George Soros

1772 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Rejoice! Rejoice! Fat Yob Mike Ashley and George Soros both lose millions today

In today’s podcast I look at Crest Nicholson (CRST), pox on AIM St James House (SJH), Cyancannode (CYAN), Yourgene (YGEN) and shocking share options, Big Sofa (BST) Goals Soccer Centres and Carpetright (CPR). Blame Brokerman Dan for this podcast being late and for me being a dirty and smelly wreck as I explain in the show.


2400 days ago

Naughty Naughty Krishnan smears the Brexiteers as Jew haters on Channel 4 Fake News

The liberal remoaning elite have spent the past year bleating on about Russian interference in the Brexit referendum. Loons like, person of the people, Carole Cadwalladr of the Guardian and all the folks at Channel 4 fake News have droned on ad nauseam. Sure there were only about 1000 tweets from Russian state related accounts on Brexit but that caused all 17.4 million of us to vote the wrong way. There is no evidence but that will not stop the Russian "exposes".


2936 days ago

Billionaire Elites Piling Into Gold - follow the smart money

Jacob Rothschild, Stanley Druckenmiller, George Soros, along with his associate Crispin Odey, and other billionaire elitists are moving massively into gold. In his recent semi-annual address to RIT shareholders, Rothschild announced that they are reducing their stock and currency exposure and increasing their gold holdings.


3004 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The warnings of Soros & the Wonderful Mrs

Struggling to think what to say, the Mrs suggests that I tell you how wonderful she is. That is surely self evident. I then move onto Carolyn Fairbairn the head of the CBI who is not wonderful. She is in fact truly ghastly as I explain. Then it is onto the grim warnings from George Soros, amazing poll data from France and how we should reposition our portfolios accordingly.


4405 days ago

Why buy gold miners? Ask George Soros!

I could not have put it better than this note from the trading desk at a leading London broker, which I have just been sent. I am sorry that I cannot include the chart referred to but you can guess what it looks like. The report states:

Gold has had a quiet year thus far. Despite the prospect of more money printing by the world’s central banks, and minuscule interest rates, it seems that not many people see inflation as a big threat at the moment.

But things can change quickly in the financial world.
