2312 days ago
For some reason we found ourselves watching both the 10 O’Clock News and Newsnight last night. In the end I had to switch off and vowed not to allow myself to suffer in this way again. It started with the warnings from the convicted fraudster Christine Lagarde and the IMF on Brexit.
2822 days ago
On the day that Marissa Mayer, the CEO of Yahoo, increased her net worth by $187 million to c $700 million by selling the company, there was a conference in Berlin yesterday to discuss gender inequality, glass ceilings at al. Most of the big names were career politicians with zippo private sector experience. Convicted fraudster Christine Lagarde - who somehow remains head of the IMF despite her criminal conviction - was there and so to, representing the US was Donald Trump's charming daughter Ivanka. Cue: a fake news outburst from the liberal media.
4607 days ago
The EU has failed to come up with any solution to the crisis yet again. The Germans seem happy to go down in history as the volks who pushed Europe into a re-run of the 1930s (I still think they will blink before midnight) and everyone else is in denial. But prize idiot of the day award goes to French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius who is demanding that America sort this out (i.e. US taxpayers ignore their own gravity defying National debt/deficit and write a mega cheque) because:
“The crisis did not start in Europe. Lehman Brothers was not a European bank. We should not shift responsibility.”