4017 days ago
On this day in 1945 the Red Army entered Auschwitz to encounter industrial scale horrors. Hence today is World Holocaust Day, 24 hours to reflect and ponder. In this household, as in homes across the world, we are burning a candle as a sign that we will not forget.
It is important to make a positive effort not to forget when one faces a daily barrage from those who either deny the holocaust, those who seek to diminish its importance by claiming that numbers were inflated or, worst of all, those who trivialise it by describing any event as a holocaust.
There are places in the world where deaths occur driven by hatred, intolerance and anger. But perhaps only in Cambodia and Ruanda have we seen anything on the scale of the holocaust where genocide was committed against an entire race on an industrial scale with the intent of wiping out that race. Those who use the term holocaust liberally to describe any death seek to trivialise true evil. In doing so they become apologists for evil. And yes folks like David Ward MP, Baroness Tongue and others I am talki9ng about you.
In not forgetting
4088 days ago
Jew hating MP David Ward (Lib Dem Bradford) is at it again. The man was (eventually) chastised by his party for comparing the Israelis to the Nazis but he remains an MP despite that little outburst. You might have thought the Jew hating scumbag would stay silent but think again.
Ywo weeks ago he opined that he did not think that Israel should be abolished, merely that it should never have been founded. The Lib Dem party leadership said nothing.
And why should they? Heck: Israel is a homeland for the Jews. It is only the frigging Jews after all.
And now for Ward’s latest outburst in which he says that the problems the Roma face in coming to Britain would all be solved if they had a “Board of Deputiies”. Hmmmm. There is of course only only minority group that has a Board of Deputies and we have all read the Protocols of Zion and know that they control the world and can do what they want, don’t we Mr Ward?
Are the Lib Dems jew haters? I think that they may be many things but Jew haters they are not. Mr Ward on the other hand….he seems the sort of chap who would fit in well with the loathsome bigots in the UKIP Friends of Palestine.
4304 days ago
I have never knowingly listened to a song by Justin Bieber. I am therefore not what is termed a Belieber. But this little shit is now on my radar with news that he visited the house where Anne Frank hid from the Nazis for two years before eventually being sent off to a death camp, and left a message in the visitor’s book saying that he hoped that Anne would have been a Belieber. Where to start?
Perhaps with the state of Holland and much of the West today where the holocaust is trivialised by a liberal elite who loathe racism unless, of course, it is the frigging Jews are who are at the end of it. Chuck in open anti-Semitism from certain elements of the Muslim Community and David Ward MP and the collective attitude to an event that wiped out two thirds of European Jews is pretty reprehensible.
These days, as Mark Steyn once noted, if the play about Ann Frank appears in Holland as the Nazis search the house, half of the audience is shouting out “ she’s hidden in the loft, go get her.”
Bieber is I am sure not an anti-Semite. He clearly does not have a thought in his head about anything but himself. He is the uber-celebrity – all that matters is ME. And so for him it is perfectly natural to relate Anne Frank’s tragic life and suffering to er….him. Asked for Thoughts on the sad death of Margaret Thatcher, Justin replied “I am sure she was a true Belieber.” As for impending war in Korea, Justin stated “They need to start Beliebing …and follow me on twitter.” The world centres on ME, whether that be Justin ME, Madonna ME or Simon Cowell ME.
Will any of those celebs be remembered in fifty years’ time? I do not know. But at the rate we are going I rather fear that in fifty years’ time we will not be allowed to view Anne Frank as we should, as a victim of true evil – will she be remembered either?
4335 days ago
In 2009 Lord Ahmed, a Labour peer was sent to prison for just 12 weeks ( but served just 16 days) after he smashed into a stationary car, having sent a series of text messages while driving his Jaguar on the M1 at 70mph. The other driver died. Personally I regard that sentence as a joke. 16 days for killing someone because you were driving recklessly? I would have been thinking in terms of years.
But Lord Ahmed thinks that he was hard done by. In an interview given a year ago on Pakistani TV, which cropped up this week the total shit said that he was given a harsh sentence only because of a conspiracy by Jews “who own newspapers and TV channels”. The judge, he added, had been specially chosen because the Jews wanted to punish him for supporting the Palestinian cause.
This murder trots out the sort of nonsense you might expect in the Protocols of Zion, he pedals lies in a way aimed at inciting hatred against Jews and the Labour party is okay with that? To be fair it has suspended him but if he did indeed say this then Labour must either boot him out or it too is signing up to what is just unacceptable.
The problem is that in deluded lefty circles anti-Semitism is cool. Not the sort that denies the holocaust. It is not yet acceptable to pretend that Auschwitz did not happen when munching your bruschetta in Islington. But David Ward MP (Lib Dem) is still a member of that party despite saying that the holocaust was comparable to the situation in Gaza. As I have noted before that trivialises the greatest act of genocide of the 20th Century (if not all time) and is just abhorrent.
The left collectively has a choice. Either it decides that it is fine to bait the wicked Jews, incorporates the Protocols of Zion into 2015 manifestos and states that trivialising the murder of 6 million men, women and children is fine. Or, it shows a genuine commitment to an equality and nondiscriminatory agenda and tells folks like Ward and Ahmed that with their views they have no place in British politics.
They will not. The Lib Dems and Labour will fudge the issue. Too many of their core supporters loathe Israel with a passion. And too many of that number extrapolate that into a loathing of with wicked Jews which involves spouting conspiracy theories and hatred as if they were discussing the weather or whether West Ham will defeat Chelski this weekend.
4384 days ago
Apparently David Ward is a Lib Dem MP for some GNSH. I had never heard of this prize shit until today when he opined that Israel’s actions in Gaza could somehow be compared to the holocaust. It is a free country and this nonentity of an MP can say what he wants but coming two days before world Holocaust day this is offensive and factually just plain wrong. Actually it would be offensive and plain wrong at any time.
In the holocaust more than 75% of European Jews were rounded up and systematically murdered in Death camps. Gassed, shot, burned, often used for medical experiments, European Jewry was almost annihilated. That is a holocaust.
Israel operates no death camps in Gaza. It does not attack Gaza just because it hates Arabs. It seeks to take out military targets which folks, who do openly boast of their desire to inflict another holocaust on the Jewish people, deliberately locate in residential areas. Israel attacks military targets deliberately sites in residential areas because Hamas attacks civilians in Israel because it wants to kill Jews. Any Jew will do.