1519 days ago
Public school, Oxford, 5 years training to be a City lawyer, couldn’t hack it, so went to work as a policy wonk & bagg carrier for Tory MPs, after 7 years an MP and three years later, Simon Clarke, aged 36, has still not risked 1 cent of his own capital as an entrepreneur or enjoyed one day’s managerial experience making decisions in the private sector. But who cares? That is the sort of chap today’s Tories think should be running Britain. Gone are the days when Tory MPs were entrepreneurs or businessmen so understood how firms grew and hired more staff and how wealth was actually created.
2121 days ago
I record ahead of the arrival of the removals men. Grim North here we come! On the agenda today is Mayan Energy (MYN) where comrade Jennings of Align is getting a little ahead of himself and then the scandal of the day, Management Resource Solutions (MRS) where my work has been 100% vindicated as it admits – thanks to me – to the related party nest of snakes. But still, as shareholders try to out two leading snakes, the company and its pathetic Nomad Arden are behaving disgracefully. This insolvent piece of crap stinks and I explain why. Now as I crack on with assisting the removal men how about you join the roll call of heros HERE
2131 days ago
I am told, by a fellow Northerner, that it is offensive to use the term Grim North and that continuing to do so may end up costing me £5 a month. I discuss this matter in more detail, explianing my reasoning and why I am actually a bit of a Northerner myself.
2131 days ago
Yes we have exchanged at both ends and will move next Monday to the Grim North. And the good news is that the cost of that move is on you, the grateful taxpayer. I explain all before looking at Debenhams (DEB), Sosandar (SOS), Concepta (CPT) and 7Digital (7DIG). PS Why not join the roll call of heros today HERE.
2145 days ago
In today's bearcast I look at Minoan (MIN) as Richard Jennings of Align threatens to call an EGM, at RockRose Energy (RRE) and Independent Oil & Gas (IOG), RedT Energy (RED), SpaceandPeople (SAL), Majestic Wine (WINE) and at Motif Bio (MTFB). If you enjoyed this, almost 100% profanity free, bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.
2148 days ago
We own stacks of shares in Yourgene (YGEN). I am in no doubt that they are very cheap and will head sharply higher and soon. But I am wrestling with my conscience here and in light of it being World Down Syndrome Day yesterday I explain why. If you enjoyed this, almost, profanity free bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.
2150 days ago
In today's bearcast I take a very detailed look at IQE (IQE) and explain why the shares are worth 40p max, potentially half of that. I also cover Blue Jay Mining (JAY), Yourgene (YGEN), Tomco (TOM), Cloudbuy (CBUY) and F40 member POS Walcom (WALG). If you enjoyed this, I think, profanity free bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.
2152 days ago
In today's extra long podcast I reflect that one day folks like Julie Meyer will win and I shall call it a day. I have lasted two years longer than John Hempton predicted. I also look back on a curious fraud from my early days back in, I think, 1995. I look at Tomco (TOM), Range Resources (RRL), RedT (RED), Columbus Energy (CERP) and VSA valuations, Goldstone Resources (GRL), Verseon (VERS) and Domino's Pizza (DOM). If you enjoyed this, I think, profanity free bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.
2152 days ago
I start with a soddy attempt by spivs at Atlantic capital to secure new customers to fleece with thir crap CFD advice - c/o ADVFN a report on IQE (IQE). I explian why it is shite. Then I turn to allegations that Debenhams (DEB) and Domino's Pizza (DOM) issued RNS statements that were somewhere between misleading and untrue. I have sympathy with one of the accused but none for the other. If you enjoyed this, I think, profanity free bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.
2156 days ago
I apologise for the RedT (RED) tip it shows the arrogance and incompetence of AIM boards at their worst. Is it more fecked than Inspirit (INSP) or Motof Bio (MTBF)? I look at all three and also at Bahamas Petroleum (BPC).I f you enjoyed this, I think, relatively profanity free bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.
2157 days ago
I start with a look at PCGE (PCGE) and what CCJs actually mean before having a look at results from Capital & Regional (CAL) and what they say about the state of retail property. Look at the gaping chasm between the share price and NAV! Then a detailed look at the balance sheets of Condor Gold (CNR) and Totally (TLY), the latter using my new interest, non debt debt. If you enjoyed this, I think, profanity free bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.
2158 days ago
I start with a few thoughts on Brexit and equity valuations. Then I discuss allegations of systematic market abuse via Bulletin Boiards and twitter and reflect on how you should make your own investment decisions. Finally a few words on the Winx debacle in Alaska, Red Emperor (RMP), Pantheon Resources (PANR) and 88 Energy (88E). If you enjoyed this, less than PC, bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.
2212 days ago
In today's podcast I have some bad news for Bath Spa as the Mrs prepares to head to the Grim North relating to what happened after I gave this talk. I also have bad news for First Derivatives (FDP) as it prepares for a "Capital markets Day" session of mutual masturbation with the dumb sell side analysts and even dimmer fund managers who have stuffed other folks cash into this stock. I cover Totally (TLY), Wishbone (WSBN), Ariana (AAU), Quadrise Fuels (QFI) and Richoux (RIC)
2227 days ago
In today's podcast I explain domestic disturbances caused by the need to move to the Grim Northern welfare safari and to be closer to my mother-in-law. Oh happy days. In the podcast itself I look at FinnCap (FCAP), IQE (IQE), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Amur Minerals (AMC), Cabot (CAB) and Corero (CNS) a most almighty sell however you look at it.
2234 days ago
Tom Winnifrith wrote before Christmas: I am just livid, But you make bad trading decisions when livid so I am not selling my shares in Wishbone Gold (WSBN) but am doubling down on my torture by going to spend two days with my mother in law in the grim Northern welfare safari.
2240 days ago
I am shortly off to stay with my mother in law in the Grim North for a couple of days. Joy to the world! I am made angry by Wishbone Gold (WSBN) and Turner Pope and comment on that. I look also at Totally (TLY), Range Resources (RRL), AO World (AO.), Pantheon Resources (PANR), Plant Health Care (PHC), BCA Marketplace (BCA) and ASOS (ASC).
2590 days ago
As referenced yesterday, the Mrs has whisked me away for a romantic weekend to celebrate my birthday next Friday. For the first time since the birth of Joshua 16 months ago the vermin , as he is known, is elsewhere - with his doting grandparents. I have enjoyed an oatcake which is s sort of pancake up here in the post industrial wastelands and as well as the foreign food am trying to understand what the folks are saying up here in a rural part of the welfare safari. Anyhow a bracing walk this afternoon leaves room in the tummy for a glass or two of red. I'm back on duty tomorrow.
2999 days ago
I have no idea why Malcolm Palle of Mining Maven organises the events he does. He charges companies far less for his seminars than other folks so, after hiring a pleasant venue and providing booze and food for all as well as paying his own train fare down from the grim North he won't be making much. But all credit to him for putting on fun evenings. I commend him for his Saintly community spirit and reckon that more folks should pop along as I did last night.
3082 days ago
The first time I met my parents in law it did not go terribly well. I understood fully that a man who was at that stage worth minus £200,000 was, at 44, materially older than a darling daughter and who had been married before was not exactly an ideal potential son in law. Indian families want their daughters to marry up not to marry a bankrupt bum who is a proven marital failure. I understood.
My mother in law had been trying to arrange for the Mrs to get hooked up with a nice Indian dentist from Plymouth.
3115 days ago
Good news from late last week, the shameless charlatan Darren Winters who has made a fortune peddling bogus and worthless stockmarket training courses for tens of thousands of pounds, and I shall be squaring up in Court in the Grim Northern Welfare Safaris on November 7. Bring it on, I want to see the bitchez in Court.
3173 days ago
I prepare for a celebration lunch with lefties in the grim North. Woe is me. But my mind wanders to what else was happening in 1966? I am really not on the ball today. Then I ask how can we say that investors are protected if fraudster Rob Terry can raise cash for his Knob Park ponzi via crowdfunding? Then I answer the question in today's Daily Mail (a loathsome rag) - in a low interest rate era should you pay off your mortgage?
3195 days ago
A reader says that ahead of bearcast he now gets an advert for bars in Sunderland. Poor fellow. Perhaps he should move from the welfare safaris of the grim North to the hard working South of England? I discuss this and then move onto Nyota Minerals (NYO), Aureus Mining (AUE), Driver Group (DRV), Harvest Minerals (HMI) and - in detail - the piece of excrement that is African Potash (AFPO).
3291 days ago
The BBC's Question Time was from Bradford last night and my heart sank as I looked out an audience comprised largely of fat people who pretty ssoon showed that they were also - almost to a person - just plain stupid. It was all too predictable what followed as a questionner asked whether George Osborne's pre-election talk about a Northern Powerhouse was just vote grabbing waffle.
A silly Labour MP said how some Government department had just been moved from Sheffield to the South and asked how this would help the Northern Powerhouse. The audience lapped it up. Shuffling desks in the great State apparatus has nothing to do with creating wealth and prosperity but that was a point no-one in the room seemed to appreciate.
A woman in the audience who appeared to have an almost negative IQ and thus boasted that she worked in local Government talked of savage cuts in her employer's budget and austerity and the rest of the audience wet themselves with joy.
The odious careerist Amber Rudd for the Tories talked about investing in trains in Manchester & Liverpool but that seemed only to irk the audience from the other side of the pennines even more. One assumes that Ms Rudd, like myself
3329 days ago
The next interview is with my pal Paul Johnson of Metal Tiger (MTR), He may be from the grim North but don't hold it against him...
3425 days ago
The countdown to Corrie live is underway. If you wish to understand what life is really like in the muder and drug dealing infested sexual hothouse that is the Grim Northern welfare safari tune in tonight. How can I compete with that in a podcast? But I do my best discussing Golden Saint Resources (GSR), JQW (JQW), Vmoto (VMT), Wandisco (WAND), Publishing Tech (PTO), Daniel Stewart (DAN) and Plethora (PLE)
3434 days ago
Take two on this podcast as I was rudely interrupted first tme around by someone from the Grim Northern post industrial welfare safaris making his day's calls before sitting down to watch the Jeremy Kyle show. On today's show I look at Eden Research (EDEN), Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN), Daniel Stewart (DAN), Globo (GBO), Sareum (SAR), Tern (TERN), Hydrogen (HYDG) and Golden Saint Resources (GSR). Trivia question of the day: which THREE of those companies have NOT sent me a lawyers letter or reported me to the rozzers?
3434 days ago
As you know I try to gain a real cultural understanding of life in the grim Northern post-industrial welfare safaris by watching Corrie. But even after this crash course I am still sometimes at a loss.
3748 days ago
Plastics Capital (PLA) has announced a, conditional on 20th November General Meeting approval, £5 million placing at 98p per share to help fund a prospective £9.82 million, and up to £10.64 million, acquisition of a business from the Grim North. we guess that this shows that not everyone living north of Kenilworth lives off welfare. You learn something new every day.
3753 days ago
One of the more surprising tweets I received last week was from a lady in the grim north called Kate (@modelsforkate) who had for some time been a self-confessed Quindell (QPP) shareholder and did not like what I was writing so took nearly all her clothes off in protest and send out a tweet inviting me to “kiss her ass”. Whatever. It has subsequently emerged that Kate’s enthusiasm for Quenron might be influenced by the fact that she earns fat fees sending clients to its ambulance chasing whiplash and industrial deafness centres. But let’s still give Kate a platform. As such I bring you her selfie and invite you to post suitable captions below. Deadline midnight tonight?
For what it is worth my entries are:
“facing yet another margin call one Quenron shareholder is forced to pawn her entire wardrobe”
“How do you like my new clothes, this is the ball dress and is called the 2+2 can =5 empress range”
“One of the better lookers of the thousands of folk who have been screwed by Rob Terry”
Over to you, let rip in the comments section below.
3883 days ago
Oh dear, Oh dear. It seems as if the ASOS (ASC) warehouse, somewhere in the Grim North went up in smoke on Friday evening. The UK website has stopped taking orders but says that it will resume operations within the next day or so. Ok so what about the share price then?
3938 days ago
In the end the Mrs could bear it no longer and left a day early to secure the release from cat prison of her two “puddings” Tara and Oakley. For the last five days of the holiday it was “only four days to the puddings” and only “three days and 16 hours” to go.
Every time we ate in a restaurant and were inevitably surrounded by a bunch of scrawny Greek cats we would both throw them bits of food to ease the guilt of confining Tata and Oakley to cat prison. “Should we order an extra portion of whitebait just for the cats” we asked ourselves.
And so at ten am the doors will open at the cat prison. The Mrs will, having arrived back in Bristol at 1.30 AM, having been waiting impatiently outside for quite some time. The reunion will be joyful. I am expecting – and am happy to pay – a huge roaming phone bill – as text images of Tara and Oakley are sent over this morning. By 10.30 the cats will be back home, being pampered with treats and sitting with the Mrs as she catches up on two weeks of Coronation Street.
Did I mention that the Mrs is hooked on The Street? I really do not understand it at all. I guess it is something for those from the Grim North only.
4027 days ago
Of course Oakley will always be Oakley and later this week we look forward to the installation of a dog flap which allow the obese but adorable creature to venture outside without us opening a door. Currently he can get no more than his head through the cat flap.
The Mrs has fallen in love with Oakley and has started calling him “Darling”. That used to be my name! As an alternative she is calling him “Pudding” which given that she is from the Grim North must be a reference to something that comes in a large portion and is very thick.
My own recently coined nickname is “Benefits Street” on the basis that Oakley spends the whole day in bed, will occasionally do a mess on the carpet because he thinks he has rights without responsibilities, while now and again popping downstairs to demand an extra-large hand-out from the Food Bank.
4359 days ago
64 days ago I wrote of my visit, no pilgrimage, to Grantham, the birthplace of Margaret Thatcher, the most remarkable Prime Minister of the last century, if not of all times. Grantham is an unremarkable little town and it is Thatcher that is the only reason to put it on the map. Yet there is no statue to this great woman in the town and that is something Labour councillors wished to rectify. Yes, you read that correctly. Well done the people’s party.
Yet when it came to the vote on a Tory run council not one conservative voted in favour of the idea. Are they ashamed to honour the greatest leader of their party and the most famous person from their town? Do they not appreciate the economic advantages of talking up Thatcher town in terms of attracting increased visitors? Or are they Call Me Dave Tories who would rather spend the cash on a statue of Tony Blair or a new centre for hosting civil partnerships/helping Romanian immigrants claim benefits/windmill on the town hall roof?
If you find yourself in the Grim North and wish to visit Grantham you too can – as I did nine weeks ago – stand outside the small corner shop where Lady Thatcher was born and grew up, with just one small plaque on the wall to note this fact. And if you see a local Tory councillor while you are there remember to kick his stick away and tell him why he is a total scumbag.
4423 days ago
I find myself temporarily in the Grim North. The folks here all seem to have shoes, I have not yet been mugged and although it is a Sunday there seem to be plenty of folk off to work and Church. I have yet to see a whippet. It is all rather surprisingly ungrim.
But I cannot stay here long in case I catch the welfare addiction so I shall be heading back South soon. But before I go, since I am within ten miles of Grantham I feel I should pay a brief visit to the birthplace of the last Conservative PM Britain enjoyed. I hope to post a photo report later.