Dr TJ Winnifrith

1046 days ago

Ex Libris Dr TJ Winnifrith - Ronald Searle on "SuperMac"

Ten boxes of books headed to Greece last week to complete the library at the Greek Hovel. But, still, all the bookshelves here in Wales are full and I am packing additional books into storage boxes until a solution is found.  I do have a cunning plan. Occassionally a gem emerges.


1503 days ago

The EU brought peace to Europe, Brexit threatens this – the nonsense spouted by Euro loons Jonathan Price, Dan Snow and others

The hereditary TV presenter Dan Snow, aka thehistoryguy, claimed yesterday that the EU had brought peace to Europe and Brexit threatened it. So nothing to do with NATO and the American defensive shield then? And what about the genocide at Srebrenica during the Bosnian war when EU peacekeeping troops stood idly by as 8,000 folks were massacred?  Snow was talking nonsense as many of us pointed out. But rallying to his defence was my good friend, the arch Euro loon Jonathan Price, who insisted that the EU had ended war in Europe since all the previous wars were started by either France or Germany. Like the hereditary TV presenter, I fear that even Bath Spa would fail that answer. 


1539 days ago

Video: Discovering Albania with Dr TJ Winnifrith

I hope that by now you have all ordered the last book by my late father, Nobody’s Kingdom, a history of Northern Albania. If not make sure you order today before stocks run out. Only kidding, I realise this is a minority interest. Nobody’s Kingdom is the follow up to Badlands Bordlands which covered southern Albania’s history.
