a rather unkind tweet. Chrissie is ill. View her with charity as a victim


1844 days ago

Brexit Derangement Syndrome Victim of the day 2 - Irina von Wiese MEP

The NHS says we will not run out of drugs but why let the facts get in the way of a good tweet. It is hard when you are suffering from Brexit Derangement Syndrome like Lib Dem MEP Irina von Wiese. Pity poor Irina as she is ill with severe BDS, but she reckons we are all going to die!


1845 days ago

Brexit Derangement Syndrome Victim of the day Peter Bettley

Do not mock the fantasist Peter Bettley for the tweet below, suffused with made up numbers and idle threats. For Peter is is, suffering a severe bout of BDS. Pity him.


1846 days ago

Brexit Derangement Syndrome Victim of the day Marc Hayo

#FBPE (Follow Back Pro Europe) added to your twitter account is a good sign that you may well be suffering from Brexit Derangement Syndrome and today’s tweet from Marc Hayo shows that he sure is. Marc lives in the liberal, Euro loving, millionaires ghetto of Kensington, has a good degree and a cunning plan to stop Brexit involving Gerry Adams & co…


1847 days ago

Brexit Derangement Syndrome Victim of the day Ms Tessa Childs

This is not a parody account. Tessa Childs is real and clearly bonkers…
