Domestic Goddess

1690 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel: call me a domestic goddess, Joshua and I doing something I've not done in almost 50 years

It is a non-nursey day so I am in charge of the pest. Okay, I admit flapjacks are not the hardest things to make and, to be fair, I used a baking tray that was slightly too big so they turned out a bit too thin. However, I have not made these things for almost fifty years. And with Joshua, rather than my mother, beside me, they turned out okay. As you can see below, my son certainly approves.


4086 days ago

Weekly Caption Contest – Nigella Lawson Christmas Special Edition

There is only one story I care about this week, the fall from grace of Nigella Lawson, the woman formerly known as the Domestic Goddess and now known as a major consumer of Colombian marching powder. 

In light of that I bring you a Highella Christmas Special and ask you to supply suitable captions in the comments section below.


For what it is worth my entry is: Nigella says
