Hertford College

507 days ago

A Modest Proposal for Wales to save its NHS far more than £92 million with some new speed laws

I am delighted to say that signs warning of new 20 miles per hour speed limits as you enter Wrexham have already been vandalised. Our dear leader here in Wales Mr. Mark Drakefrd is not one to allow hard data to get in the way of his desire for more meddlesome and pointless Government as we saw numerous times in the scamdemic.  Drakeford makes two big claims for the new limit.


781 days ago

Christmas & Pride Month in Brighton: This is all to do with Offence

My old Oxford College sent me an email just before Christmas wishing me happy holidays, festive break etc. It did not mention Christmas which, adopting the vernacular of the age, I told Hertford, caused me great offence. I pointed out that they may be Godless liberals but the reason they got time off work at this time of year was because it was Christmas, the time when many of us celebrate the birth of the Lord.


1430 days ago

Questions for Hertford College’s woke Principal about the dirty oiks and other matters

The last time I mentioned my old college was noting how it was hoisting a lecture in which my fellow alumnus, Carole Cadwalladr, spelt out “the degradation of British journalism”. No sniggering at the back please! So what if her entire career penning fake news on Brexit, Trump, Russia etc has been shown to be based on a pack of porkies? Carole writes for the Guardian so that is all that matters.


1479 days ago

Will Hutton & Hertford College vs The Information Commissioner re the fantasist Carole Cadwalladr

The BBC and the mainstream media are not reporting it but today the Information Commissioner gave testimony to the House of Commons DCMS Select Committee which demonstrates the true degradation of British Journalism. This reminds me of a talk last Autumn at, my alma mater, Hertford College Oxford.


1553 days ago

Equality Week at Hertford College Oxford – celebrating how the daughter and granddaughter of Lords has made it big

My old college is celebrating “Equalities Week” with a panel of BAME high achievers and a panel of four female graduates who have made it big.  The event is a demonstration of how the woke elites view equality and why they are so out of touch with the grim reality of life for those who really could do with a dose of equality, that is to say the poor.


1599 days ago

Photo Article: All it needs for evil to triumph is for good men to say nothing - Covid lockdown

I do not consent to the liberty and economy destroying policies of this Government given that they are based on no science at all. With a hat tip to the person from Hertford College with whom I communicate most often these days, the wonderful Elaine, I have downloaded the two A4 posters below from this HERE.  Natch’ the Mrs will not allow me to put them up in the house but they can and will go in my battered old car.


2685 days ago

A gobshite Dublin taxi driver explains African famine to a descendent of a wicked Donegal squire

170 years ago my Church of Ireland forebears were sitting happily at Edenmoor, a country house in Donegal with bellies full while in the fields outside the poor catholics starved. Actually Donegal got off relatively lightly with its population falling by less than 20%. In Clare or Mayo the events of the Irish famine were truly terrible. A million Irish folks died and the same number emigrated. There is little doubt that British Corn Laws and the exploitative nature of the Landlord tenant relationship added to the woes of the potato blight. We Brits & the Cochranes of Ballybofey and their ilk have a good deal to answer for.


3113 days ago

The Isle of Wight chavs & educational failure: A Modest Proposal

I noted yesterday the persecution of Ofsted boss David Hoare for making a number of factually verifiable statements about the inbred chav community of the Isle of Wight and their propensity to crime, poor educational results and poverty. The old fool should have known better than to tell the truth and use empirical data in Airstrip One these days. It is far simpler to blame everything on global warming, the wicked Tories, Maggie Thatcher, Brexit or racism. Naturally my defence of Mr Hoare has already seen one chav from across the Solent send me a semi literate tweet and that prompts me to come up with "A Modest Proposal."
