Jack Dromey

2708 days ago

Jacob Rees Mogg views me as a murderer but he is not a deadbeat dad and his abhorrent views disqualify him from nothing

I see that my Oxford Contemporary Jacob Rees Mogg is under intense fire from the liberal left, notably for his views on homosexuality, abortion and because he has never changed a nappie. A woman who once campaigned to lower the age of consent to 14, that is to say the niece of Lord Longford, woman of the people Harriet Harman reckons the nappie offence makes Jacob a deadbeat dad.


4000 days ago

Harriet Harman, Patricia Hewitt, the Peadophiles, the Tory Minister, the Daily Mail and the “smears”

Harriet Harman, her husband Jack Dromey given a safe Labour sat on an all women shortlist, and Patricia Hewitt are the sort of ghastly career politician, New Labour figures who one cannot help but despise. The six day campaign by the Daily Mail to link them to those campaigning for organised paedophilia has thus found many on the right salivating and scenting blood. I am not so sure I want to join in this vengefest. And I note that many of the allegations made were known a long time ago. Much of this is not newsbreaking but instead an organised campaign.

In the 1970s the three ghastly New Labourites worked for the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL), the organisation now known as Liberty in senior roles. The NCCL had more than 1,000 affiliated groups who were clearly not vetted terribly carefully. Among them was the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) which wanted the law to be changed to allow adults to have sex with kids and many of whose leading lights have since been exposed and imprisoned as sickening nonces.

Harman clearly put her name to one or two documents from the NCCL pushing for changes in the law on, for instance, child pornography, which of one looks at them today are frankly disgusting.

Harman has after six days expressed “regrets” over certain matters but she has not issued an outright apology. She has in a very New Labour way bashed the Mail for stating things it did not actually say and thus claimed this is a “smear campaign.”

Hewitt has said nothing. The Daily Mail continues to push. The new media right


4073 days ago

I feel sorry for Harriet Harman’s husband on two counts & David Morris MP (Con) is a prize tool

Jack Dromey MP is a bit of a loathsome turd.  A career Union official (i.e. overpaid pen pusher rather than actual worker) he is married to Harriet Harman who led the drive to get all women shortlists for safe Labour seats. And then her husband found himself selected for such a seat. But today I feel myself feeling very sorry for poor Mr Dromey on two counts.

First up the poor chap visited a post office where he met a fellow whose nickname is “pikey” prompting Dromey to tweet a picture of him and Pikey saying he was with a Pikey from the Post Office.

Had he been with a fellow whose nickname was “plonker” he would have tweeted he was with a “plonker from the Post Office”. But immediately the anti-racist stormtroopers assumed this was a comment about Irish gypsies. Since 2007 it has been a prosecutable offence to refer to these folk as Pikies.

It clearly was not and Mr Dromey has – on this occasion – done nothing wrong. I expect leftie rabble rousers to kick up a fuss. What fills me with despair as this a leading Tory MP and pal of Call Me Dave , Mr David Morris has now asked the Old Bill to investigate poor Dromey for incitement to racial hatred. What a prize tool.
