Inspector Morse

696 days ago

The last Endeavour was awful – I’m so thankful it is all over

I have watched every episode of Inspector Morse, Lewis (the sequel) and Endeavour ( the prequel). Many episodes I have watched many times.  It is fair to say that I am a fan but after a quite appalling last ever Endeavour, I now welcome the end. Morse is left hanging as a Sergeant in 1972 with a 15 year gap until he comes back to Oxford after a spell in the Met in 1987.


2739 days ago

Just knackered - but the reason I could never utterly quit journalism

If you do not follow my financial writings you will not be aware of the Telit PLC scandal which I broke yesterday. This is a big high profile stockmarket listed company and what I revealed HERE was just amazing. Jaw dropping. The shares have duly crashed. 


3277 days ago

A Man aquainted with lost causes explains why Alba is a stonking sell

For those not familiar with the City of Inspector Morse. Oxford is known as the City of lost causes. Wadham College is within the university a bastion of the left and has always been active in promoting lefty causes and a Wadhamite, which conveniently ryhmes with sodomite, is someone who attends this loathsome institution and thus knows all about lost causes.  That brings me to Alba Minerals (ALBA) - a reader posting as Wadhamite posts on this website:


3968 days ago

Endeavour is back – the highlight of the weekend beckons

Is it criminal to say that of Endeavour, Morse and Lewis I am perhaps the biggest fan of the young Morse? Perhaps it is because I have all the Morse and Lewis episodes on DVD and also torture the Mrs by watching them whenever I can on ITV 3 so Endeavour is just that bit fresher?

Perhaps it is because the relationship between Endeavour and Fred Thursday is just so different to the Morse/Lewis and the Lewis/Hathaway pairings? That is no to say that they were not wonderful contrasts and watching the last ever Morse (again) the other week was still very moving. Maybe it is the setting in the early sixties, a period I do not know that is so appealing?

Whatever the reason, the highlight of the weekend looms. For two hours I shall be away from my PC, not thinking about the UK Investor Show next Saturday or the holiday to Greece that follows. Today is Endeavour day as the new series begins.


4631 days ago

A Visit to the Pitt Rivers Museum –going home to Oxford

It seems as if my cats and I are going to relocate to Oxford. It is the City of my birth and I grew up in a series of villages within 40 miles of here and went to University here so I know the area well. And now I am back here. There are worse places. Cambridge obviously springs to mind. And so on this cold bank holiday a family trip was organised to the Pitt Rivers Museum.
