184 days ago
3068 days ago
So the London Stock Exchange (LSE) has just sent me 24p. Fear not, I shall not spend it all at once but on what do listeners think I should splash out? Meanwhile Graham Neary is just too nice to FastJet (FJET) today and unless he can start to act a bit more like a complete and utter bastard I fear that I shall have to fire him as he just won't fit in at ShareProphets. I explain why Fastjet is toast. I look at Charaat Gold (CGH) and also at how sometimes we get carried away by short term events and ignore the bigger picture - I refer in this case to Nighthawk (HAWK). I also ask why after 18 days African Potash (AFPO) has not sued me for libel for pointing out that it is a fraud? Go on you mothers I want to see you bitchez in Court. The gym I refer to is HERE.
4348 days ago
AIM listed wannabee gold miner Chaarat Gold (LSE:CGH) has issued an update on its operations in the Kyrgyz Republic which is – on balance – very encouraging but hidden at the bottom of the text are a couple of minor blemishes. On balance it supports the very strong buy case but it is worth reading the whole statement.
4413 days ago
On 17th January AIM listed Chaarat Gold (LSE:GCH) announced that the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic had implemented a new tax code effective as of 1st January. The new system is clearer than the old offering more transparency and as it happens will benefit Chaarat when it starts producing around Christmas. Please note Call Me Dave – lower tax rates and simpler systems encourages investment and creates jobs and so creates more tax revenue. It is not hard – they get it in the Kyrgyz Republic if not in SW1. The shares were up yesterday but that has nothing to do with the tax situation out on Borat’s homeland.
4473 days ago
AIM listed Chaarat Gold (CGH) has today announced two very good pieces of news concerning possible link ups with two of the three largest gold companies in China. This is incredibly encouraging and makes the shares a pretty compelling buy. I had flagged this stock up as one to own at 21.5p on 9th October arguing then that the shares were potentially worth up to 120p. The news today should lead to both the closing of Chaarat’s small financing issue and also to a dramatic reduction in its operating costs.
4501 days ago
Golden Prospect Precious Metals (GPPM) is an investment company which invests in gold and silver stocks. Its chairman is the industry guru Malcolm Burne and his statement with today’s interims is a must read for anyone interested in gold and gold stocks. The financials themselves are interesting but it is the statement from chairman Burne that is of most note. It gives you a clear steer on which gold stocks to buy and which to sell as the sector splits in two over the coming year. Let me explain
4502 days ago
Jeepers. I think I have got both the sound and light right this week. A bonus helping of chocolate pizza for me. I had to get the hang of it eventually. The nine minute video postcard is wide ranging and I only mention Sefton Resources (SER) once and even then only en passant. How is that for restraint?
4514 days ago
I have not covered myself in glory with AIM listed gold soon to be producer Chaarat Gold ( CGH). I first tipped the shares at 45p in May 2010 and indeed gave them another bullish write up at 24.375p just a couple of weeks ago.
The shares are just 21.5p today valuing Chaarat at a mere £53.8 million. That is despite the company today releasing an incredibly encouraging set of drill results from its Tulkubash gold project in the Kyrgyz Republic. The shares are worth at least 48p and here is why.
4524 days ago
Hooray. Not headless and filmed in good light. I am getting the hang of this video malarkey. Filmed at Real man Pizza Company with the waiters looking on wondering what I am babbling on about, this is fun.
4526 days ago
I tipped AIM listed gold mine developer Chaarat Gold (LSE:CGH) at 45p in May 2010. Standing at 24.375p after the publication today on half calendar year results I do not look too clever. Yet. But I had a long chat with the company today, notably with its Finance director Linda Naylor and these shares are very cheap indeed. Quite seriously they could well be worth £1 a share or more. And this is why.