Jew hating

390 days ago

Urging folks to “bake a jew” with an Auschwitz picture does not breach twitter/X Rules – Elon Musk are you mad? Do your employees hate Jews?

I sent the image below to twitter/ X’s safety team this morning. Anyone can see that it is the most offensive antisemitism going. Twitter’s rules against hate  suggest it will act on tweets on the grounds of hate if they contain: “Slurs, Racist or sexist stereotypes, Dehumanization, Incitement of fear or discrimination, Hateful references, Hateful symbols & logos”

Well references to baking Jews with a picture of Auschwitz fits the bill.


420 days ago

James Lambie cancels his subscription with a blood libel against the Jewish state

Another day comes and another chap has cancelled his subscription to Shareprophets, the finamcial, fraud busting website I run. He does so with a blood libel against the Jewish state of Israel. My reply telling him his soul will burn in hell was headed “good riddance”. I’d feel dirty taking money from such vermin. Lambie writes:


448 days ago

Now that the Metropolitan Police says Hamas Bulldozer imagery a crime – will Lancaster University fire Simon Mabon?

As of today, the apologists for anti-semitism who run Lancaster University are still refusing to take action against Professor Simon Mabon. They have accepted his palpably untrue excuses for tweets sent out on October 8 in which he labelled those responsible for the October 7 slaughter of 1400 Jews, the worst pogrom since World War Two as folks engaged in “an act of resistance” and which contained in image of a bulldozer with a Palestine flag taking down a large fence. As I explained in detail HERE that image was created after the 7 October pogrom and specifically referred to it. Anyone tweeting it out on October 8 as the world’s media reported nothing else must have known what it meant. However…


458 days ago

BBC darling Ash Sarkar has to tell an outright lie to smear Israel yet again

Novara Media is a nest of jew hating communists and its star reporter is Ash Sarkar who seems to have a season ticket to appear on the BBC, right now to smear Israel. That she has to resort to lies says a lot about her. In the tweet below Ash insists that former Israeli ambassador Dan Gillerman says that Palestinians are“inhuman human animals.” Now watch the video which Ash attaches and you will see that this is not what he actually said at all.


461 days ago

ITV platforms Jew hating Hamas cheerleader Latifa Abouchakra as a victim of Islamaphobia - she should be arrested!

For once I am not taking the BBC to task for its atrocious and one sided coverage of events in Israel and Gaza. It is ITV that now needs to be taken to task. Watch the video below, it is horrific.


571 days ago

Reasons to defund the BBC Number 345 - more Jew hating you pay for with your license fee

The Board of Deputies has already complained about this interview between BBC reporter Anjana Gadgil and formmer Israeli PM Naftali Bennett. The transcript is below and should be a sacking offence for Gadgil. Of course it will not be for the BBC is the media outlet who brought us Tala Halawa who said that Hitler was right about the Jews. It knows whose side it is on…


577 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Tingo supporters play the Jew hating card at Hindenburg & where have Bidstack's followers all gone as Tern tells a porky

Thanks to all who have donated to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. With six days to go we are now, all in at heading for £17,000. Thanks to all who are helping a great cause but there is still time to donate HERE. Then I look at Tingo (TIO:US) and this filthy material HERE from the Nigerian Guardian, at Tern (TERN), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), death spirals and at Bidstack (BIDS) which has STILL not published its numbers.


739 days ago

Just why does ADVFN put up with this Jew hating conspiracy theorist & shite investor in Bidstack and other frauds

It is a sign of just how much, to its credit, the largely Jewish board of ADVFN (AFN) really does believe in free speech that it still allows the biggest jew hating nutter out their to pollute its boards. But surely there must be a limit? The post below is from yesterday and concerns Bidstack (BIDS) where aidenabettin is long and wrong and insists that any share price weakness is down to a conspiracy between myself and unnamed Israelis.
The post is below the words in bold type are brief comment from me:


1361 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Mossad Agent – exposed again, drat cover blown!

Natch this is from a Bulletin Board, the ADVFN asylum Bidstack (BIDS) thread and the TW/Jew hating aidenabettin in full flow.


1491 days ago

Jew hating Labour “Lord” Nazir Ahmed commits blood libel against Israel with fake news and photos on twitter and folks lap it up

He was made a Lord by Tony Blair but is one of the few Jew haters with whom Labour has actually parted company. He is not actually a member of the house of Lords any more having been booted out of the chamber last month because of a spot of bother with rape and sexual assault allegations. There are also a couple of child rape charges outstanding.  He has form as a Jew hater claiming that when he was convicted of killing someone by dangerous driving in 2013 that was just a Jewish conspiracy. Today he has sent the tweet below which, as I write has been retweeted 253 times and liked 412 times. It is fake news with fake pictures and a blood libel against the Jews.


2189 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The return of Wildes, Roger Lawson and Lucky Lord Lucan

I am plagued today by Bulletin Board Morons reporting me to the FCA, by Roger Lawson and some ungracious comments on fraud busting at Globo (GBO), Quindell (QPP) and Patisserie Holdings (CAKE) and by our former in house Bulletin Board Loon who has returned to really rile me with some vile comments on the holocaust which expose him as the Jew hating vermin that he is - HERE. I comment on Angus Energy (ANGS), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Domino's Pizza (DOM), Feedback (FDBK), Photonstar Led (PSL), Starcom (STAR) and Cabot Energy (CAB) . Footnote, Roger is now planning to run an amendment flagging up that I did advise folks to sell/short Patisserie warning "something's not right". Roger you are a gent.


2231 days ago

The terrorists Christmas party - twitter at its best

Regular readers know that I view Sinn Fein/IRA and Hamas with almost equal disgust. But I see that the Fenians had a Christmas party for their jew hating pals from the Middle East. What followed, as you can see below, is twitter at its best.


2759 days ago

To our shame, being racist in 2017 Britain is acceptable as long as its the Jews you hate: Ebrahim Bham speaks tomorrow

Following on from the "Jews caused Grenfell Tower" Al Quds day march you would have thought that the British Authorities might try to put a temporary ban on public demonstrations of overt Jew hating. Oh no. This form of racism appears to be perfectly acceptable in Britain today. Is it any wonder that across Western Europe Jews are packing up and heading to the one place they feel safe, the only democracy in the Middle East: Israel?


2952 days ago

Great lines for New Year's Eve with the mad lefty friends of the Mrs, Marine Le Pen could be a winner

I have begged for a pass but it seems that I am committed to spend New Year's Eve with the deluded lefty friends of the Mrs, public sector workers the lot of them. The venue is, I think the house where the Mrs attended the 2015 General Election "victory party" which included that classic line "This can't be happening, I don't know anyone who votes Tory". I was almost sorry I missed that one.


3132 days ago

Jeremy Corbyn must be booted out of Labour for comparing Israel to ISIS

There is a report out today into anti semitism in the Labour party and at its launch the, pro tem, leader of the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn made a remark which is simply not acceptable. While he remains a member of the Labour party, let alone, its leader no Jewish person in Britain can surely consider voting Labour. Corbyn stated:

Our Jewish friends are no more responsible for the actions of Israel than Muslims are for Islamic State

So Jeremy "some of my best friends are Jewish...but" Corbyn, I guess your old pal Red Ken Livingstone will be proud of you today.


3178 days ago

Ukraine wins Eurovision, its a bit political so here's what Russia should enter next year

As Ben Elton would say, " a bit political, a bit political." Isn't it sweet the people of Europe sending a message that we don't like Russia and that the Ukranians are all really nice folk? How right the EU was to meddle and ensure that the democratically elected rulers were replaced by a bunch of ultra nationalists supported by, inter alia, large numbers of Jew hating Nazis, which as their first act made Russian speakers second class citizens, thereby provoking an inevitable civil war. Oh, sorry we are not meant to mention the second bit are we. That is the inconvenient truth the twits who rave about last night's Eurovision campfest gloss over.

So I have a song for Russia to enter next year just to put the record straight


3195 days ago

Murder is fine as long as the murderess is a sweet 12 year old and the victims are wicked evil Jews: anti-semitism is the new cool

The loathsome Daily Mail has a new pin up, Gaza born Dima al-Wawi. She looks really sweet and the headline shouts out:

Hugs, tears and the haunted face of a 12-year-old girl broken by jail: The moment the youngest Palestinian to be imprisoned by Israel is freed after being locked up for two months for carrying a knife near a Jewish settlement

Broken by jail. Those wicked fucking Jews how low can they sink? Lock up = Bastards. Those fucking Jews, they are the new Nazis. Oh the knife?

It seems that Dima was not only near a Jewish settlement but actually heading towards it - she was stopped at the gate by a security guard and a local resident who


3195 days ago

The People's Assembly Workshy Bimbo caption Contest Winner

"How can you have a winner?" screamed the new barking mad Jew hating head of the NUS. "Winning is such an elitist concept. I bet you are a white male. Probably a Jew too." And with that she stormed off. But we do have a winner with a caption for the picture below. There were some oustanding entries as you can see HERE (as well as a deranged rant at myself by one loon with a maths problem) but the winner is Santiago with:


3201 days ago

Do most British students hate Jews and back ISIS? Their vile new leader does

Only total losers get involved in the National Union of Students. Your university days should be about sex, drugs, alcohol and a bit of learning, not the NUS. As such it is always a taxpayer fund irrelevancy lead by utter lunatics who are utterly unrepresentitive of 99% of students. But the election of its new leader, the Jew hating, ISIS condoning Malia Bouattia, sees the NUS plunge to new depths. Truly she is vile.

Ms Bouattia


3781 days ago

Quindell Bulletin Board Moron and Jew hating Bigot of the week – CriminalMind aka Daveycaferacer

Posting as Criminalmind on the ShareProphets thread I am sad to see that one Quindell owning moron is not only a total moron but also a prize bigot to boot. It took me about five seconds to find out that the same poster had posted bigotry of a similar vein but under a different name on my personal blog and that as Daveycaferacer he is an active member of the pathetic QPPSAG. Do steamy & his fellow loons condone overt anti-semitism? Will they condemn one of their number for being a Jew hating bigot? 


3958 days ago

Gulf Keystone – the Questions Todd Kozel is too cowardly to answer

At the weekend I challenged Todd Kozel, the grotesquely overpaid CEO of Gulf Keystone (GKP) to record a video interview with me.  His Bulletin Board moron fans reckon that I talk cock and so if they are right Todd would wipe the floor with me. I offered to travel anywhere in the world, except to places where Jew Hating bigots might string me up for having an Israeli stamp on my passport – places like Kurdistan, Iran and parts of Bradford. Todd’s PR man says that he won’t do it. Todd is too cowardly to answer questions such as…. 

The questions Todd should have been asked at the analysts meeting were not asked. Perhaps those who penned bullish notes with daft share prices oh so recently were embarrassed. Perhaps oil analysts these days are just as thick as the oil Gulf pumps out but cannot seem to monetize. Whatever the Bulletin Board Morons might say as a long term Gulf Bear ( the Morons & bigots being bulls) I have no blushes on this one. I have been right so far and remain right. I remain an “out and proud” bear.

So what would I have asked Todd. This is not an exhaustive list but would have fiilled session one of Frost vs. Nixon, Winnifrith vs. Kozel.


3980 days ago

EU to Offer 11 billion Euro in aid to Ukraine – with what ffing cash?

The democratically elected President of Ukraine was a prize rotter but was ousted in a coup. The EU supported that coup because the old guy was not so keen on joining the warm embrace of the EU.

The Ukraine is bankrupt. It is set to default on its debts because a) its bloated Government spends too much, b) it was and probably still is run by crooks.

Large parts of the Ukraine do not want to join the EU. Sadly those large parts are generally the economically viable Russian speaking parts in the East. It is the unviable Western bits that wish to sign up to the joys of the EU. And, having prompted this mess with its meddling, the EU now wishes to send 11 billion Euro off out east. But hang on a sec? The EU has its own deficit. It has only just asked the UK to pony up an extra couple of billion quid to cover that black hole.  Several of its existing members (Greece, Spain, Italy, etc) are themselves bust.

Where is this 11 billion coming from? The bloody Money Tree of course. That is to say taxpayers in the not yet bust EU countries now. And future generations of taxpayers in any EU country that is still solvent in years to come.

Grotesquely overpaid politicians love spending other folk’s cash and the EU serves up the worst offenders in this respect – step forward Cathy Ashton, for example. When will it learn its lesson: a) stop meddling outside the EU, b) sort out your own near-terminal problems before trying to fix those of others?

The EU fostered the coup and now wishes to send your cash to support a regime containing a good sprinkling of Jew hating neo-Nazis.  It should instead be apologising, firing the lead meddlers and allowing Ukraine to go bust and market forces to work their magic.

Which country has done better since it faced bankruptcy Greece or Iceland. The former gets the EU bailouts, the crooks stay in charge and is still bust with its population facing economic Armageddon. The latter went bust, sent the crooks to gaol, reconstructed and is now the fastest growing economy in Europe.

 I guess Ukraine wishes to follow the Greek model.



3983 days ago

Ukraine – My Sympathies are Almost Entirely with Putin & Russia not the meddlers of the West

I doubt that this will be popular but the mess that is the Ukraine today is not the fault of Russia but of liberal leaders in the West who just cannot stop meddling in other folk’s affairs. As for the response of Vladimir Putin and Russia, I have every sympathy with the old tyrant. On this occasion his actions are utterly defensible.

Let’s start with the overthrow of the crooked former President Yanukovych. There is no doubt that he was looting state coffers and was not a very nice man. He was, however, democratically elected. The EU has been trying to get the Ukraine into its orbit with a treaty of co-operation for a couple of years. The President was not helpful. So the West meddles.

The West does not really understand that the Ukraine is not exactly a homogenous block. It should perhaps have looked back to the last War when most Ukrainians fought alongside the Russians but a good number fought either for an Independent Ukraine or actually fought with Germany.  But heck that is history so who cares, the EU marches on.

And so we supported tacitly and indeed verbally those who wished to overthrow the President. Senior EU politicians flocked to Ukraine to offer support. Why? It was none of our god damn business? Look at the speeches of US Politicians such as John Kerry but also the truly abysmal EU Foreign Secretary Baroness Ashton.  As in Syria we back the rebels against an unpleasant regime just assuming that your enemy’s enemy is your best pal. As in Syria we are wrong.

I accept that many of those who protested in Kiev are good folks who would feel at home in a liberal Western democracy. But the hard-core, the ones that held firm against the riot police? Think again. Those hard core are the militant wings of political parties that are now represented in Parliament. Watch some recent interviews. I quote the leader of one of the largest militias (interviewed on the BBC) “We are nationalists, we want a country for Ukrainians…that means without any Russians…or Jews.” These are the folks


4088 days ago

David Ward MP, the Jew Hating bastard the Lib Dems just won’t get rid off

Jew hating MP David Ward (Lib Dem Bradford) is at it again. The man was (eventually) chastised by his party for comparing the Israelis to the Nazis but he remains an MP despite that little outburst. You might have thought the Jew hating scumbag would stay silent but think again.

Ywo weeks ago he opined that he did not think that Israel should be abolished, merely that it should never have been founded. The Lib Dem party leadership said nothing.

And why should they? Heck: Israel is a homeland for the Jews. It is only the frigging Jews after all.

And now for Ward’s latest outburst in which he says that the problems the Roma face in coming to Britain would all be solved if they had a “Board of Deputiies”. Hmmmm. There is of course only only minority group that has a Board of Deputies and we have all read the Protocols of Zion and know that they control the world and can do what they want, don’t we Mr Ward?

Are the Lib Dems jew haters? I think that they may be many things but Jew haters they are not. Mr Ward on the other hand….he seems the sort of chap who would fit in well with the loathsome bigots in the UKIP Friends of Palestine.


4143 days ago

The UKIP Jew haters – It’s time Farage Got a grip

There are many reasons why I cannot give blank cheque support to UKIP although I am a profound Eurosceptic but here’s one for starters: the abject failure of Nigel Farage to purge his party of some pretty obvious Jew hating scumbags. I refer to the UKIP Friends of Palestine, a group with only 30 members but whose pronouncements are just shocking.

This bunch of scumbags last week announced

"The genocide of the Palestinian people by the current Israeli government is no different to the genocide of the Jewish people by Nazi Germany."

On Facebook the Jew haters state:


4226 days ago

Channel 4 supporting Ramadan – who cares? But Can’t we get Graham Norton involved?

Some folk seem upset about Channel 4 running a Daily call to prayer for the 30 days of Ramadan which starts next week. C4 is a private company and can do what it wants.  It has indeed been a pioneer in trying to support those perceived as oppressed minorities and in many cases its work has been laudable, although I think that giving the Jew hating Islamofascist nutjob who runs Iran a Christmas slot opposite the Queen was perhaps a step too far.

But as I say it is a private company it can broadcast what it wants. Since I cannot remember the last time I watched anything it aired anyway, I cannot say that I would be the right person to boycott it in protest. That is if I cared. Which I do not.

But always keen to be helpful it strikes me that this is an ideal opportunity to perhaps foster greater understanding between oppressed minority groups and so drive forward the struggle for a more tolerant and understanding society.

There are some folk out there who have suggested that some elements of the Islamic community are not terribly supportive of the gay rights movement and the campaing for homosexual equality. Notwithstanding pictures of gay men swinging from cranes in Iran, Egypt and Gaza and the wave of gay bashing seen in parts of East London in the name of Islam, I am sure that this is all a big misunderstanding.

And as such, to drive this point home, following his outstanding work in covering the Eurovision Song Contest might I suggest that C4 recruits Mr Graham Norton to lead the call to prayer each day? If he is unavailable Mr Dale Winton used to be a very sympathetic host of Supermarket Sweep and perhaps he is a man to get the backing of the wider Moslem community.

Tolerance, brotherly love, etc…bring it on.
